View Full Version : Jet Airways Europe base

13th Aug 2006, 18:21
Jet Airways of India is recruiting crew that will be based in Europe.
What a great opportunity to work from home !
Anyone who has knowledge of the T&C ?

14th Aug 2006, 08:33
Same question !!:ok:

14th Aug 2006, 09:25
As far as I know this is for A340 only, you have to be typed and experienced. Base is mainly London. You might want to contact the usual suspected contractor companies.

Good luck,

Ramboflyer 1
14th Aug 2006, 22:40
Heard the Cash is big.............

15th Aug 2006, 08:11
Who would the best contract company be to work through, Parc?

15th Aug 2006, 08:12
Can't surely be beig enough for London - with its hillarious costs of living there - plus say: "hello, I'm back.." to the UK-Tax revenue oficers !:ugh:

16th Aug 2006, 18:16
Be aware of a german guy called WB and his bulldog GR!! These guys are well kown in Italy(Volare), Germany (LTU),and Abu Dhabi (Etihad). I cannot understand why the indian collegues hired them??

16th Aug 2006, 21:37
Right now Jet has placed an ad directly on the Flight International website.There is no need to go through the contract companies .
The issue is they did not give enough information regarding the T & C.
Indian friends : Namaste ! Please help !

Check 'Six'
17th Aug 2006, 07:19
Just received the contract from Rishworth;

12,500 TRE
12,000 TRI
11,000 Line Captain. All in USD

You will be based in India and only a limited number of basings will become available in Europe. Once this happens?? You will be able to bid.

Your current licence will be validated by the Indian Authorities, and your current licence must be maintained current by yourself.

130 US night stop allowance.
150 US an hour after 80 hrs, overtime.

2 bedroom apartment in India and transport provided.

Hope this helps chaps!

Check Six.

17th Aug 2006, 13:02
Thanks for that.
And if anyone would pass the numbers for F/O Positions on longhaul would be very nice...


17th Aug 2006, 14:08
Shouldnt this be in some other forum, especially Far East and South Asia, a south asian carrier being discussed in a middle east forum related to some European subject matter:=

17th Aug 2006, 15:25
Rishworth might be saying “limited number of basings will become available in Europe” but Flight International clearly advertises European base. Anyone knows more about? European base for sure or not? Thanks for your replies and PMs to me.

17th Aug 2006, 19:11
Don't EVER believe in just ANYTHING those notorious LIARS like the ones of Mr. ex-LTU, Ex Etihad WB (which has been sacked with just 6 hrs. notice to leave the country/UAE!!) might ever promise You!!

Just believe in what You have ín WRITTEN form in the contract - as this (and ONLY that!) can be enforced by law!

You've been warned !!:confused: