View Full Version : Help Malaysian ATPL

12th Aug 2006, 07:04
Hello, does anybody is willing to share the question bank or sample questions for the Malaysian ATPL exams?.
Please help me out, thank you.

14th Aug 2006, 04:11
Over 100 views and nobody can help?, the schools in Malaysia are full of students... I just need some sample questions.

Please help your fellow Malaysian pilot.

16th Aug 2006, 04:42
Suggest a carrot........... a small payment perhaps!!!

16th Aug 2006, 11:33
Right, let's try with some incentives: Large compensation to the lucky ones will be provided... and a job offer...

Please PM me.

17th Aug 2006, 08:07
which flying school you in now or you are doing convertion?why need the question bank?i have some but is about 1 1/2year ago question bank,for latest question bank,you may need to enquire from the fresh grads from flying school..

17th Aug 2006, 08:29
Im not in any school because everybody is fully booked.
I tried to contact the fresh grads and nobody is willing to share :yuk:
Anybody is willing to share is welcome... THANK YOU

20th Aug 2006, 06:09
UK CAA CA6 paper...