View Full Version : F111 wheel lock pin

8th Aug 2006, 03:26
I was wondering whilst reading a press report on the wheels up incident at Amberley:- how do you manage to install the wheel axle nut lock pin "the wrong way". According to other press reports the same defect was found on 2 or 3 other aircraft in the fleet. A sketch of the pin detail (or better still a photo)would help. :confused:
white with age

12th Aug 2006, 04:04
The main problem here is that - The Australian Air Force is sadly lacking in competant engineers.
A long time ago there was a good structured rank system that allowed experienced and knowledgeable guys to gain higher rank, i.e. from a low life LAC to Corporal, then from Corporal to Seargent, and up. You had to earn you rank.
The system worked well, but around the late 80's the smart ones at the top, decided to make all the low life LAC's happy by changing the rank structure system and enabling them to become Corporals at the drop of a hat (more money).
The drawback here was that everyone was now a Corporal and no one wanted to do the work. The problem has been growing year by year, and to top it off all the good old hands have gotten fed up with all the bull**** and left.
Hence the big bite on the bum.
And for detailed information on the job involved - Firstly an LAC (if there were any around that weren't promoted to Corporal already) would do the job supervised by a Corporal.
The Corporal or another would then independantly inspect and sign for the work.
After that a Seargent would then inspect and sign for the work.
You tell me, 3 people were involved in getting it wrong, and as stated another 3 wheels were found exactly the same the next day on a fleet check.
Scary stuff. :rolleyes:

14th Aug 2006, 07:18

I am aware of the RAAF'S ground engineering situation - it was already happening when I left the force in 1972. But I was only a "dumb sumpie LAC" back then, and I have moved on 30+ years, learning all the while & still asking questions like the one: what is SO special about a pin that it can be installed "the wrong way"? All of the aircraft I worked on had simple cotter pins (split pins) and one leg would be bent into the hollow axle,with other bent across the nut.
