View Full Version : Sharing sim in FRA

7th Aug 2006, 19:49
Just wondering if anyone is interested in sharing a 747-200 sim hour in FRA. Feel free to pm me for details.

By the way, how beneficial would you gents rate a sim session before the sim check for Final Interview. Does it depend on oneīs background e.g. jet vs prop? Is the sim really stable or a bitch to fly?

Round gauges
9th Aug 2006, 04:19
Hi Wondering,
With regard to having a sim session before a final evaulation,it can be of some benefit,depending on what you are going to do in the session.
Generally, a checkride will consist of an SID, steep turn(s),clean stall,an engine-out approach,missed approach and landing.
I take it that you will be using Lufthansa's sim in Fra?If so,the sim is fine to fly,getting a bit old in the tooth -analogue to digital,back to analogue signals,so there is a slight delay or lag in control movements - change,check and hold!
Good rule of thumb for that particular sim is,75% N1 for four engines and 85% N1 on three engines - also,keep the ball centred.
Hope that this is of some benefit -I did my recurrent training in it last week and the sim was fine.Good luck.

9th Aug 2006, 09:20
I found the sim practice I did (1 hour in the B747-200 at CYXX) very helpful, but I know many others have chosen not to rent any sim time and have earned the CX job anyway.
Depends on you, and your previous experience.
For me, having never flown any jets or anything heavy, I was looking for just a basic feel for momentum, speed, force of control inputs, etc.
Doing the sim practice also increased my confidence that I could handle this machine reasonably well...
But it's up to you.

9th Aug 2006, 09:49
Thanks for the replies. Since I am used to flying a glass cockpit, I am a bit concerned about flying steam gauges in the sim. Havenīt seen any in a very long time ;). I reckon speed and acceleration are somewhat similar for most jets. That shouldnīt be a problem. At least I got my old MFS running again to get a feel for round dials :)