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21st Sep 2006, 02:14
Airbridges and covered walkways are not going to be installed in the forseeable future. In any case, as the airport has been in operation for over forty years and this year will see a record number of passengers using the facility, it is hard to see how the absence of airbridges has affected its performance.
A number of airports are abandoning the use of airbridges to cater for the LoCo airlines e.g. Pier A at Dublin where FR and increasingly EI base their operations and Pier H at AMS. In most cases the walk from the terminal to the plane is the same distance as that in ORK.

N by N - I have said it before and I will say it again - I don't neccessairly need airbridges to get onto the plane, but at the very least I expect to be able to board a flight DRY. We have this spanking new facility and it has done absolutely nothing to address passengers pricipal complaint, namely that of boarding a flight without getting drenched (and it seems to rain alot at Cork).
Secondly, I regularly walk to distant stands (esp for the AerArann flights to Dublin) and whilst I don't object to walking, I do object to a lenghty walk in the wind and rain with absolutley no protection from the elements (and many pax at ORK are travelling onwards so have no change of clothes for the duration of their journey). So while the CAA will argue it is the airlines responsibility and the airlines say it is the CAA responsibilty, the pax continue to pay airport charges, fees, exorbitant parking charges, overpriced food....and still get pissed on!

21st Sep 2006, 17:11
If you manage to spend almost €200M on a new terminal, car parks and roads - you would think that perhaps a manager would have spent a day walking around the airport terminal and grounds and making sure that it looked the part. This has clearly not been the case.
The Car Parks in Cork Airport are not finished. There are bits of rubbish, building materials, bollards, and temporary signage all over the place. Some lights are not working, barriers are blocking access, one lifts in the short term car park has been out of order since it opened and another doesn't look like it's even been installed. The pay points are not all in working condition and some parts of the place look like they haven't been cleaned since it opened.
There is a portacabin stuck next to the short term car park and and empty office in the car park being used as a store.
These are small items that detract from what should be a really good facility. They don't cost anything much to fix but left unresolved create a poor first impression.
The terminal itself is fairly well laid out and does look like a 21st century airport (barring the problems and issues with the airbridges). But we've settled for an expensive nearly finshed airport project - minus the new tower, minus the walkway to the old terminal, minus 3 airbridges.
And how do we advertise this new facility - With a poor website redesign (compared to DUB & SNN) and radio advertising proclaming that it is now harder for a child to get lost in the new terminal !!
One wonders if the same professionalism is being applied to route development and retention ....
I would be happy if somebody could tell me that I'm wrong !

22nd Sep 2006, 17:36
charlie roy

the choice of LDY-PIK may have to do with flight time - that they can squeeze in a quickie to Derry but routing to Cork would exceed the available time freed up on the rotation.

Charlie Roy
22nd Sep 2006, 18:59

Ya, PIK-LDY is a really short sector alright! I'm wondering is it Ryanair's shortest route ever?
However, Prestwick to Eindhoven was cancelled and then in place of that service, this Derry service was launched. Eindhoven and Cork are similar flying distances from Prestwick, so it could have worked :(

Anyway, at the end of the day, I don't begrudge Derry this new route, and I'm happy for them ;)

28th Sep 2006, 15:17
hmm....this place has been quiet for a while...

News that Scheduled services from Cork-Gibraltar will start in march.

God, last week the A380 was planning to come to Cork and film Approaches because it can not land in Cork (i hope yee all knew that).
Would have been great. It came to Shannon yesterday.

They get all the action.

Keep Posting,

28th Sep 2006, 16:19
Fanatic.... To shoot approaches means to attempt an approach but then not continue with it (not to film it). Doubt they would have done them though to be honest, It's only wee ole cork :O

28th Sep 2006, 17:39
The Cork runway is the same width as Shannon so the A380 should be capable of landing there unless the length at Cork is the issue. The turning circle at the 35 end was widened two years ago.

28th Sep 2006, 19:53
No actually hafez, Airbus were going to film the A380 landing in the horible weather at Cork.
See Airbus website.

Cant post link because I've alreday got two warnings from the mods.
Go to press releases.

And ryan2000. I think the length of the cork runway is too short.
Wish it was longer. I know, I know we dont need an extension!

Any experts no the minimum landing length for the A380?

Rallye EI-BFP
29th Sep 2006, 22:32

No trace of Cork Airport on Airbus website.

Minimums about 2800m (thats streching it though!)

30th Sep 2006, 10:44
Hmm I definitly saw it, they must have removed it because they actually didn't film the approaches.

Yeah knew the A380 couldn't land in EICK.
Thanks for the info Rallye EI-BFP

30th Sep 2006, 12:37
At the rate we're going Cork won't have a runway of that length untill A380's are resting in the Arizona Desert fields.

30th Sep 2006, 13:32
Your spot on! At least we can say a couple B747's have visited Eick!

Anyway if we had the runway, we don't have the room for the A380 to park!
We would have to build a small terminal or the old terminal could be converted into a dedicated A380 terminal. Maybe, the side of the old terminal has enough space!

30th Sep 2006, 20:51
Ehhh Fanatic,

You can't film something if you can't see it.