View Full Version : Three engine ferry.

26th Jul 2006, 21:00
Some time ago there was a thread on a 747(?) which was being flown with 'seat belts' strapping the fan of one engine. Lots of mirth! Turns out it was a three engine ferry using Boeing procedures - and straps. Anyone got a link to the thread? Thanks.

26th Jul 2006, 21:27
Is this it? (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=164565&highlight=seat+belts+fan+ferry)

26th Jul 2006, 21:37
Thanks barit - but that's not it. It was a badly damaged fan which had been secured for the ferry. Someone took a photograph, claiming it was a scheduled flight, and it became an overnight urban myth. A friend brought a copy of Tech Log into the pub tonight and they've re-printed it - as real :{ :{ :{

19th Aug 2006, 04:11
Just from personal interest, is there any comparable fairing cover kit for the 727 to perform a twin engined ferry ?

An airline I worked for many moons ago did a three engined ferry with a Carvair ZK-NWB and with the no.1 prop feathered.

19th Aug 2006, 05:48
forget...think you maybe talking of the China Southern 747? maybe...will try to find the thread and post....
as a side note...spent a year as a JAL instructor in the 747 programme(Iasco)...JAL used to(maybe still do)....pod an engine,ferry it.on a pod inside of the #1 engine.....that was until they lost several of them :ugh: :} :{ :D

nitro rig driver
19th Aug 2006, 09:31
I'm not surprised if they lost the 5th podded eng if mounted out by #1 engine.
the 5th pod mounts (if fitted) are between #2 eng and fuse.