View Full Version : OCI - INDIA

23rd Jul 2006, 00:04
Hello people
Do persons holding an OCI card get jobs in all airlines in India.Any restrictions?Also how is DGCA looking at OCI cardholders, as far as license conversion etc.
Thanks in advance

23rd Jul 2006, 15:50
Well anyone ? I heard some talk in the past about that.Would appreciate if someone would shed some light on it.

23rd Jul 2006, 17:10
frankly havent met anyone at my airline with an OCI , so dunno but if the govt says an OCI holder has full employment rights as an indian national, dont see the problem....:ok:

23rd Jul 2006, 17:15
The Word of God or the Holy Bible describes heaven as a beautiful place with no death, sickness, sorrow or pain. (Revelation 21:3-4)
Many people wrongly think that being a good person is all that is required for them to go to heaven.
The Word of God says "If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)
Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, Israel about 2000 years ago and lived a sinless life for 33 years. He was beaten, crowned with thorns, nailed to a cross and then he died and was buried.
Three days later God raised him from the dead proving that he was who he claimed to be, the Son of God.
This historical event was witnessed by many people before Jesus Christ went back to heaven. (Acts 13:30-32)
If you would like God to forgive you so that you will go to heaven when you die just say a meaningful prayer like the one below and God will hear you and save you:
Dear Jesus Christ, I want to make you my personal Lord and Savior right now. Please forgive me of all my sins or things that I have done wrong in my life. I believe you are Lord and that God raised you from the dead. I thank-you for shedding your sinless blood and dying on the cross for my sins so that I can have a home in heaven. Amen.
If you just now made Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Savior welcome to the family of God because now you are a Christian.
Now that you are saved you should strive to live a Godly life because now you represent Jesus Christ.
You should also find a church to attend on Sundays and if they say that you need to do more to go to heaven than what you have already done then leave and find a real Christian church in your area if possible.
http://www.JesusChrist.com - This is an excellent website.

Have a good day!
[email protected] << my e-mail address

Show this to all your friends and family so they can have a chance to be saved from going to hell when they die.
Some of them may dislike you for showing this to them but at least you cared enough about them to try and show them how to be saved.
If you have a printer you may print as many copies of this message as you want to print.



23rd Jul 2006, 18:20
Hi Ron
here is a web site that will clear all your misunderstandings about jesus



23rd Jul 2006, 23:26
RIGHT ON FREIGHT PUPPY!!!Teaches him not to post all that to this thread
JAI HIND again !!

24th Jul 2006, 05:42
i have few e-books... Quran.PDF Bible.doc buddhism.txt and ramayana.doc
How do i upload them?!?!

Jokes apart//

Read somewhere that private airlines are hiring OCIs.. no firsthand info though

27th Jul 2006, 21:00
Getting back to the initial topic.. OCI... anyone have idea or not!?? Is it posted anywhere that OCI holders are entitled to work as pilots in India..!?? I cant seem to find anything.. HELP... !!!!

Ron33m.. Hate to tell you .. this is the Pilots website not the preachers... :rolleyes:

Burn'em and Turn'em
28th Jul 2006, 05:16
I'd like to know the answer on that too. I'm getting ready to take my OCI paperwork to the consulate, hoping to do it sometime next week and will ask someone there when I go. Better to hear it from the horse's mouth as they say :) Even then I'm sure they'd find a way to stick it to ya somehow.

29th Jul 2006, 13:36
Check out www.indianpilots.com in their General Talk forum ("Can I work in India")

There is some good info on working as an OCI


2nd Aug 2006, 12:36
Am waiting for info about working with an OCI in India, from one of the companies.. hopefully have it this week.. Will inform as soon as i know something ..

2nd Aug 2006, 14:04
As far as i'm aware, you do need an OCI. This was told to me by the VP OPS of 2 airlines. I've already got a PIO card & when I went to the High Commision of India in my country, the guy there said that airlines in India had been given some sort of directive that NRI's need to be OCI'd. I should be getting mine any day now. I will keep you informed if anything changes.


3rd Aug 2006, 13:47
****, Ron
Get a life, bro. There are many religions out there, each applicable to those who are followers. As long as they are not confrontational, who cares? We need to look after our fellow man. Regardless of race, creed or religion. We do a job, many people rely on us to do it well, and with a non-partisan attitude. We have a responsibility. Let's leave our our own beliefs behind us when we go to work, and do the best we can for those who choose to travel with us. It matters not the carrier. It's ordinary people (like us) who influence others. Do your job, to the best of your ability. You will earn more respect.:D

16th Aug 2006, 10:09
So sifting through the preaching:rolleyes: and static can someone give us a definitive answer to the question.... Does OCI ownership allow you to fly in India as an F/O. Do we need the same security clearances as expats prior to license issue:confused:

16th Aug 2006, 11:21
Hey Zero

It seems to be quite a grey area regarding OCI/ Sec Clr. I will prob have a very firm ans. tomorrow, as I am now speaking with the right person in the right place about this issue. The DGCA don't know **** as usual - they just say yes to everything, even when it blatently means no.

I just found out today that my OCI was ready 2 months ago, but as usual when it comes to Indian Govt. Depts, no one wants to let you know when something is ready.

Back to the point - From what i'm now hearing, if you are in posession of an OCI, you do not have to undertake the Sec Clr, applicable to expats. You are now on parity with NRI's & Indian Citizens - except when it comes to voting and Agricultural Land.

Will fill you in in the nxt few days with a more definate ans


16th Aug 2006, 12:40
ya i know. I had to call them once almost every week until I got an answer. THere was no intimation by email, post, phone that my oci was ready. The onus lies on the end user and thats where it ends. They proclaim to be government servants but the only thing they seem to serve is themselves.

I know the dgca is full of crap. Someone told me that if you get a reply to a query make sure it's in WRITING with their signatures seals and what not.

Oone of my colleagues got his application for FRTO denied because he was Canadian with OCI. They said the OCI is not valid and he needs approval from MHA. THat freaked me out but talking to others I realised that they were just haggling him.

Hope we get a a positive reply from all concerned. Cheers.

16th Aug 2006, 13:43
Yeah, I hope its all good at the end of this rather eventful journey to the flight deck.

Just wondering how far down the line you are? I'm almost done with everything. PM me to chat, would be good to get some feedback & opinions from someone in the same boat.


19th Aug 2006, 08:14
Hey dudes what is OCI? I amy be coming to work there. Thanks

19th Aug 2006, 08:42
OCI - Overseas Citizenship of India.

You need one or experience on type (min 500hrs) to be either an FO or Capt.


20th Aug 2006, 20:06
Anyone got an idea on how long the full process takes..between getting an OCI and converting to Indian Licence!?? I have heard it can take up tp a year... but being India..I m sure it could be done faster with a few bribes!?

21st Aug 2006, 09:57
Ok, the latest advice from the embassy is apply for a PIO card, which will enble me to start the employment process immediatly then at the same time apply for the OCI , which can take up to 3 months... How does that sound to everyone?!

23rd Aug 2006, 18:22
Hey Pretzel,
Same boat as you are in right now. My OCI processing took about 5 weeks. So in the grand scheme of things, not bad. My concern is whether DGCA requires security clearance like the expat pilots require before they can fly in India. If you have any information regading that, it would be helpful.
I skipped the PIO deal and went straight to the OCI. Don't need PIO to get the OCI.
Parity with NRI's yada yada yada seems nice but when dealing with a security sensitive industry like aviation maybe there are restricitions we need to be aware of. And trust me the DGCA has something to say on this issue. According to hpcock it looks like it's a-ok with an OCI but you can never take anything they say at face value so the quandary still persists.
So before you go about the OCI bit we need to figure out DGCA's stance on this issue.
Lemme know what you think.

24th Aug 2006, 04:08
Hey Zero

No news as yet from the OCI saga, but i'm heading to DEL on Mon to speak to someone at Min Home Affairs to hopefully sort this thing out.

Stay tuned for results


24th Aug 2006, 09:43
Zero and HP,

A friend of mine who is a US citizen is working with Air Deccan on the basis of his OCI card. Now, he has already converted his licence to Indian licence before he took US citizenship, so I am not sure how DGCA will react to your case. His airline in general had no problem hiring him on his OCI card.

If you want I can ask him if it is ok for me to forward you his email address. So, if you need his email address send me a PM.

:) Desi