View Full Version : Paramount has a new CEO...Same O' Same O'?

Fat Clemenza
20th Jul 2006, 20:24
I just heard the news today. Any comments?

23rd Jul 2006, 15:44
Didnt hear so in the local industry circle so far

25th Jul 2006, 01:35
where is this paramount air operating out of....
sorry I havn't heard of this airline

25th Jul 2006, 05:11
:confused: Operates in south india with 2 E 170s and 175 on its way

8th Aug 2006, 06:02
they are expecting their third aircraft by 10 august.

27th Aug 2006, 17:47
Anything new with company. I heard their planes are sitting on the ground because they don't have any crews. are they going to be around or will they close down soon. I did hear that they have alot of money backing them up as the owner also own a bank. any truth to that. they have orders for up to 15 EMB-170 and 175 and 195. why is no onw joinning them. any inside info.:confused:

28th Aug 2006, 07:39
I would love to know how the company is doing presently?? Anyone care to enlighten the current situation??? :confused:
The Embraer 175,170 r beautiful aircrafts!!!:ok:


28th Aug 2006, 12:07
I did hear that they have alot of money backing them up as the owner also own a bank
BANK !!! -- Thats a killer.:} :p
Paramount (Callsign : Paraway) is run by a group which is highly into textile business..
Its true that most of the flight crew have left the airline or are leaving but also heard that they got some indian f/os (trainees). The figures are a bit unclear but they're carrying good loads and a lot of advertisement campaigns.

No idea about the new CEO though

Rahul B737
29th Aug 2008, 13:22
Hey on that Paramount thing buddy . Do have any nore details also wjere does one do a E-170 typ and what cost.

Al Fakhem
30th Aug 2008, 09:16
Owned by same promoters as behind Thiagarajar Mills. The Indian spinning industry has had a seriously bad year, with high cotton prices, unfavourable exchange rate of the INR vs USD (has eased more recently) and a massive build-up of (excess) capacity 2006 - 2007, due to misuse of government support schemes.

It would be doubtful if the parent textile operation were flush with cash at this moment.