View Full Version : Qatar Interviews

17th Jul 2006, 00:40
Anyone out there do the LAE interview for QR?
I did mine over the phone from paradise and would like to compare notes.
Unfortunately didn't get the presentation or see the package in writing, so am somewhat skeptical of what I heard.
If you could reply or PM me that would be great.:hmm:

18th Jul 2006, 13:54
Just read the threads keep away. who did you're interview ? if they did it over the phone why did'nt they take you there or at least come to you're area. The guy at the top is a south african TB was he involved!!!!!



20th Jul 2006, 06:36
Hi itwilldoatrip

Slavery is a better word over there. Even you can’t get out of the country even you have 4 off days, if you want to work professionally just forget Qatar. Good luck

Bolty McBolt
20th Jul 2006, 06:44
Is it true you hand your passport over if you work for QATAR?
This has alot to do with not being able to get out of the place on a 4 day break.
I also hear some phsyco whom never sleeps runs the place/airline and if you get on the wrong side of him your are in a world of **** with no recourse.

I beleive working for the QATAR royal flight is the pic of the jobs there and that sux too.

Good Luck

Turbo 5B
20th Jul 2006, 07:33
They're offering up to $35000 AUD a month + accomodation + schooling etc to the right people.

20th Jul 2006, 21:34
$35000 aud a month thats 13000 pounds a month I will go anywhere for that money!!is that contract or permie?:ok:

Turbo 5B
21st Jul 2006, 01:48
Not 100% sure , but there is a minimum time after training I believe.
When the offers start coming through we'll have a better idea.

Bolty McBolt
21st Jul 2006, 02:57

If they are offering that sort of cash count me in?

How did you find out about said deal? Web site , a mate in the know?

Are you sure the money is 35k AUD not 35k in Rials which is closer to 12,800 AUD per month

Give us the goss ??

Turbo 5B
21st Jul 2006, 03:32
They had walk in interviews at the carreer transition centre in Botany Sydney on wednesday.
Whe asked how much they were offering they said a "very attractive package".
They mentioned one of the other airlines of the region, and said what they are offering we are offering double.
Refer attached flyer.

You are invited to attend a presentation by Macro Recruitment on

250 Job Opportunities:

• 90% of all available aviation jobs come through Macro Recruitment.

When: Thursday, 27 July 2006
Where: Unit 8/ 11 Lord Street, Botany
Time: Commencing at 9:00am
Presenters: Gary Cheavin (Business Development Manager)
Alan Kilfoyle (Public Director)
The Presentation will cover:
- Current State of the aviation industry
- Job opportunities for LAME’s & AME’s
- Where your qualifications take you
- A chance to meet aviation recruitment specialists and ask questions

• After the presentation, you will be able to make informed decisions on your future career choice.

RSVP Anna xxxxx: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

22nd Jul 2006, 11:19
No way. That must be a typo. That works out at £168,000 per annum with the accomodation and school for the kids in addition to that!!??

For that money most people would put up with anything. But I just don't believe it!

Turbo 5B
22nd Jul 2006, 11:51
wasn't in print... it was a verbal from the reps doing the interviews.

chucky the engineer
22nd Jul 2006, 12:44
Although I haven't seen it in writing I am led to believe that it is 35000 riyals per mth not 35000 AUD a mth. I do have in writing what another airline in the gulf is offering and 35000 riyals is double this!

22nd Jul 2006, 13:57
Hi itwilldoatrip

Slavery is a better word over there. Even you can’t get out of the country even you have 4 off days, if you want to work professionally just forget Qatar. Good luck

U r very correct,slavery plus unproffesstional management at its peak,violation of basic human rights,pls note I dont know who gave them a easa 145 approval At 45 degree s celcius no vehicles for engineers and techs,arodrome deceplene nothin like that,human factors not heard of since the management is not human and no capacity to think more then the ceo,s Ideaosycrosys,every wrong thing is known as a policy.so u r made to go wrong if u r not strong do not ever sign a bond they give u any training without bonds yes go for it since the training is trying to be on the opposite but finds it difficult mach the normal training standards in any other organistion
housing in qatar is exuberant u r allowance is enough for u to find a small room with a closet
policy is every body no nothing beyond his day to day dutys Example GMT wouldnt be able to tell u about u r apporval payments He,s only good at talking to u softly as u come with little bit of manners soon it will be gone when u stick to normal practice of engineering .pls note the TPM is a doc which forms part of obtaining u r easa 145 which is not in compliance with safety standard of equipment and human factors.what u c in the book is totally violated once u walk to the ramp
salary is just over 5000 dollars with housing which is not enough u to meet the rising cost of living
Politics of all factions at its best c to beleive all in all not the best place to work even if u dont have job bye pls mail me if u need more info

22nd Jul 2006, 23:51
Good info guys - thanks.
Chula - are you with QR? they tried to get me to Syd for interview, but I was working, so they organised a phone int.
Deal I heard was 11K US + accom & schooling allow + 3 wks to super.
Still waiting to see in writing as apparently a couple of years back they renegged on deal offer.
I heard about the passport thing -not to comfortable with that.
As for Human factors/Health & Safety and working environment, sounds the same as in the Pacific - you do what you have to with the resourses available in 95% humidity.
Training is offered on commencement and the idea of gaining an EASA Lic can only be a bonus for future employment.
Lack of communication and recognition is not something which is isolated to QR - be honest.
If the package is dinkum, it would be hard to refuse.

Bolty McBolt
23rd Jul 2006, 06:03
I checked my conversion rates
QATAR use "rials" for currency.
Saudi uses "Riyals"

Sunday, July 23, 2006

35,000 Qatari Rial = 12,885.6 Australian Dollar

12,885.6 AUD = 9664.20 US Dollars

Median price = 0.36240 / 0.36816 (bid/ask)
Estimated price based on daily US dollar rates.

Chula. Thanks for the info. I have heard your story repeated by other engineers whom have ended up in Qatar.The worst part of the deal was, as you approach the end of your contract and you have amassed some sort of bonus payment that is in your contract, the management do their level best to upset you enough to get you to quit thus vioding the payment of your bonus etc etc
The Amiry royal flight looks the pick of the jobs if you can land a travelling spanner. At least you get off the island regularly.

Pacific Marlin. Qatar's job web site only requies ICAO type 2 licence with no mention of EASA. Can you tell us more?

QATAR want over 100 odd LAEs, they will have to offer good coin to get them :ok:

MAS have a huge add in Friday's "Australian" newspaper looking for lots of LAE/LAMEs
Does anybody have details on what they are offering.

23rd Jul 2006, 08:57
MAS are offering $37 $US per hour.Minimum 162 hrs p/month. No other allowances added on top of this rate.

That was what I was offered. I couldn't be bothered uprooting family etc for this amount so I knocked it back.

23rd Jul 2006, 11:12
This lot have unlilaterally turned complete workforces over several times and the most attractive offer I can imagine is one that doesn't even vaguely mention Qatar :eek:

23rd Jul 2006, 12:37
Tubo are you suggesting a false premise of 35k Aus a month.
It appears you are faltering on the value, there is no better way of disenfranchising people than to offer them false hope.
Are you Tubo full of manure or on a true thread?
Imagine if they find out you are full of ****e will that ruin your credibility?

Turbo 5B
23rd Jul 2006, 12:45
Sonhouse you poor sour f@ck wit. As I have said the amount was mentioned by the representatives doing the walkin interviews at Botany last week.
I have nothing to gain by upping the figures.
Quite frankly, couldn't give a flying f@ck what you think anyway.
And my credibility will remain intact for a lot longer than yours I'd imagine.
I think it's high time you slink back into the backwaters and retire from public life.
ps Are you accusing me of lying?

23rd Jul 2006, 12:59
Ps Am I accusing you of lying?
No but I am suggesting you are embelishing the truth.
It appears to me that you Tubo can only find a way to make an impression by short and terse sensational diatribe and that is what I am addressing.
Big ticket pay packages that will not transpire for applicants but you suggest people will enjoy.
If all these big packet salaries are for the offering how come you are still working in low paid OZ?

23rd Jul 2006, 14:50
Good info guys - thanks.
Chula - are you with QR? they tried to get me to Syd for interview, but I was working, so they organised a phone int.
Deal I heard was 11K US + accom & schooling allow + 3 wks to super.
Still waiting to see in writing as apparently a couple of years back they renegged on deal offer.
I heard about the passport thing -not to comfortable with that.
As for Human factors/Health & Safety and working environment, sounds the same as in the Pacific - you do what you have to with the resourses available in 95% humidity.
Training is offered on commencement and the idea of gaining an EASA Lic can only be a bonus for future employment.
Lack of communication and recognition is not something which is isolated to QR - be honest.
If the package is dinkum, it would be hard to refuse.

Hi ,
I did work for QR for five months ,
well try it out if u know what pacific is all about if u know some one over there it will more the reason u should watch it,pls dont sign any rolling bonds which has no meaning. if an engineer cannot get his authority during a certain time period thats the responsibility of the manager.not for u to sign a bond to effect such as interpretation can be effected as per the situation .if the package is good take it ? beleive me when u join it is very plasant and they will tell u any problem ppls feel free to come if u have a problem when u go with the problem, thats where the real problem starts,pls dont take any training without seeing the bond read it carefully, authoristion depends on the company.working conditions on the ramp is similar to a labour job at the road side.logistics r zero, when u join they will give u one type authority and tell u to work for 6 hours on 10 airplanes and some times u have to the mechs work also as they have a tremendus scarecity of mechs and on u r off day u r suppose to cover a flight for the remaining hours if u agree with by all means moneys worth, this is one faction of so many misgivings.

Turbo 5B
23rd Jul 2006, 19:51
Sonhouse, I clearly posted "up to 35000 .... for the right people".
I also let people know that that was a verbal from the recruitment reps.
Also said I'd have to wait for the offers to come out in writing.
What makes you think that I haven't applied for a position?
Embelishing is the same as lying.

23rd Jul 2006, 20:32
sonhouse the elections are over,get over your loss the membership have spoken and you and your d!ckhead mates are GONE,as for embelishing the truth,what is it you done with HM in the last EBA,but told lies in relations to overtime bank and severals other issues,you can not lie straight in bed,in fact i'd say you are sleeping in the fetal position these days thinking about how your carrer path has slipped from your hands

24th Jul 2006, 03:20
Take it somewhere else guys! :=

Just had PM from ex employee who just left.
Reckons the total (incl add ons) package is only 18000 QR's a month and there ain't much left.
How can they make an offer (yet to be seen) that is so far above current employee rates? Or how can they make a bull**** offer and then reneg on it?
Many questions to be answered before this bunny moves.
The contract mentioned was open ended and re EASA licence - it was mentioned that it would be expected for you to get one - just as here I had to pick up a kiwi one as we work under their regs.
PS Caught 2 Blue and 1 Black Marlin in 4 hours on Wed. :D

Capt Krunch
24th Jul 2006, 03:57
don't get all worked up over that Passport thing.. use some common sense guys.. a passport belongs to the issueing country of the holder.. not the holder itself, athough it his/her responsability over the document.. so don't listen to the crap.. no one keeps your passport over here.. yes they do take it for sometime to do admin stuff.. your left with a photo copy for a week or so.. but you MUST have a RP ( Residense Permit ) stamped in your passport and MUST be able to show it on demand.. also when you do simple things like buy a car.. mobile conection, bank account and the like.... but.. i have to say.. who ever thought that one up.. nice imagination guy.. but time to wake up now..

workin here is a but tough.. and certainly not like other developed countries.. althought i'm in the profession of breakin the machine and not fixin it.. it's a bit of a cooler job for me.. meaning .. i'm not walking from machine to machine in 50 degree heat for 12hrs at a time.. but I do have friends working the wrench.. and you really work over here.. like all staff.. due to expantion and new aircraft arrivals on a monthly basis.. all departments are streached to the limits.. stress is high.. work load is heavy and unforgiving.. and there is vertually no graditude for good job done.. but at the end of the day it's all your choise and up to you how you want your life to be...
I have been here for quite some time now.. and although not easy in the begining.. it's much better now.... ( when in Rome syndrome).. rememeber also.. things are constantly changing over here.. some for the better and some not.. but never remains the same..


24th Jul 2006, 10:52
I applied a while back, saw the add in the Australian, they emailed me back saying "not suitable"?????:confused:
There's always India!!!!!!!!!!!!:ok:

25th Jul 2006, 09:55
Anybody interviewed last week heard back yet? They indicated answer would come from MEL office by the end of last week but so far nothing.

25th Jul 2006, 11:16
Thanks CK,
Way I see it is: What I do is the same where ever in the world i am.
Corporate pressure is the same, the only difference is the weather and what I'm getting paid.
The more the money - the happier the pig.
Hopefully we will see replies and packages soon and with that the truth will come out.
CK - Do you leave the country on days off? Do they restict your travel?
Do you know of people who base their families in Europe and commute?
Good replies guys:cool:

Capt Krunch
25th Jul 2006, 11:52
well I can only truly answer your question from my point of veiw, and that comes from someone who is sitting in the pointy end of the aircraft.. breaking it not fixing it..

so the answer is NO.. you cannot expect to commute.. many of the jet jocks are trying ... but rosters do not accomidate one who commutes.. as for travel.. well. when your OFF .. your OFF.. the time is yours.. you do need an Exit Permit to leave the country.. but for us Jet Jocks.. we can apply and buy Multi-Exit permits valid for 1 year.. come and go as we please as many times as we like..
not sure about a Ground Wrench though.. I do know Cabin crew have to apply for every exit permit.. although there is not problem with granting them.. just takes time.. couple of days to process..

hope this helps

25th Jul 2006, 14:17
Yes mate if u can get into amiri flight as a flying spanner u will probably enjoy u r stay in doha .but remeber quality assurance and ceo is the same for both but there is a seperate head who is responsible it is not so bad one month on ground one month on flying duty so it is a pretty fair deal,but remember to ask for a company accomadation or housing allowance in excess of 8000 riyals per month otherwise boy u will not be able to survive cheers mate have good day

I checked my conversion rates
QATAR use "rials" for currency.
Saudi uses "Riyals"

Sunday, July 23, 2006

35,000 Qatari Rial = 12,885.6 Australian Dollar

12,885.6 AUD = 9664.20 US Dollars

Median price = 0.36240 / 0.36816 (bid/ask)
Estimated price based on daily US dollar rates.

Chula. Thanks for the info. I have heard your story repeated by other engineers whom have ended up in Qatar.The worst part of the deal was, as you approach the end of your contract and you have amassed some sort of bonus payment that is in your contract, the management do their level best to upset you enough to get you to quit thus vioding the payment of your bonus etc etc
The Amiry royal flight looks the pick of the jobs if you can land a travelling spanner. At least you get off the island regularly.

Pacific Marlin. Qatar's job web site only requies ICAO type 2 licence with no mention of EASA. Can you tell us more?

QATAR want over 100 odd LAEs, they will have to offer good coin to get them :ok:

MAS have a huge add in Friday's "Australian" newspaper looking for lots of LAE/LAMEs
Does anybody have details on what they are offering.

25th Jul 2006, 14:31
Why do you guy's not listen.
AMIRI or the mainline its the same they tell you lies. Still if you're from down under anything is good you've managed to kill aviation in you're country now let's do the rest of the world.
Do you honestly think they are going to pay you the money being bandied around in this post. Get real with Aussies clambering to get out and the redundancy's there being offerred you stand no chance of negotiating anything.

27th Jul 2006, 15:36
MAS best way to go did some time with them and enjoyed it. Expect to be messed about BUT enjoy yourself outside. Given the choice no contest.:)

Bolty McBolt
28th Jul 2006, 04:06
MAS owe money to everyone. Have recently sacked a huge proportion of their staff.

A question I was asked is How much are they paying for these permanent postions and where are they getting the money from and how much job security would you have?

Anybody in the know?

28th Jul 2006, 13:21
Looks like not a lot has changed in Qatar since I did my interview way back in 1996. I was young and single then and the complete lack of woman visible in Doha :) and the very low salary they offered me made me run away.
People I know who have worked in Qatar since have all left within two years of starting and had not much good to say regarding their experience.

29th Jul 2006, 16:02
hi do u mind sharing some tread did u go tru an agency is it short term if so i dont mind poping in for a short while hope u dont mind me being so blunt cheers rgds

MAS are offering $37 $US per hour.Minimum 162 hrs p/month. No other allowances added on top of this rate.

That was what I was offered. I couldn't be bothered uprooting family etc for this amount so I knocked it back.

soldier of fortune
30th Jul 2006, 10:46
tropical trashie CHK YOUR PMs

cheers S.O.F:ok:

1st Aug 2006, 22:21
have it on good advice that offers will be around 21000rial/month all inclusive (accom,transport,base pay,licence). Is that enough?

2nd Aug 2006, 23:42
If that figure is correct,who in their right mind would leave a stable country,possibly stable employment to put up with all the rubbish that all airline managers throw at you as a LAE.At todays conversion rate,that is only 3000 pommy pounds,5700 greenback,4500 Euros or 7500 Aussie pesos per month.

I guess that the Qatar management aren't serious in looking for qualified labour to help build their airline,because for that sort of dough,I could stay in my home country and probably work as a salesperson or labourer for that kind of cash.And not work shift work,or take the responsibility for signing maintenance releases.Yes,working on aircraft is an interesting profession,but not in one of the most volatile regions in the world at the moment,and not for that cash.Also,the licence coverage they are after is in such short supply,so the guys they may eventually get there will either be offered much more to join or will be on the run and need any cash possible.

Also most guys from western countries would have wives and partners who work either full or part time.I can't see this really attracting people even if it is tax-free.

Goodluck to those guys who do apply.:ok: