View Full Version : 172R Ammeter

11th Jul 2006, 06:01

I just have a quick question. What are the chances of a 172R ammeter overreading?

One day a little while back, I was heading out to the training area in a Cessna 172R. After reaching the top of climb at 3000', during the SADI check, I noticed the ammeter was reading 45-60. Rather worried about this, I radioed base and they told me to turn around and switch the master off for a couple of minutes and get back to them if it doesn't solve the problem.

When I switched the master back on, the needle had returned to its normal position.

Anyone care to speculate what might have caused this problem dispite the lack of detail?

Thanks in advance

15th Jul 2006, 20:01

I just have a quick question. What are the chances of a 172R ammeter overreading?

One day a little while back, I was heading out to the training area in a Cessna 172R. After reaching the top of climb at 3000', during the SADI check, I noticed the ammeter was reading 45-60. Rather worried about this, I radioed base and they told me to turn around and switch the master off for a couple of minutes and get back to them if it doesn't solve the problem.

When I switched the master back on, the needle had returned to its normal position.

Anyone care to speculate what might have caused this problem dispite the lack of detail?

Thanks in advance

Well by shutting the master and alternator switch off you are resetting the voltage regulator, It is high and unless you had cranked it to death and it was just normally charging then it is possibly the voltage regulator ( and over volts regulator, both in the same unit) was playing up, by doing as they said you reset it....................... if the alternator trips off ... doing the same IE turning them off for about 10 seconds, it should be enough to reset it.