View Full Version : Engineering Apprenticeships in Ireland

6th Jul 2006, 14:15
Hi guys

I was wondering what is the best way to become an engineer from scratch? I have 8 GCSE's (Grade A-C) and a BTEC Nat. Dip. in computer studies. no A-levels or degree. Apprentice seems the obvious way but is it the best? I need as much advice as possible as most courses start in September.


6th Jul 2006, 16:05
Its a good way alright i suppose because its good on the job training,pm me what companies you've tried,il have some info.

celtic mech
10th Jul 2006, 17:09
SR Technics offered apprenticeships already this year so its too late to apply for them (unless of course you have already done so). The other main people who run apprenticeships are Shannon Aerospace, Air Atlanta Aero Engineering (formerly Shannon MRO), Cityjet and Ryanair.
Ryanair are currently seeking applicants for Apprentices. Closing date for it according to their website is July 21st so give them a shout. the link is http://www.ryanair.com/site/EN/about.php?sec=careers&ref=FRE2028

Any more info needed then gimme a shout via a PM.

12th Jul 2006, 13:55
My personal opinion would be to keep away from aerospace they do a traineship as opposed the apprenticeship with the rest it's a shorter course and but the you only get an A license as opposed a B with the rest.

I'm nine months into my apprenticeship with Atlanta if you've any questions P.M. me.

13th Jul 2006, 12:15
well by the time you've got ur license at aerospace you can work straight away towards the b1/b2 option and still come out quicker than an apprenticeship by the time you have to commit to the company,whats your air atlanta's commitment??? 4,5,6 years?

13th Jul 2006, 16:42
I'm in a four year apprenticeship can do what I like when my time is up.

Aerospace is a route alright but the quickest and by far easiest route to B license is apprentice route. I'll gaurante you'll not have your license sooner than the apprentice route, you'll also have to try and do all your night classes and your study while on the job as well, which I can only imagine making it a lot more difficult, not forgetting haven to fork out nearly a grand for the privilege.