View Full Version : Approvals On New Products

6th Jul 2006, 12:57

My company manufactures and produces a range of products that are currently sold in the marine and specialist vehicle markets. A number of the products are already sold in the aviation market (usually to the US manufacturers - you may know them - Cole Hersee electrical items and FloScan fuel sensors, Concorde & Hawker Batteries). Other items include items like high quality battery chargers, solar panels, bubars, breakers etc etc (mainly electrical)

I would like to market these items here in the UK. How on earth do you go about doing this? Do you have to have approval from the CAA or is it simply a matter of approaching engineering companies, resellers like Transair etc etc?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

7th Jul 2006, 09:27
You could probably start by talking to the CAA (SRG) but they may well direct you to EASA who are responsable for EU certification.