View Full Version : John Coxen Funeral Date

19th Jun 2006, 17:46
Those looking for details of JCs funeral are as follows:

Dorchester-on-Thames Abbey 281500LJun, Buses from OM at 281400LJun. There will be a 'gathering' at the OM afterwards,

Please E mail [email protected] with numbers for planning purposes.

See you there.



Dress: No1 HD + Medals, NO ARMBANDS, No flowers, donations to RAFBF

Without Care
19th Jun 2006, 22:57
Thank you


London Mil
20th Jun 2006, 06:02
.... and Flt Lt Sarah Mulvihilll's funeral will take place at 1400L on 27 June 2006 at Canterbury Cathedral.

I understand that details for both JC's and Sarah's funeral will be disseminated today.

21st Jun 2006, 11:35
Back to the top

Without Care
21st Jun 2006, 18:54

Should payment be made direct to the RAFBF or to another focal point?


21st Jun 2006, 23:51
Direct is fine, or via the undertaker or via the VO (me)

23rd Jun 2006, 08:16
Top again, thanks.

Without Care
23rd Jun 2006, 20:14

Thank you


TacEval Inject
26th Jun 2006, 14:35
Back to the top.


27th Jun 2006, 15:45
To the top, thanks

London Mil
28th Jun 2006, 00:22
JC, like many, I will be there with you today. God speed.

28th Jun 2006, 01:44
Please keep guys/gals at BAS Air Stn on board with events. Am sure it's happening but sometimes some can be out of the loop, this forum can help.

Caps off wherever we are.

London Mil
28th Jun 2006, 06:19
DR, Sarah Mulvihill's funeral was yesterday afternoon. Bit of a guess, but I would say there were about 300-400 people there (Canterbury Cathedral); the church was full. As always, the RAF did her proud. Notably, the chaps from 28(AC) Sqn and RAF Benson who acted as pall bearers under the guidance of the Sqn WO - they were excellent. A fitting send off.

I'm sure someone else will talk about JC later today.

28th Jun 2006, 07:43
Regret I can't make your send off today JC, but I shall be there in spirit, as will many who are much further away than I am......

A glass of very decent malt will be raised this evening.

28th Jun 2006, 15:21
farwell chum. I am a long long way from home at the moment. Thinking of you today. Sincerest condolences to all family members.

TacEval Inject
28th Jun 2006, 21:49
There are few words to desribe the day. To use only 2:

Spot on.

Many thanks to all involved during the whole day. It was made one of those special days that all will remember for years to come.