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18th Sep 2012, 11:19
CAA provisional stats for the period Sep 2011 to Aug 2012 show Humberside had 240,000 passengers. It would take very rapid growth to reach 273,000 for calendar year 2012.
This means that Humberside is currently slightly below 1994 passenger levels.

The demons of Teesside are not that far away...

18th Sep 2012, 12:26
Davidjohnson, as Im sure you are aware, airports are long term investments. Eastern got the place for a steal. Operating losses had reduced in the year 2011-12 from £0.7million to £0.4million..

The helicopter movements generate 5-6000 passengers per month.

Im not sure of MME's financial situation, however you are comparing apples with oranges in my opinion.

19th Sep 2012, 02:18
pug - yes, airports like any other large item of infrastructure have to be treated as long term investments. Yes, with all the offshore carbon-based energy under the sea and the related helicopter trips to rigs, Humberside has a stable customer base.

But, with just 240,000 passengers, over the last 12 months, compared to 273,000 in calendar year 2011, HUY is not in a good place.
Yes, it can be turned around, but it's a hefty job to get it back to its glories of 2003 / 2004

19th Sep 2012, 08:30
Some new flights are looking likely to be announced soon, which may go towards replacing some lost capacity. Uts unclear who it is at the moment as no announcement has been made. Small steps but these things take time for airports like HUY.. It will be interesting to see whether the new owners can turn things around on the leisure front.

20th Sep 2012, 18:18
Just been told that they will be an official announcement made sometime tomorrow regarding new routes from Humberside Airport for summer 2013.

So watch this space!

21st Sep 2012, 09:38
So far PMI and ALC announced, supposidly more to come. No operator has bern mentioned as yet.

21st Sep 2012, 10:22
Where exactly are these announcements do you have a link?

21st Sep 2012, 10:27
Humberside Airport Travel will be announcing routes sporadically through the day it seems, you will find them on facebook.

21st Sep 2012, 11:26
The humberside airport travel website is showing holidays for 2013 available to:

Benidorm (ALC)
Mallorca (PMI)
Bulgaria (BOJ?) - presumably this is the Balkan Holidays option
Greek Isles (HER?) - I guess this is Olympic Holidays
French Riviera (NCE) - is this a one-off, or another new charter series yet to be announced??
Croatia (DBV) - I assume this is the Newmarket Holidays one-off flight

21st Sep 2012, 11:37
The last three in the list are one offs, they haven announced the rest of the new routes as of yet.

All they are saying is that the 'holidays are with Humberside Airport Travel'..

21st Sep 2012, 22:33
Thomas Cook announced for summer 2013 DLM and PMI:ok:

Travel Agent
22nd Sep 2012, 08:06
Palma is being operated by Iberworld, cannot see the ALC or DLM on Thomas Cook system yet

22nd Sep 2012, 08:45
Iberworld are now Orbest Orizonia Airlines, wonder why TCX don't know this?

22nd Sep 2012, 09:10
I believe the ALC and PMI announced yesterday is seperate from Thomas Cook.

22nd Sep 2012, 10:04
ALC and PMI is with Lostcostholidays.com where as Thomas Cook have also announced a PMI and DLM Good times atlast at HUY:D

22nd Sep 2012, 17:29
Do lowcostholidays operate their own flights and packages? As far as I can gather they dont even have the means to provide their own ATOL cover..

All a bit strange still at the minute, no press release yesterday about the new flights to PMI and ALC. The Airport Travel saying on facebook when asked who the flights are with saying 'holidays are with Humberside Airport Travel', which sounds ominous.

Is anyone able to shed any light on this? I notice in the lowcostholidays S13 brochure TFS and FAO are also listed as Humberside options, however they are not in the schedules or in the booking engine... Yet.

22nd Sep 2012, 17:45
Do lowcostholidays operate their own flights and packages? As far as I can gather they dont even have the means to provide their own ATOL cover..

What makes you say they don't have the means to cover their own ATOL cover...?

Check an ATOL Search Results Authorisations | Check an ATOL | ATOL (http://www.caa.co.uk/application.aspx?catid=490&pagetype=65&appid=2&mode=authorisations&licHoldID=15168) - they don't seem to have had any issues so far.

22nd Sep 2012, 17:56
JSCL, thanks for the link. I was going by what it said in their T&C's.. There is no ATOL badge on their website either.

So are they known to charter their own aircraft already?

22nd Sep 2012, 18:27

Not at all and the ATOL logo (and number) seems clear on the top of the website to me. LowCostHolidays mastered the art of social marketing via YouTube, Facebook etc more than anyone, they've been agents and only agents so far. They are also responsible for running EasyjetHolidays. Interesting times ahead.

22nd Sep 2012, 18:57
Correct, all I saw was the abta badge.

Anyway, hopefully this works out well for them.

23rd Sep 2012, 08:58
i think it is Small Planet Airlines doing ALC with an avarage fleet age of 19.2 Years

23rd Sep 2012, 09:06
i think it is Small Planet Airlines doing ALC with an avarage fleet age of 19.2 Years

Since when did AC age *really* matter? There are older AC operating UK charters that are still in very good nick and the age is practically un-noticable to customers.

23rd Sep 2012, 09:31
i know it was just what i found on the net thats all

26th Sep 2012, 10:51
Thomas Cook Holidays & flights for next summer 2013 from Humberside to Dalaman and Palma have now been uploaded.

26th Sep 2012, 11:00
Also, still no announcement from lowcostholidays regarding their new venture..

3rd Oct 2012, 12:02
Yet more good news. As Thomas Cook Holidays have just announced A new route from Humberside to Tunisia for next summer 2013 season. The route will operate once weekly on Fridays using Nouvelair Tunis, Airbus A320 Aircraft.

BJ8454 ETA 09:20 - BJ8455 ETD 10:20

3rd Oct 2012, 16:36
Good news again, however they have put flights on sale for Enfidha before which didnt actually happen, Im not sure if they were cancelled due to the uprisings though?

Also seems like they are hoping to announce more growth in the coming months..

Airport adds more flight destinations | This is Hull and East Riding (http://www.thisishullandeastriding.co.uk/Airport-adds-flight-destinations/story-17025239-detail/story.html)

6th Oct 2012, 21:30
Great news pug !

19th Nov 2012, 22:08
More good news, Bond Helicopters will be returning from January 2013.

Bond Offshore Helicopters has won contract with Perenco - Corporate Jet Investor (http://corpjetfin.live.subhub.com/articles/bond-offshore-perenco-848)

It looks like Bristows, CHC and now Bond will all have operations from HUY. :ok:

3rd Jan 2013, 11:17
The Bond operation has now started.

Bond Offshore Helicopters Ltd wins contract with Perenco Oil And Gas | This is Hull and East Riding (http://www.thisishullandeastriding.co.uk/Jobs-hope-Humberside-Airport-lands-37m-helicopter/story-17746891-detail/story.html)

Despite the airport seeing its quietest year for summer charters in 2012 for many years, the helicopter operations seem to be booming.

7th Apr 2013, 22:52
Good old Richard Lake et al. They are doing their best to really **** up the Airport. Is there likely to be anybody left working there in the next few months? It seems unlikely. Soon there will just be a caretaker to look after the place. :ugh:

Make sure he switches the lights out and locks the door when he leaves. :(

Hotel Uniform Yankee
8th Apr 2013, 07:20
I dont know what you expect them to do.

The airport has losses, and yet is over run with managers and duty managers. What are all these people managing with so little number of flights.

Yes the place does need to be restructured, because otherwise there will be no airport for anyone to work at!

There are alot of people who have been employed there for a number of years on good money and yet doing very little, this has to end.

The truth may not be nice.

8th Apr 2013, 22:53
I couldnt agree with you more. Its just amazing that they were allowed to stay as long as they have. Could really have done with getting rid of the upper echelon years ago. Now the wheat has been separated from the chaff it should run a lot smoother up in the ivory towers.

15th Apr 2013, 21:31
Just been reading a post on fb from the above.The Palma and Alicante flights have now been changed to a Volotea 717,which I think is a significant reduction in the number of seats on offer?.

Hotel Uniform Yankee
15th Apr 2013, 21:33
KLM to shortly start dropping a Saturday and Sunday rotation...........

16th Apr 2013, 19:58
The Saturday teatime flight was dropped with the start of the Summer timetable. Sunday teatime is being dropped for July, August and 1st September according to the KLM timetable.

16th Apr 2013, 20:48
Perhaps Humberside should be trying to get Easyjet or similar type of carrier.
Huy lacks loco traffic. Also how come eastern haven't started any new routes yet ?

16th Apr 2013, 22:08
Also how come eastern haven't started any new routes yet ?

No demand? The types of planes they operate seem suited for the business market, and presumably they feel they cover the petrochemical destinations (excepting AMS where they will not want to compete with KLM).

27th Apr 2013, 13:58
I'm glad Eastern havent started any new routes. Have you seen the prices they charge for a return to Aberdeen? Extortionate! Its cheaper to fly to Aberdeen via Amsterdam with KLM than it is direct with Eastern.

27th Apr 2013, 14:02
The pax Eastern is after would never consider doing a detour via AMS to save money. Generally speaking, nonstop flights are (and from an economic point of view) should always be more expensive than connecting flights if both connections are indeed competing directly.

28th Apr 2013, 19:19
The on going saga of HUY, traffic (lack of) and attracting low cost airlines!

HUY is a regional airport, geographically situated in the middle of the Lincolnshire countryside, the main passenger base being the city of Hull, road links to M180 (M18/M1), no direct rail access and new owners.

Low cost has been tried, Ryanair and didn't last long (assume yield was poor for the route to be pulled) and there seems to be no appetite by any low cost airline to attempt any routes, surely this is a hint that low cost airlines have looked at the airport and decided the catchment area is not sufficient to operate to or from HUY.

The issue with HUY is and has always been one of not enough passengers using the airport, the main reason being the limited catchment area to attract airlines operating any other routes other than the established Aberdeen and Amsterdam routes.

HUY could possibly attract regional airlines but the failure rate of airlines that have previously tried to operate from the airport is staggering, granted the failures may not be 100% down to HUY but suggest had a contributing factor.

I long for a route to be re-opened to London (my own personal whim) but the economies don't add up and think the decent road and rail connections make any such route attractively both price wise to a passenger and / or economies to an airline to prevent such routes commencing.

I just don't see HUY operating flights other than what is already operated and however much people suggest Eastern or other operators utilise the airport they surely have to realise scheduled routes to / from HUY are fantasy.

Interesting times ahead for HUY with a new owner but just don't see the airport becoming more utilised than the current situation.

28th May 2013, 22:19
I see the new Jetxtra/Volotea Boeing 717 charter flights to Alicante and Palma from Humberside started operations today. New airline's first flight - ITV News (http://www.itv.com/news/calendar/story/2013-05-28/new-airlines-first-flight/)

29th May 2013, 15:45
I believe that the most successfull HUY years were the late 90s when Mr Jenner was MD. He and the then marketing dept. made the best of associating tour operators with the limited catchment area. Passenger figures reached half a million, not spectacular but good for HUY!

Then Manchester Airport came along; the MD was made redundant and it has been downhill ever since!

HUY has a very limited niche market which has to be recognised and nurtured.


29th May 2013, 17:55
H49 has hit the nail on the head..

Humberside Airport secures Spain flights and plans Malaga, Menorca and Faro next | This is Hull and East Riding (http://www.thisishullandeastriding.co.uk/Humberside-Airport-deal-brings-popular-flights/story-19121673-detail/story.html#axzz2UhWbJdcp)

29th May 2013, 18:46
Is the airport building a new hangar for the two new Coast guard S92s? Must be another little money maker for the airport.

29th May 2013, 20:30
I believe the plan is to build a new facility on the Eastern boundary, plans are in place to improve access around the site. Ive not seen the detailed plans however it would appear that the cross runway may close and become a base for the SAR facility and possibly GA facilities.

29th May 2013, 20:48
Wish them all the best on the new venture. Are Volotea providing planes for both destinations

30th May 2013, 20:25
Answered my own question, VOE9361 leaves PMI at 0820 arrives HUY 0950, Then departs HUY 1015 and arrive ALC 1405, Leaves ALC 1430 - HUY 1600 then returns back to PMI at 1625 arriving at 1950.

25 min turn around each sector, long day for the crew? would there be a crew change at ALC???

Nice aircraft the 717 remember flying Aebal into Vigo once, interesting airport.

12th Jun 2013, 17:46
An announcement is to be made on local news tomorrow from 6am onwards regarding the airport.

12th Jun 2013, 18:00
What kind of announcement?.

12th Jun 2013, 18:10
One regarding a new development by the looks of it. A business route has been rumoured, but it could be anything.

12th Jun 2013, 19:08
SAS to CPH from W13/14 operated by Cimber Crj 200

12th Jun 2013, 21:07
Sas ?. Is there a link to this ?.
Its funny but id read that Dsa was going for a similar route.
Sadly during my late night ( embarrassing) posts My point got a bit lost.
But I thought Cph might appear what with it being a hub. Great news for the area if it was true

12th Jun 2013, 21:34
Didn't Cimber used to do this route many years ago with a Nord 262?

12th Jun 2013, 23:24
Cimber are indeed still flying . There was a oage saying theyd gone bust

13th Jun 2013, 00:27
If this is indeed true I'm guessing it might have something to do with offshore wind? I've heard there are many Danes working down this way on the East Anglian developments.

13th Jun 2013, 07:09
BBC Look North have just confirmed the news. SAS are to commence a new 5 times weekly service from October 27th linking Humbersde to Copenhagen. Great news for the airport and the region..

SAS Launches direct Humberside - Copenhagen Route - Humberside Airport (http://www.humbersideairport.com/news/sas-launches-direct-humberside-copenhagen-route/)

Humberside – Copenhagen: departure 19:15 –arrival 21:50
Copenhagen – Humberside: departure 18:10 –arrival 18:45

13th Jun 2013, 08:47
Fantastic news, but I don't hold out much hope.

I think an earlier flight to tie in with SK longhaul connections would have been more suitable.

We can only hope they have done their research, and that the flight is a success!

Kind regards


Buster the Bear
13th Jun 2013, 10:21
Small airliner, high operating costs, so tickets will be expensive.

13th Jun 2013, 13:17
A lot of CPH routes are not necessarily low cost and do ok even on small expensive "jets". GLA and EDI on BM are a good example. Tiny load figures yet been about for years.

13th Jun 2013, 15:48
This is very clearly a niche, point to point specialised business route rather than one aimed at the general public.

I don't have any insight into the economics, but I think it's fair to say that the prices of tickets will be set high in the knowledge that it will be the businesses rather than the individuals picking up the tab.

13th Jun 2013, 16:09
This is very clearly a niche, point to point specialised business route rather than one aimed at the general public.

Really? You mean as opposed to KLM or is that a specialised niche route also? :hmm:

13th Jun 2013, 16:14
I don't understand the sarcasm. The services offered on the two routes are not comparable.

13th Jun 2013, 16:21
I cant see any evidence that this route is aimed at one particular client, and it will infact be serving a wide range of industries in the Humber region and further afield due to the various synergies with Scandanavia.

Of course the ticket costs will be increased to justify it, and the route will be subject to the startup fund being offered by CPH at the moment, but T3 to ABZ it is not.

13th Jun 2013, 18:01
pug - the Amsterdam route is flown 20x per week including 5 round trips at the weekend. Copenhagen will fly 5x per week with nothing at the weekend suggesting SAS has no intention of catering to leisure passengers.
Amsterdam is much better placed physically for passengers connecting from Humberside to Europe. A flight from Humberside into Copenhagen arriving at 2150 rules out a connecting flight from Copenhagen before about 2230 - which leaves very few viable onward connections without an overnight hotel stay.
Furthermore people travelling to Amsterdam can look at Leeds or East Midlands for competitor airlines - for Copenhagen competition is much weaker meaning higher fares can be charged.

As others have said, this route is targetted at people flying on business between Humberside and the Nordic countries. Leisure passengers or those travelling outside the Nordic countries need not apply. This is a niche route for niche passengers. There may not be oil money like Aberdeen but SAS will be charging a full price for this route.

13th Jun 2013, 18:15
Like I say, it will serve the wide range of industries for which there are synergies between Humberside and Scandanavia. Depends on your definition of niche. There may be a small niche leisure market. The vast majority of passengers using the KLM service are business passengers, is that a niche?

What I'm getting at is that the whole business community will need to support this, therefore it will be interesting to see how this route performs (or how long it lasts), it hasn't been set up to emulate the success of the niche industry which makes HUY-ABZ viable. Had that been the case T3 would have found reason to serve the route by now.

13th Jun 2013, 19:29
Do forgive me, but after reading some of the more negative commentary relating to the impending SAS service, please allow me to put another point of view.
Its clear that if SAS follow the program at Newcastle, there will be a range of prices for a range of customers. It is certainly not a niche service for business pax only, but its also clear that its focussing on Scandinavia as a whole. The only onward intercontinental service Copenhagen could offer at the arrival time shown is Bangkok.

I understand that they have timed this service not to conflict with the KLM connectivity. SAS believe that there is substantial Scandinavian traffic available for both operators. I also know, personally, that SAS have been in contact with a number of travel agents to explore cruise opportunities and we will see a focus on tourism from both ends. I've been watching the airport twitter feed and responses today from tourists is pretty positive.

Lets be clear, it won't dramatically effect KLM, but it may push them to wake up a little and adjust their pricing methodology which had become premium in my view.

Let's also take note of the fact that charter looks great for pax numbers, but scheduled pays the wages..buys the fuel, pays on time etc, etc...

With SARH due in just over a year, helicopter traffic increasing etc, lets be positive rather than taking, it seems, a negative view from some of the contributors.

Two flag carriers ........! I bet Doncaster turned green...!

13th Jun 2013, 19:44
Just checked and there is no Sunday and no Tuesday to start with, but does operate Saturday.

13th Jun 2013, 22:01
....the wide range of industries for which there are synergies between Humberside and Scandanavia.....

That's the funniest thing I've heard all day.........

Somebody mentioned the wind farm industry. That seems a sensible suggestion since Denmark is a world leader in the technology, but I really can't see an 'across the board' demand.

13th Jun 2013, 22:16
Funny how?

If they were relying solely on offshore wind technology then I would give the route 6 months.

Like Latituded alluded to, there is far more behind this than purely the offshore renewable sector. It is increadibly naive to believe that SAS would invest in this route without thorough market analysis by both themselves and Humberside Airport, and make their decision based solely on a 'burgeoning' sector which is far from set in stone at the moment. If we are to go by that theory, then will we be seeing Lufthansa at HUY if the Siemens plant comes to fruition? :hmm:

Clearly, the renewable sector has played it's part in this venture, perhaps it was the deal clincher, but the case for this route has been made by key local stakeholders well before the offshore windfarm industry reared it's head.

14th Jun 2013, 05:48
The point about the comparison with Newcastle is a good one - timings, frequency, a/c size are almost identical, so looks like they see a similar size/type of market.

14th Jun 2013, 19:54
This route was rumoured for DSA.

Again - not successful. About time Peel shut up shop I think.

Buster the Bear
14th Jun 2013, 21:47
50 seat business route and my guess is the local business's both end have signed up to providing passengers?

14th Jun 2013, 22:05
Well hats off to Huy's team , It may be a small route etc but its a flag carrier, I wonder if Dublin would work there using an Atr....
As for Dsa I still forsee some loco operator doing Cph from there.
As for the new route , Funds permiting Id use it.
Its nearer than the others apart from Dsa its a small airport so no big delays etc, All in all it looks good.
And Timmy , Huy is also our local airport , Lets not use it as another way to have a crack at Dsa.
They deserve local support, It is after all in a small way funded by North Lincs and thus from our Council Tax?

26th Jul 2013, 22:03
Any news on this and scheduling published yet.
What about caa stats?

4th Aug 2013, 21:56
Any news on more new routes or the proposed CPH service
Lets hope its a great sucsess. Perhaps it will spur Dsa to seek a similar route or ams again

20th Aug 2013, 10:01
Jetxtra have just confirmed weekly flights to Alicante and Palma will operate on Saturdays from Humberside next summer 2014 along with a new short 3 week schedule of flights to Tenerife over the 2013/14 Xmas and New Year period.

21st Aug 2013, 09:27
More good news for Humberside then .
Their management seems to be on top form .
Theyve hardly been there five mins .
They replaced the website.
Got a fair few summer flights.
Bagged a new flag carrier and now even a few holiday flights for christmas. Perhaps they neef to work the same magic at DSA ;)

21st Aug 2013, 16:05
onyxcrowle, why do you relate all off your posts back to DSA?

23rd Aug 2013, 13:50
I think that the recent news about TFS in December shows that smaller tour operators are starting to think about taking up the areas of opportunity the the larger operators seem incapable of realising.

The recent Which magazine report for customer service for HUY can only be of benefit;l of course DSA scored 3rd, so it shows both airports are trying hard.

23rd Aug 2013, 22:19
Sorry but the question has to be asked onyxcrowle but having read a lot of your posts on here have you just discovered the world of Aviation at the age of 39?

Iceland direct from Humberside?

How about Dubai direct on an A380 from Southend 3 times a day!?

Seriously! :ugh:

What complete and utter S**t

23rd Aug 2013, 22:38
On a more serious note. Hopefully CPH will work, and perhaps on the scheduled front a German destination at a push. As far as passenger flights go, I suspect leisure routes is where there will be growth in the future.

24th Aug 2013, 00:59
Cyber bully? Don't make me laugh. :8

Just pointing out that your head is full of 'Pipe Dreams' on this forum.

No need for you to take things so personally or over react really is there. :ok:

1... 2... 3...

Back in the room

Wellington Bomber
24th Aug 2013, 07:47
Rumour the fish is coming back into HUY soon

24th Aug 2013, 22:58
Pan man I apologise for my outburst im suffering severe stress and depression of late due to ill health. Ive been given meds that seem to loosen the tounge in a way im not like in real life
So I apologise for my outbursts and odd posts to you all on here.
Im not actually crazy. Just going thru a private hell at the moment.
But I do care passionately about our community in the region as a whole. Its sad to see it in decline.
For example the recent rail landslip showed that an error made 37 years ago or whatever closed the perfect bypass rail route through part of the axholme joint. Now should it be partially reopened or even in full it would relive traffic along the Isle towns giving a much needed public service and allowing people with no car accses more direct routes south via haxey junction. Even if it went as far as the crowle line it would have served as a bypasd for the closure and saved all that upheaval. But it showed the weakness in our infrastuctre.
Now granted this has little to do with aviation. But highlights how public infrastructre IS for the commin good and is part of the wider community.
The asets and potential opertunities our two airports in North Lincolnshire /South Yorkshire are very much part of the community.
They in the case of Klm provide lifeline services for the oil industry.
So I dont think its pie in the sky to ask as a member of the community with two airports that are there to help fufil our needs and bring in wealth and opertunities into our local economy at a time when its needed most.
Where are the grants to subserdise new routes ad a kind of kiclstarter program to imcrease choice and genuine competition to the region.
To say that every idea ever suggested on here. Jet3 Ryanair. Easyjet. Bcy or whatever will never come seems defeatist. Im not talking daily flights from these.
But the fact is other northern airports started slow.
They do have links to the scottish capital.
I recall a codehsare flight from Lba - Sumburgh via Aberdeen back in 1995.
So it has been done in thr past.
Manchester has norwich. Not a route would seem to be popular yet it runs daily.
So why I ask the question and would like a respectful real explaination of why tjins are so slow east of the pennies.
I know Huy is a small airport but they have albiet dmall routes and charters have almodt monthly found new routes. And an significant one at that even if its a small route. But the first flag carrier to start a new route eastbof the big three MAN LBA LPL.
So why is DSA suffering. Does this mean Huy is back on the up. Does it have the space to exoand like DSA.
And also law of averages says eventually DSA will get new routes just like HUY. So who in your experience is likelky and to where.
Once again I apologise for my recent comments.
Ia a genuine supporter of both airports as I Still beleive they are for the public good.
Plese don't flame me for thid post.
But after reading on the Jet2 thread someone aluded to a possible Alicante base with poss flights to CWL and HUY. Now normally on here suggesting Jet two migrating to the east of the pennines is shot down on here in a blaze of ridicule.
And finally with HUY on the up if they keep it up what becomes of DSA

26th Aug 2013, 12:16
To answer your questions quickly and succintly, there are too many airports in too small of a region going after the same catchment area. Not just DSA and HUY but also EMA and LBA. It is simply not sustainable to spread traffic thinly across so many airports. Something has to - eventually - give.

Hull City AFC
26th Aug 2013, 18:20
"Rumour the fish is coming back into HUY soon"

Who is the fish?

26th Aug 2013, 18:32
Reckon may be a cryptic clue... perhaps Icelandair Cargo

11th Oct 2013, 20:52
Any news on the start date for Cph. Or amy other routes in the pipeline? .
Id have thought we might see them doing a route training flight or two.

11th Oct 2013, 21:13
Crowle.. If you look at Home - Humberside Airport (http://www.humbersideairport.com) you will find the answer to your question.. Start date, frequency, prices the lot....

17th Oct 2013, 16:56
Any news on how the Tenerife flights are selling, and which airline will be used. Volotea??

17th Oct 2013, 16:59
Apparently there were problems chartering an aircraft, so passengers booked to go from DSA.

Presumably a bit far for a 717.

17th Oct 2013, 21:37
It would appear that SAS have put their summer 2014 flights on sale. They also appear to have added a Tuesday rotation. Apparently they were analysing forward bookings for their initial season before committing to S14. However, it has been pointed out elsewhere that flights will be suspended during Christmas and Easter, though KLM also make seasonal reductions. Hopefully if the route becomes established they will make the route fully year round.

22nd Dec 2013, 10:10
In the December issue of the Thomson brochures (Dec 13), it shows Holidays to Majorca & Ibiza from Humberside, with airline TBA. Nothing has been confirmed yet, either by Thomson or the Airport, and nothing is on sale - but could we see Thomson making a comeback at HUY for summer 14?

22nd Dec 2013, 21:24
Good news for huy

Northbound A1
22nd Dec 2013, 21:46
Yes very good news for huy, you can tell Peel don't own the place :ok:

9th Jan 2014, 15:41
Good to see jetxtra flights to ACL and PMI using a British Airways Embraer jet out of HUY.

9th Jan 2014, 19:29
Nice to see loads of posts regarding the airport name change as reported in the local news. Any idea where the daft idea came from. Nearly as bad as calling Nottingham East midlands after Robin Hood. Sorry I mean Doncaster. Some bad guy that Sherif of Donaster!

1st Feb 2014, 11:36
Anybody know how well the Copenhagen route has been performing these past few months?

1st Feb 2014, 12:45
CAA stats indicate Humberside-Copenhagen had 514 pax in November and 408 pax in December
Assuming flights on 1-345-7 and nothing after 20 Dec, this suggests 12.2 pax per flight in November or about 13.6 pax per flight in December.

If we assume a 50 seat CRJ 200 then load factor for November is 24 % and December is 27 %
Of course without yields we have only part of the story

As a comparable, Humberside-Amsterdam saw a 0.4% increase in November to 9,586 pax and a 8% increase in December to 9,112 pax. Of course KLM use bigger aircraft at higher frequency on a long established route.
Norwich-Amsterdam grew 3% in November and 8% in December
While HUY-AMS didn't grow quite as well as NWI-AMS and SAS are getting some passengers, it seems KLM are largely unaffected by the introduction of SAS as a competitor at Humberside

1st Feb 2014, 13:12
Good luck to Humberside which I prefer to the ex Finningley set up. Mind you I am biased as I used to fly across to AMS from Humberside to pick up another international flight heading east.
I used to fly out of Robin Hood when it was Finningley and could never understand why it was being considered as a civil airport. The runway was almost north/south and where did the prevailing wind come from ? Yes West to East.
Until the coal mining ceased at Rossington, the subsidence it caused used to play havoc with the Simulator and the hangar doors.
Lastly, the gravel rights (as I recall) went up to the airfield boundary. When you dig a big hole it tends to fill with water and attract birds. Just what you need on an airfield.
But what do I know??

1st Feb 2014, 16:16
Assuming flights on 1-345-7 and nothing on 25 or 26 Dec, this suggests 12.2 pax per flight in November or about 10.2 pax per flight in December.
Last flight in December was on the 20th - the route was then suspended for two weeks
(as a side note KLM had a Christmas Day flight this year which they haven't had in recent years)

If we assume a 50 seat CRJ 200 then
All flights have been operated by a Cimber CRJ-200 IIRC

1st Feb 2014, 20:45
CAA stats indicate Humberside-Copenhagen had 514 pax in November and 408 pax in December
Assuming flights on 1-345-7 and nothing after 20 Dec, this suggests 12.2 pax per flight in November or about 13.6 pax per flight in December.

If we assume a 50 seat CRJ 200 then load factor for November is 24 % and December is 27 %
Of course without yields we have only part of the story

As a comparable, Humberside-Amsterdam saw a 0.4% increase in November to 9,586 pax and a 8% increase in December to 9,112 pax. Of course KLM use bigger aircraft at higher frequency on a long established route.
Norwich-Amsterdam grew 3% in November and 8% in December
While HUY-AMS didn't grow quite as well as NWI-AMS and SAS are getting some passengers, it seems KLM are largely unaffected by the introduction of SAS as a competitor at Humberside

Thanks for that David, hopefully we will see gradual growth on it over the next few months into the summer period

2nd Feb 2014, 21:02
The loads for Copenhagen, taking into account a few cancellations, appear have been:
October: 28% (56 over 4 flights)
November: 25% (514 over 20 return flights)
December: 30% (408 over 13 return flights)

7th Feb 2014, 10:09
Eastern Airways just announced that Bristow Group have acquired 49.6% of Humberside Airport and 60% of Eastern Airways

7th Feb 2014, 10:15
No surprises. With close commercial ties on the Scatsta contract, it was more than likely to happen at some point. And with colour schemes virtually identical, no rebranding is necessary!

24th Mar 2014, 12:32
SAS will cease to operate between CPH and HUY 07APR14

1,734 passengers flown between 28 October 2013 and 28 February 2014. Average cabin load for that period: 26%
No need to explain why SAS is closing their flights to CPH.

25th Mar 2014, 18:08
SAS booking system has the flights bookable again from end of October 2014, but with a 6 month break. Many of the businesses that SAS were expecting to use the service were related to the Humber Gateway wind farm project, which is due to be start in 2015.

25th Mar 2014, 22:27
Is that the same thing as the Siemens wind investment which was announced today?

26th Mar 2014, 19:49
Yes, it is.:ok:

27th Mar 2014, 08:38
Local paper for Humberside is reporting that SAS flights have been pulled worded like it is not coming back.

27th Mar 2014, 09:25
Looks like SAS starts up the flights again on 26 October. To me it seems like charter flights (for Danish windmill specialists for the Humber Gateway Wind Farm) where they sell off free seats. One has to be bonkers to buy tickets on these flights with a return ticket prices of around £500. If you drive the two hours across the Pennines to MAN you can get the same return flight to CPH for £90 with SAS.

27th Mar 2014, 11:49
The fares reflect the niche it was intended to serve, so would be interesting to know who was using the service until now given that the offshore wind projects in the area have yet to take off.. However, if we are talking about charters relating to offshore wind, then flights to Billund would be more likely.

Clearly though, KLM offer a far better product, and the increase on that route far outweighs the impact SAS had on the airports own passenger figures. I understand they intend to reintroduce a 4th daily service again at some point.

17th Apr 2014, 13:57
TUI planning flights from Humberside summer 15. Majorca initially.

18th Apr 2014, 13:57
Are they using their own aircraft?

24th Apr 2014, 21:48
Flights now confirmed - Will be operated by Germania on behalf of Thomson, using the Norwich based aircraft (Presumed to be A319 but not confirmed). Flights operate early May to late October on Tuesday afternoons (Arrive HUY 14:15, Dep HUY 15:30).

Clearly fantastic news for the airport to have Thomson giving the airport another go, hopefully these will sell well, and we will see extra flights in the future!

Hull City AFC
10th Jun 2014, 17:21
Flight only, package and tours are bookable between Humberside and Antalya on four dates with OSKA Travel:

Departing HUY: Tuesday 04 November 2014
Arriving HUY: Tuesday 11 November 2014

Departing HUY: Tuesday 11 November 2014
Arriving HUY: Tuesday 18 November 2014

Departing HUY: Tuesday 14 April 2015
Arriving HUY: Tuesday 21 April 2015

Departing HUY: Tuesday 21 April 2015
Arriving HUY: Tuesday 28 April 2015

Dep: 09:00
Arr: 15:30
Flight number: CAI232

Dep: 05:00
Arr: 08:00
Flight number: CAI231

Flights are to be operated by charter airline: Corendon Airlines, who are based in Antalya. They have a fleet of 10 aircraft, 9 B737-800 - seating 189 (of which 2 are on lease to PIA) & 1 B737-300 - seating 148 (which is to be retired in 2014).

Most likely, we will be seeing a B737-800 which would result in 1,512 extra seats, should all seats be sold!.

All good news for our little airport!.

6th Sep 2014, 13:45
See Jetxtra are to announce a new route from Humberside for Next summer 2015 to Malaga.

8th Sep 2014, 02:49
When do SAS return? Is it October?

28th Nov 2014, 16:17
Looks like there may be a TFS program by Thomson along with the PMI already on sale..

28th Nov 2014, 21:46
Wonder if this would explain why they've reduced the frequency from DSA for next summer to Tenerife.

18th Dec 2014, 16:51
Doesnt look like Tenerife is being added after all for next winter with nothing in the new brochure or on line

24th Dec 2014, 19:20
Good news as it looks like Eastern Airways are going to be operating a series of charter flights from Humberside Airport in May & June 2015 to Barcelona, Nice and Venice using the Embraer 145 aircraft.

Luxury Weekends | Eastern Airways (http://www.easternairways.com/home/nice-barcelona-venice)

25th Dec 2014, 00:31
Actually not a bad price, £300 each in flights, I tried to book with another airline flying from LBA with baggage and car parking, came out very slightly dearer. HUY is nearer so saving all round and I wont miss the roller coaster of a landing. Hope it works out for both parties.

10th May 2015, 19:27
Have the charter flights to Barcelona,Nice,Venice by Eastern started? Notice EZE9802 G-CGWV heading up from BCN tonight. Any news on loads.

29th Oct 2015, 11:23
Flew into HUY on a Friday a few weeks ago via AMS from CPH, the whole journey was fine until my return last Sunday to CPH.

I entered HUY, picked up my ticket from the very polite and helpful KLM service desk and then found myself unintentionally at the baggage x-ray machined manned by what I can only describe as the most unpleasant, most unhelpful woman I have ever had the pleasure to meet in airport security.

First impressions always count, said a cheery "hello" to which didn't even merit any facial expression let alone a reply, then onto the x-ray machine, no instructions or advised as to what to place in the plastic container. Removed suit jacket, laptop, belt, laptop, shoes, emptied pockets of anything into said container while been looked at and expression from said lady of indifference and unfriendly manner. She then begins to unload the container, sorting out things from one container into another without any regard for a persons personal property.

I'm lucky to of travelled the world and experienced security at most international airports but this was beyond any doubt the most unpleasant experience I've experienced and my own "local" regional airport.

I was not the only customer travelling through HUY on that day to notice this individual and her unfriendly manner.

Dismayed, shocked and to be quite frank shall not be using the airport again, wishing to support HUY has been clouded by this individual and if your reading this you should learn some customer service and at the very least some manners. Your representing a regional airport, I am a customer, I probably contribute to your salary by way of my ticket and taxes.

I don't care if you've worked 8 hours, got family problems etc, your one of the faces of the airport, if you don't enjoy your job please leave!

20th Dec 2015, 07:53
Thomson add Tenerife for Winter 2016/17

Flights operate Monday mornings using Thomson Airways. The first weekly Winter charter flights since 2008!

20th Dec 2015, 08:54
Do you mean 16/17? aren't we half way through Winter 15/16?

Still, good news whenever!

21st Dec 2015, 17:11
Thanks, Initial post edited.

Indeed the flights are for the Winter 16/17 season, commencing in November 2016. The flights are down to be operated by Thomson Airways, so presume this will be using B738 equipment.

6th Apr 2016, 10:10
The Danish airline SUN-AIR, a franchise partner of British Airways, opens a new route between Humberside and Aalborg and Billund on the 17th April 2016. The new route is opened in close cooperation with Siemens Wind Power and will support the growing wind power industry in the Humberside area and connect two major wind power hubs in the UK and Denmark.

SUN-AIR opens new route from Humberside to Aalborg and Billund (http://www.uk.sun-air.dk/cms.cfm?nPageNo=114370)

6th Apr 2016, 17:55
Clearly targeted at one company at the moment (hence the very short lead in time), but they are clearly hoping other people will find use for it. Should be more successful than the CPH attempt at least.

26th Jun 2016, 18:40
Any know why a number of BA Sun-air flights are coming in and out of HUY OY-NCJ (328) OY-SVF (j31)OY-NCL (328) departed this evening

26th Jun 2016, 18:58
Aren't they part of the scheduled service they operate, although possible a couple of extra for the offshore company they are working with on the routes

27th Jun 2016, 09:23
There is one scheduled service scheduled to arrive and depart HUY on a Friday and Sunday. I too also noticed the extra flights on the boards yesterday evening. I presumed it must be due to increased demand on top of the scheduled flight for whatever reason. Bearing in mind that the Dorniers only carry 32/33 pax.

27th Jun 2016, 15:49
I think it's there at the moment purely in support of the new Siemens facility in Hull, which is working up now. So it's probably as a result of people being sent over to Aalborg for training.