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2nd Oct 2006, 08:40
Not wanting to harp on...... I was portraying the knowledge of all staff involved, not press releases. Common, therefore 'public' knowledge...



XL to SSH.. Why is it that they consistently have to leave bags behind on both the outbound and inbound??? 737 - 800... It's weight I take it, but due to a/c type? runway length ( SSH )? Why run a route when you must know this is going to happen??

There must be MANY unhappy pax due to this as it's every week!

Another note...

Heard that the new walkway to stands 12,13,14,15 will be open today???? Though heard of many opening dates!! Is it open yet??? I say 15... It will still need to be bussed, and yet it seems to be the freighters home, so no pax!!!

2nd Oct 2006, 17:45
Heard that the new walkway to stands 12,13,14,15 will be open today???? Though heard of many opening dates!! Is it open yet??? I say 15... It will still need to be bussed, and yet it seems to be the freighters home, so no pax!!!30th September 2006 22:40

Finnaly. Been opening for ages

2nd Oct 2006, 19:02
XL to SSH..
It seems to only have happened in recent weeks, possibly down to weather/winds, (VIK to HER has had same problem in M83) However surely winds wouldnt effect both ways??
TOM through the winter have the wise idea of limiting the number of passengers they accept on the flight, XL it seems just wants their money anyway!
Pax certainl not happy when its the same ones who didnt get their bags on the way out, only to find they dont get them on the way back either! Less pushing of trollies i suppose :ok:
Heard that the new walkway to stands 12,13,14,15 will be open today???? Though heard of many opening dates!! Is it open yet??? I say 15... It will still need to be bussed, and yet it seems to be the freighters home, so no pax!!!
Yup, finally!
Moans and groan from inbound pax already, but boarding seemed to go ok, its hardly Heathrow after all! Will take the pressure of the bus guys too!
Cant imagine 350+ pax there if all 3 stands are in use early morning though!
Overall the Jury's still out on its success...... :confused:
The next jobs seem to be starting, toilets in international pier have been covered and are to be moved to open out the pier, talk of the extension of check-in hall to start alot sooner than 2015, and extension of baggage/departures by stand 1 to hopefully start this winter!
Maybe soon it will be Heathrow!! :D :ok: :confused: :confused: :ugh:

2nd Oct 2006, 19:38
Interesting:ooh: http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=246205&highlight=cardiff

2nd Oct 2006, 19:52
However Belfast (BHD) and Newcastle are bookable, but no sign of CWL, nothing on this page either..
Fingures crossed!

2nd Oct 2006, 19:54
Would be as VERY good addition,like you say fingers crossed.Is there news on any others.Such as turbo-prop operator for the domestic shorter routes?

2nd Oct 2006, 20:09
Where to start .... (on the rumours that is)
Air Southwest pulling out...
Air Southwest expanding...
Aer Arann basing A/c...
MyTravel basing x2 A320 and eventually winter base...
MyTravel basing A321...
Zoom long haul routes...
Sky Europe operating to Poland/eastern europe
Some more solid (but still) rumours...
Eastern pulling BRU
Baby's 4th a/c
TOM's 3rd
XL using 767 rather than 747 next summer
...Wonder if anything will actually happen with these...

2nd Oct 2006, 20:11
Interesting:ooh: http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=246205&highlight=cardiff

Sorry but wouldn't pay too much credence to theplanemanuk and his rumours.

2nd Oct 2006, 20:24
Evening Flower :) Ah thats right theplanemanuk was on here before convinced about Continental.Thanks Caaardiff just seems to be a few smaller routes up for grabs but nothing solid happening.Usual story:ugh:

2nd Oct 2006, 20:27
Bring back Air Wales and someone dedicated to CWL! :D :ok:

2nd Oct 2006, 20:55
I wonder if Bmi baby will operate a CWL-DUB route with their new soon-to-be-based B737 now that Ryanair have pulled out completly??

2nd Oct 2006, 21:34
Now that THomson/Aerarran Jersey route stoped as of the first of October the1st and the only connection to Jersey is the Saturday BMI Baby flight till the end of the month is there any signs of an operation for the winter??:ok:

With the possibilty of Flybe not operating out of Bristol to Jersey is this not a case for a least a connection to Jersey to carry on???:ok: :ok:

crackling jet
3rd Oct 2006, 00:09
i see planeman is back on the now closed new york thread, it appears that delta are now going to operate the CWL-EWR route next summer !!!!, is this from another reliable inside source,what happened to the previous adament reliable insider who last informed him that CO going to pull out of BRS and move to CWL ? or is it the same one !!!!!:ugh:

3rd Oct 2006, 06:44
Speaking of Flybe,would`nt that be a great set up for CWL:E

3rd Oct 2006, 08:43
i see planeman is back on the now closed new york thread, [/B]

..and he and his thumbs-up identikit BAforever are now banned.

3rd Oct 2006, 15:04
i see planeman is back on the now closed new york thread, it appears that delta are now going to operate the CWL-EWR route next summer !!!!, is this from another reliable inside source,what happened to the previous adament reliable insider who last informed him that CO going to pull out of BRS and move to CWL ? or is it the same one !!!!!:ugh:

New York my A***!
CWL can’t support basic bread and butter routes to business destinations in Europe. What no Brussels? Shed loads on the SNB at BRS.
What is going on at CWL? XL, Eastern, Air Southwest are all doing a runner! How many other regional airports have news like CWL have airlines starting and dropping? Is it just that CWL will never be a BRS or BHX?
BRS are struggling to cope with the demand. Ok, Flybe are pulling the plug and look like they are centralising in the Southwest at EXT. Competition is a lot more heavier at BRS. No way on this planet will BEE base at CWL. Umm..? But then again, I loved the way they put up a bloody great sail thing on a roundabout at BRS. Spent loads on it with: ‘the southwest’s best low cost carrier blah, blah (or something dull). Then about a week later it was all removed!

How about CWL develops its advantages it has over BRS? Maintenance, freight, and more long-hauls? It will never now match BRS for general pax figs. It missed its chance years ago.

3rd Oct 2006, 16:11
Just a quickie!!!

Stand 11 is now in use too!!!

3rd Oct 2006, 16:15
Airvanman sad to say but i think its true!You look at other airports and CWL just is`nt going anywhere fast.If Air Southwest pull out just after Eastern just after Air Wales and Ryanair not to forget British regional......what does it say CWL is a risky airport.pitty:sad:

3rd Oct 2006, 16:29
I wouldn't see the place all doom and gloom, what you are looking at are routes that have always been difficult to run, how many times have airlines pulled out of Brussels?
The Dublin flights are handled by Aer Arran and Ryanair moving out is I'm quite sure no great loss to the airport, having promised the earth and doing the square root of diddly squat once they arrived.
Passenger figures are well up on last year, yes they need to do a lot more work but maybe we should stop trying to compare ourselves with other airports nearby, we have a very different catchment.

3rd Oct 2006, 16:32
Got to say, I think the "Cardiff has had it" theory is rot.

Let's look at the "leavers" and the "rumoured leavers"....

XL - my guess is that they managed to get some more slots out of the South East for the Cardiff aircraft. So they did what any airline would do from any non-South East airport. Absquatulated.

Eastern - NCL seems to work well, as it did with Air Wales. BRU - well, the fares were crazy, seemed to have no revenue manager on them, and the advertising? I didn't see any, and I fly through, or have a meeting at the airport pretty much weekly.

ASW - give me strength. They may advertise well, but NQY? Why would anyone go to NQY in the winter? And if you live in Cardiff, getting to the centre of Manchester is quicker on the train. Daft route.

CWL suffers from not getting the Go base, years back. That was a pretty close call by all accounts, and the situation could easily have been reversed. What CWL needs is a decent "proper" low cost, serving some of the underserved destinations that baby do, and introducing others that easy do out of BRS. And offering real low cost fares... I get bored with the leakage figures from the S Wales area to BRS....

New York? All things are possible. Have I heard anything? No. BUT remember that long haul tends to have a larger catchment area. So given that CO won't do it (they are out of BHX and BRS, why would they?) and most of the US majors are looking very hard at Europe, who knows? CO are not the only player, and CWL is virgin territory for someone who wanted a slice of the CO action. Drive it on price, and watch the fur fly.

Dubai? Doubtful. But Middle East, possible. I know many people for example who are BHX regulars because of the EK service. You'd be surprised how many Skywards folks are in the CF, NP, SA postcodes. But EK won't do it since it dilutes load and yield. Etihad? Qatar? Who knows?

Don't write CWL off just yet. You heard it here first. ;)

3rd Oct 2006, 16:43
No offence but!But its always the same rumours going round and round and round.Don`t get me wrong i would love Cardiff to develop as you know.After all it pay my bills at the end of the month.But the management just can`t bring it together.As some people think Cardiff is/maybe/or not in danger of being sold off since the group purchase achieved the Golden London airport for the Spanish?Which has had no end of funds on development.Is that why Cardiff seen an added push for routes?Quick boost of pax?

3rd Oct 2006, 16:47
No offence taken, PT.

Is that why Cardiff seen an added push for routes?Quick boost of pax?

If only it were that easy....

What the airport needed was a bit of spring cleaning... over the last year it has had it. A little bit more to come perhaps, and then, who knows?

3rd Oct 2006, 16:54
Glad to see i'm back in agreement with Twin Aisle, and hello Pipertommy from last night :)

3rd Oct 2006, 16:56

re xl its not beacause the a/c is better else where for example majority of flights full,passengers pleased there was another airline rather than the usual to choose from,tfly are going half full on some of there flights but the airport are too scared to give there slots to another carrier,airport didnt fight enough to keep them,but it wont be the last we see xl based at cwl.

3rd Oct 2006, 17:01
Hello!:O I may have worded my point in very simple terms.But the point i mean,is if there is a driving force all the better.A driving force for routes or a boot up the A:mad: Anyway better get on got Air Law to get stuck into, thought it was dry enough during PPL Warsaw convention,annex 1,2,3...........:zzz: bla

3rd Oct 2006, 17:43
The thing with new routes, is that you need an airport that can accommodate the pax and provide the facilities they need to travel.

Simple things like seating, toilets and access to information...

Building new stands to accommodate a/c, then worrying about pax after, isn't the way to go!!! Get it right from the start and you've got a nice experience at the airport from which you travel. Otherwise, you may not use it again....

This new walkway, I'm told, has no seating at gates and no toilets!!!! WHY OH WHY??? Word is that it's to encourage pax to spend at departures BEFORE they are to board... So how are pax to know what is beyond the departure lounge??? Are they told?? Yeah right!!!

CWL should have gone straight into the build of a walkway shadowing the old domestic pier with air bridges.. As is in the 2015 paper I think??? Simple things like an air bridge can reduce turnaround times and staffing levels.. No need for steps, or at least one set.... No pax waiting when boarding till steps are clear so as not to get too wet in bad weather... Quicker offload and loading... Nicer for pax not to get wet!!! Less staff required to 'watch' pax on the apron as they board... and them get wet too, causing some sickness I'm sure!!etc...

More stands and a/c, yet little thought put into equipment parking.... So it's now further away and takes longer to fetch!! If not left in the way of a stand.. like the First Choice incident!!!

So many reasons yet so little thought!!

I'm all for expansion, but PLEASE PLEASE give it some thought.....

It's difficult to determine staffing levels when you need three people to turn an a/c on one stand and five or six on another!!

Abertis, take note, and good luck!!!! I look forward to a better CARDIFF!!!!!!

Rant over... Back to the way it is!!!

crackling jet
3rd Oct 2006, 18:48
Well some good news, so many bookings have been taken on the Florida flights with FCA that they are starting in February apparently now not May.

I wouldn't see the place all doom and gloom, what you are looking at are routes that have always been difficult to run, how many times have airlines pulled out of Brussels?
The Dublin flights are handled by Aer Arran and Ryanair moving out is I'm quite sure no great loss to the airport, having promised the earth and doing the square root of diddly squat once they arrived.
Passenger figures are well up on last year, yes they need to do a lot more work but maybe we should stop trying to compare ourselves with other airports nearby, we have a very different catchment.

Forgive me if im wrong, but what is the good news ? FCA are starting the long haul early in February, i cant see this as the FCA long haul is operating from Bristol.

3rd Oct 2006, 20:02
Oops you could well be correct Crackling Jet.
Good news for Bristol then :O

3rd Oct 2006, 20:14

Aircraft slots in the southeast tosh! XL - doing what others have done cut and run!

Eastern (the award winning regional) They obviously don’t think it’s worth it!

Air Southwest. Daft routes not! see Air Wales

Air Wales. Another Welsh airline gone! Why did they not do a CWL-North Wales –CWL 2-3 daily? A rich mans plaything. Swansea what was all that about? Indecisive route planning. Had ambitions for 747s to NYC. Now that one made me laugh!

Blame GO? BMIBaby (a proper lo-cost) have dragged their feet and just ticked over. Never mind they will be ‘kin off to BHX soon and doing an XL.

Middle east etc. This is what CWL want to chase. BRS can’t cope with lack of space inside and out! Get in there quick CWL and you could steal BRS’s thunder!

I will write CWL off! Until they one day have good management in place.

Crackling Jet. Get on with your work! The ex Count?:ok:

3rd Oct 2006, 20:40
CWL suffers from not getting the Go base, years back. That was a pretty close call by all accounts, and the situation could easily have been reversed.


Interesting point you make about the current situation on Severnside had Go (what a superb airline - I used them several times) gone to CWL instead of BRS.

I have Barbara Cassani's excellent book on Go and she devotes a chapter to the Bristol set-up. Forgive me if you have read it.

In brief summary, when they decided they wanted a second base to complement Stansted (in fact, they were going to open a new base every year) they cast their net all over Europe. The short list for the first new base became BRS, EMA, NCL and EDI/GLA.

The main points that swung the decision in BRS's favour were the perceived quality of its top management and the fact that the catchment area was "along the wealthy and populous Thames valley corridor and the West Country was full of well-off older people with time to spare."

She went on to say that "the perfectly formed airport was a joy to deal with ..........because John (Parkin, the then MD) and his management had grasped the potential for this prosperous segment of Britain."

This confirms, although being in the business you will know far better than me, what a top-quality senior management can bring to an airport.

Once BRS got the base there was no way such a close neighbour as CWL would get one too, and the situation would have applied in reverse.

BTW, to me your full post concerning CWL's future makes absolute common sense.

3rd Oct 2006, 22:29
tfly are going half full on some of there flights
Are they? Only maybe on the 3 Long Haul routes. From my knowledge TOM's loads out of CWL have been excellent on nearly every SH flight. (again yeild may be a different matter)
The problem with CWL is they steam ahead with all these 'wonderful and exciting' plans. Yet as AvianceUK says there seems to be little thought about it. OK, maybe from a business point of view, the investment costs may not be worth it for anything fancy. But if i had been a passenger travelling through CWL this summer, i wouldnt come back. Its been a farce for months.
If the investment was there, and was viable, then there is such great potential with CWL. But at the moment its just a dream.
I feel sorry for the staff (the ones that actually face the public, rather than ones who sit behind a desk deciding what crap their going to throw at the pax and staff each day!)
Its not been easy when theres no seating left in departures, stupidly long queues at security,no buses available for flights and lack of gates to use anyway, theres a slight delay on bags and hundreds crammed into a tiny baggage hall and huge queues at check-in because of the rubbish baggage belt system that never works!
Get it right from the start and you've got a nice experience at the airport from which you travel. Otherwise, you may not use it again....

Exactly, CWL is not a nice experience they way it is!
I could go on, but thats my rant over for now anyway :=

4th Oct 2006, 03:42
Interesting posts.

Caaardiff - don't spend too much time using ThomsonFly as a benchmark for anything at CWL. They are predominantly a charter carrier and dump spare seats to the direct sales market. What their figures for this are like bear not much resemblance to the overall performance of the airport.

MV - I have indeed read BC's book. I used to work for a guy who worked directly for BC, and he always maintained that a lot of the stuff in that book was what she wanted the world to think, rather than the direct truth.... isn't that always the way? She would hardly say anything against an airport that she had chosen for a base that had worked, would she? ;)

Airvanman - Don't see where you are coming from with some of this.

Aircraft slots in the southeast tosh! XL - doing what others have done cut and run!

As I said, it was my guess.

Eastern (the award winning regional) They obviously don’t think it’s worth it!

And yet they still run NCL? It was always going to be a marginal call running a base with only one route. IMHO they screwed this up with crazy fares and poor advertising. Once they potch their one route up, whither the base?

Air Southwest. Daft routes not! see Air Wales

Eh? 6G ran NCL, DUB, PLH (which ran pretty full, especially with through traffic - PLH is a larger centre of population than NQY!), etc. NQY is a mad route. MAN is a mad route when the train is quicker.

Air Wales. Another Welsh airline gone! Why did they not do a CWL-North Wales –CWL 2-3 daily?

6G didn't do North Wales since there is no real market. If there was a real market for it, why would it need government support, hm?

BMIBaby (a proper lo-cost)

It only thinks it is. It isn't.

Never mind they will be ‘kin off to BHX soon

Doubt it. I have seen their figures (I do work in this area after all!) CWL is doing VERY well for them, thank you.

Would agree with the comments from Aviance tho. Ground handling at CWL seems to be getting worse by the day. Took almost 40 minutes to get bags to belt the other day, when the aircraft in question was the only one about. Not good.

4th Oct 2006, 12:03
Doom, doom, doom!

Why is everybody always so pessimistic on CWL's prospects. Lets not forget that Cardiff is having it's busiest year and is likely to break through the 2m barrier before the year is out!

There is nothing to be gained from speculating as to what might have been. Fact is that BRS are the dominant airport in the West / South West and good luck to them.

Cardiff has it's own strengths to play to and now that some of the infrastructure is finally being developed, then perhaps some of these airlines which are constantly courted but never quite come off will now see the potential at Cardiff.

Success breeds success - you don't have to look far past the Severn Bridge to see that!


4th Oct 2006, 19:13
Not sure if anyone realizes that Eastern are currently flying CWL pax to ABZ via NCL ( I think ).... Haven't read anyone else mention this..

Just goes to show the lack of advertisement perhaps???


Just checked the Eastern website and it's not bookable or timetabled.... Perhaps some people got to book for the short time it was on offer..... But some pax are definatly going there!!

I know they are supposed to be leaving, just strange to see a new route just before the end!!

4th Oct 2006, 20:08
Cardiff has it's own strengths to play to and now that some of the infrastructure is finally being developed, then perhaps some of these airlines which are constantly courted but never quite come off will now see the potential at Cardiff.

I totally agree with the fact that CWL has it's strengths.....

Yet the current building works, recently opened and currently in progress have done diddly squat to improve the infrastructure of the airport...

The new walkway has replaced the bus and added new gates to use.. In the mean time, other gates are closed for work, and extra staff need to be used to board on the customer side rather than the bus side.... swings and roundabouts...

Currently two reclaim belts in operation in the main hall, and one under the 'tent' which ( to my knowledge ) has been used the grand sum of fingers on one hand!! The belt is tiny.. And as it was used first and second times around, it constantly stopped for no apparent reason... So now it is 'avoided' if possible.

Also, the two main belts, airside, are hampered by the current works being undertaken by the construction crews. So they are slower coming through to pax.

Working in the middle of a building site, you could be forgiven for some of the delays?? What's the delay code for 'contractors working as the airport planed'????

I personally can't Wait for the winter season, yet I think de-icing will cause it's concerns with delays as usual... Lets see.....

What is one to do!!!!????

SORRY... for my rants!! But if problems aren't highlighted in some form or another, then nothing will get done!! I know some key people read these forums, and the fact that anyone can read these, makes the importance of change even more open to user discussion and recommendation, ...well to some effect!!

Av Uk

cheers for your time!!

4th Oct 2006, 20:44
Hey AvianceUK - please don't apologize for your postings, I for one find them very informative. I hope other people see them as well, and if they don't, I shall drop them a hint next time I see them!

Re Eastern - and you thought Air Wales was bad? ;) At least all the routes could be booked.... what appears to be happening is that pax have noticed that the route can be booked as two distinct PNRs, and are doing that. It will all go horridly wrong if Eastern choose to apply their own rules, when the CWL-NCL goes late, misses the NCL-ABZ and reports the pax as a no-show.... Wait for the fur to fly.

Eastern are as far as I can tell going to be operating the NCL going forwards - this is an NCL based aircraft (good mate of mine flies it now and again) - it is the Cardiff base they have given up on, which was just the BRU route.

4th Oct 2006, 20:47
Leading Turkish holiday specialist Holidays4U has chosen Cardiff Airport (http://www.cwlfly.com/) to expand its regional departure flights for 2007. Starting next May they will offer flights to and from Dalaman on
Tuesdays and to Bodrum on Saturdays.

Which airline operates these routes on their behalf???

4th Oct 2006, 21:06
Hey AvianceUK - please don't apologize for your postings, I for one find them very informative. I hope other people see them as well, and if they don't, I shall drop them a hint next time I see them!

Cheers TWIN...

As much it may seem I'm constantly negative about CWL.. I do actually enjoy my job, and working at CWL.

I'm just a little frustrated at the short sightedness of some people and the failure to improve CWL, to be the airport that it could be 'NOW' rather than later!! A little more time taken to concrete the grass area between stands 16, 17 and ECHO 2 could have made all the difference now rather than by 2015.. In reality, only a short few years away in the respect of the work needed... The new modular walkway will be redundant in a few years as it only serves 'some' stands and has NO facilties... Perhaps this is CWL realizing the short life span of the new walkway, in providing the basic needs... And when I say basic, I MEAN BASIC!!!!! NO BOGS?? COME ON!!!LOL!!!!

Eastern are as far as I can tell going to be operating the NCL going forwards

I heard this too ( two days ago.. ).. despite the rumor they were pulling out... ( I know it's not based, but first rumor I heard was they would not be operating ANY routes from CWL )

Edited for spelling as I know I'm BAD at it!!

4th Oct 2006, 21:32
Re Eastern - and you thought Air Wales was bad? ;) At least all the routes could be booked.... what appears to be happening is that pax have noticed that the route can be booked as two distinct PNRs, and are doing that. It will all go horridly wrong if Eastern choose to apply their own rules, when the CWL-NCL goes late, misses the NCL-ABZ and reports the pax as a no-show.... Wait for the fur to fly.

I flew from CWL to NCL a few weeks back on the morning flight and it was delayed by 2 hours due to bad weather at NCL on the inbound flight. There were about 4 passengers on board for ABZ and Wick and the pilot radioed ahead to let operations know they were on board. From what I can gather it is normally oil workers who connect at NCL and it is a big chunk of Eastern's work so they want to keep them happy.

5th Oct 2006, 18:56
CWL is a good airport just needs a decent based airline and the link to the M4 then it could go better than BRS it has better weather but the majority of passengers from the south west would have to pay a current £4.90 additional tax just to come to Wales. Dont get me wrong i have worked at CWL for two airlines and would like to come back again. CWL is like a lot of other airports one TWA capt described LGW as gee BAA a building site with a runway attached.

5th Oct 2006, 19:01
Never been convinced about the "link to the M4" malarkey at CWL. BRS does ok, and the road to that is just dreadful - makes the current road to CWL look like a German autobahn.

I have a new theory about airports. Those folks on here who know who I am will know my lunatic travel - I go through a silly number of airports in a year. And you know what? I don't think I have EVER gone through one that didn't have building work going on somewhere. I think it is either a tax dodge ("pay council tax? No mate, not finished yet") or some bizarre IATA requirement :}

9th Oct 2006, 12:00
Somebody told me that some Germans have been taking a look around - not sure if they were pulling my leg!

Can anybody confirm if this is true?


9th Oct 2006, 19:10
I was looking to book a flight with Zoom in July 07 to Toronto and it said with one stop. Is this service being downgraded? It is a direct flight this year.


11th Oct 2006, 12:53
New seating!!

Yep, seating has now been put in at gate 11, serving stand 11!! Must be around 30 seats in there... WOW!!

But what the hell is going on with the door alarms??? They go off in a couple of mins and are so loud! Especially in the echo ridden dull space of this boarding gate!!! It sounds like a fire alarm is sounding.. I'm sure pax get the feeling an evac is on the way when they hear it!!! Nice touch!!

One to add.... SECURITY have now been told, ( so I've been informed! ) that they are to throw away any items confiscated from staff when passing through search points!! Yep, bin it !! The reason?? They can't keep your items secure!! Yep, people have been 'stealing' items on the way back that don't belong to them as security can't keep track of what belongs to who!! So if you see crews foraging through the bins, you know why!!!!!!!!

You heard it here first!! Security can't keep your items secure!!!! LOL

12th Oct 2006, 17:21
What also about the information that a German airline have been looking around CWL, Ive heard this one too.

What about Air Berlin, it would be intresting as we'd finnaly have some German routes from CWL or will it be a connections flight to Stansted? If not what new routes do you think we.ll have as it will defuinatley be a chance to take on EZY and RYN at BRS and baby at CWL.

12th Oct 2006, 18:06
Does anyone also have info on Zoom going non-direct to Toronto next yer?

13th Oct 2006, 13:09
I see DragonFly are increasing their operation to 2 aircraft

Dragon tracker
13th Oct 2006, 13:14
Last I heard Zoom are double dropping some services via BFS due to fuel. Not sure if this is planned for Toronto for 2007 but has been happening on Vancouver this year.

Are there good reasons for a CWL - Germany route? Baby had issues with MUC.

Interesting about STN, could work but would need to attract East Anglia / Cambridgeshire - CWL pax. Does anybody know how many people travel between these two regions?

Anybody heard interest in direct flights to ABZ or INV??

13th Oct 2006, 16:23
What also about the information that a German airline have been looking around CWL, Ive heard this one too.

Probably Luftansa, as mentioned on the BRS forum, they are looking at expanding into the UK Regions more. This included looking at BRS and CWL.

13th Oct 2006, 16:44
No, I doubt it will be Lufthansa, AB i still think is the most likley airline to operate

15th Oct 2006, 00:03
Eurofly operating a flight to Milan from CWL tomorrow. Any reason know what for?


15th Oct 2006, 00:58
Eurofly are flying an orchestra back to milan malpensa on an A320 must be doing a concert somewhere near cardiff

Dragon tracker
16th Oct 2006, 12:47
Have heard the initial actions for tenders between Valley and CWL are going forward aiming for 2007 launch.

Do any of you know who of airlines who will be entering the tender process?

16th Oct 2006, 14:04
Air Southwest should get in on this...
North Wales - Cardiff - Gatwick

On other news.

TOM to operate BCN x4 wkly next year on 733 :ok:

16th Oct 2006, 14:50
The whole basis of the Inter Wales air link I find offensive, on so many fronts.

Firstly, subsidising air routes is a terrible use of public money. I can accept real PSO (and even PSO is abused to the point of lunacy) - just - but this is just wasting public money.

Secondly, why does anyone assume there is a need for this service for anyone other than AMs?

Thirdly, why would any airline even want to do this? Any existing airline must be desperate beyond measure to even contemplate this route. If the WAG finds a new entrant to the airline industry, and effectively funds their start-up, I will not be alone in writing filthy letters to the CAA and my MEP.

Cardiff needs some real routes, not this mickey mouse connection.

16th Oct 2006, 16:39

Chill out! You must be easily offended?

Why not? How long does it take to drive? I am not welsh but it must be a bloody pain!
Ok I don’t know how many people do this trip a day. But starting off modestly. I am sure business would benefit, along with visiting friends and relatives?

Real routes! What about BRU? :oh:

16th Oct 2006, 16:51
Why does it offend me? Because I spend a lot of my working life helping airlines turn a profit. Having idiot politicians suggesting nutty routes (and it IS a nutty route, I am afraid - no-one much travels from Cardiff to NW Wales, except the idiot politicians) and to have them potentially funding competitors to existing airlines who have had more sense than to bid for this route causes nothing but market inequity.

If it is soooo much of a pain to do this trip, and there are people who wish to visit their friends and relatives, fine - let them pay for it. Run the service on a commercial basis. If you can't, why squander money on a route when the hospitals and schools are so short of dosh, hmmm?

Public funding of airlines creates BAD airlines. Weaning the likes of BA off the public nipple was about the best thing that ever happened to our national carrier. Why the WAG is trying to force milk down some other sucker's mouth is beyond me, I would have thought that the lesson of "how to make an airline REALLY bad" had been learned by now. Clearly not.

Airlines are not there to be public servants, at the whim of today's shower of elected representatives. They are there to generate a return for their stakeholders, and frankly anyone who doesn't agree this point should be banned for life from airline management.

16th Oct 2006, 17:30
TOM to operate BCN x4 wkly next year on 733

Wherve you heard of this? Very good news to have a BCN route though!

16th Oct 2006, 17:38
Wherve you heard of this? Very good news to have a BCN route though!

I've seen the provisional schedule for SO07. Looking very busy.
So far the only routes not on sale are JER and BCN

16th Oct 2006, 17:46
Not once have I mentioned Public funding in any of my posts etc… But I do agree with your views on this!!
Ok the N-S route maybe is mad. But this is the way some routes are chanced or started?

CWL and funding have always goes together in my eyes. You are right airlines operate just for profit. Not for the honour of flying from the capital of Wales along with a short-term sweetener.

No ambitions for parliament then?

16th Oct 2006, 17:50
Not once have I mentioned Public funding in any of my posts

But that's the whole point of the tender process! If the WAG weren't intending to throw money at it, there would BE no tender process.

No ambitions for parliament then?

Absolutely not. I'm a cynic, but a realist, and most politicians I know are there since it is the only way they would ever earn more than £50k a year...

16th Oct 2006, 17:51
I've seen the provisional schedule for SO07. Looking very busy.
So far the only routes not on sale are JER and BCN

Do you know when theyre going on sale then please? A BCN link is great news for CWL and im sure theres enough demand.:ok:

17th Oct 2006, 10:47
The additional FAO's plus BCN and JER to come still wont fully utalise an additional 733 and I cant see TOM keeping an assett on the ground loosing money. 2 ways forward, either they may pull some of the routes currently on sale or hopefully more to come.

17th Oct 2006, 11:15
The additional FAO's plus BCN and JER to come still wont fully utalise an additional 733 and I cant see TOM keeping an assett on the ground loosing money. 2 ways forward, either they may pull some of the routes currently on sale or hopefully more to come.
It seems like its just a part based 733, unless as you say there are more routes to come. Also the 733 wont be out untill early hours as it was this year. Normally last flight landing around 0100.
Whats interesting though is the 763 (in new Y/J 283 config) is based 5 days through the week, operating short haul routes as well as CUN(wed) and SFB (Thu)
TOM seem to see the potential in CWL at the moment by increasing capacity quite a bit :D :D

17th Oct 2006, 12:12
I thought Thomson were considering a few more routes from Cardiff with Salzburg very likely and a couple of Italian & French routes strong possibilities?

However, the extra rotations from the 763 could be freeing up time for the 752 / 733 to allow JER and BCN out of the current based aircraft? I'm pretty sure that the 733s they have on order are to replace the old 735s and not additional capacity.

Either that or they're waiting to see what Baby are planning with their 4th 733.


Gary Lager
17th Oct 2006, 13:11
I doubt baby will get another 733 at CWL. It is almost certain to go elsewhere, probably MAN or BHX.

We should know in a week or so, anyway.

Dragon tracker
17th Oct 2006, 16:07
Assuming this BCN info is correct, I imagine it is not bookable due to slots not confirmed yet. As most their other Summer routes are bookable on their historic slots.
Interesting that JER is not on sale.

Would SZG work year round from CWL or is this a Winter opportunity?
When is the slot application deadline for Summer 07?

18th Oct 2006, 08:29
CWL GWY 3 times weekly from start of winter schedule

18th Oct 2006, 12:37
Route Crazy!!

I agree that North-South link is nonsense, We are already linked to Manchester, that's close enough and that doesn't sell 100%
A north-south link wouldn't even fill a seneca.

Politicians are trying to help themselves, they should be aiming for bigger and better things. More scheduled transatlantic routes, maybe a weekly new york or similar. but no, North Wales......wow.

We'll see what happens......perhaps the flying club will start a franchise with BMIbaby for the north wales route, paint up one of the robins in baby colors. lol


18th Oct 2006, 20:15

TOM to operate BCN x4 wkly next year on 733 :ok:

So, what will the route fequncey be then?


:confused: Cessna? Senned?

It seems like its just a part based 733

That what I have heard aswell. A 733 shared with MAN apparently. Very Good news though:)

26th Oct 2006, 06:46
Winter 2007 on sale via the Thomson Holidays website one new winter destination for CWL which will be Funchal. Here are the details:

Depart Cardiff
28/01/08, 08:00
Arrive Funchal
28/01/08, 12:00


Depart Funchal
04/02/08, 14:00
Arrive Cardiff
04/02/08, 17:00

:ok: :ok: :ok:

26th Oct 2006, 09:53
There was talk that Tom would operate down to Jersey so this could fill in with the BCN aircraft??

27th Oct 2006, 20:15
There was talk that Tom would operate down to Jersey so this could fill in with the BCN aircraft??

No, I think its Aer Aerann next year again. (well atleast thats what i thought.:} )

Charlie Roy
5th Nov 2006, 17:49
So EASTERN have dropped Cardiff - Brussels :(

Hopefully I less expensive operator will take the route on...

5th Nov 2006, 17:55
Loads on this about four pages back....

Not a low cost route, I'm afraid. Not going to repeat the logic of that statement.


Charlie Roy
5th Nov 2006, 18:01
Sorry, I checked one or two pages back before posting. Didn't realise this was such old news :O