View Full Version : College for foreigners

14th Jun 2006, 21:49
Hi everyone!

I just returned from the USA from studying 1 year in an american high school, and I really liked it there. I´m coming back this fall to start my aviation training in college.

My question was: How difficult it´s to stay in the US after completing the training and continue to the regionals? Is it possible for me (a foreigner) having completed the path of college?

THank you so much in advance,

15th Jun 2006, 19:33
You'd have to get married. Shouldn't be too difficult, American girls are suckers for a guy with an accent, especially if said guy isn't too hard-looking.

16th Jun 2006, 20:37
You'd have to get married. Shouldn't be too difficult, American girls are suckers for a guy with an accent, especially if said guy isn't too hard-looking.

Very true...esp. if its a French one :p