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7th Jun 2006, 21:50
Hi All,

Can somebody help me with this? I need to buy books for indian exams such as: AirNavigation, Aircraft Meteorology & Air Regulation for Indian CPL exams? I have been to the book shops but unable to find books in these categories :ugh:
1) Is it possible to purchase books from pilots who have completed these exams or buy a new one?
2) And which authors are the best in these books and helpful to pass indian CPL exams? Please help.
3) Are there any model question papers available to have an idea of these CPL testS?
Thank You! :uhoh:

27th Jun 2006, 04:40
Hi , I would like to know where u completed ur training(meaning which college in india). Im intrested in doing this course and would like to know how u feel about this. can u plz share ur experience. Any input will be greatly appericiated. I dont check this forum so often so could u please mail me directly. my email add is [email protected]


27th Jun 2006, 13:13
4 of the Ground studies for pilots series - nav, met, radio aids, flight planning - edition 6

Mechanics of Flight - A.C. Kermode

Air regulations - RK Bali

Indian meteorology books are very hard to find. English book store sells a photocopied set of a book published 80 years ago by the indian met department. Otherwise there is an indian ariforce manual and a jet airways guide on the subject that can be found through word of mouth - i.e. borrowing.

Ordinary bookshops don't carry any of the above. English book store in delhi and Sterling book house in mumbai stock them.