View Full Version : Jets for sale !!

6th Jun 2006, 12:01
Don't know if anyone has mentioned this site before. The available Sea Harrier only has one careful owner, full service history & only 1291 hrs on the clock. Bargain.:ok:


6th Jun 2006, 19:16
Looks like they are stripping the training world of it's assets. Look at the JP's, the Mk 5a is still being used as a training aid for the shiney new FLMs.

6th Jun 2006, 19:27
Anyone asked how much the £POA is? Would look great in the garden at parties when you invite some stovie c-jet mates round.... They could tell you all their fantastic stories (again). Could even rig it up in the pond, it would be just at home thinking with its cousin in the River Yeo!

6th Jun 2006, 21:11
Well My shopping list would be

Peggy 104
Lucas CR201 to get it started, don't forget HP cock closed !
Mk9 seat, even if it does have 12 pins, or some ridiculous number like that.

7th Jun 2006, 06:34
Looks like they are stripping the training world of it's assets

If all the trainers are sold will it mean that aircrew will do their initial flight training in this before their first solo's I wonder ? :eek:
( Notice the lack of a navigator; well ahead of it's time I reckon ! :E )
