View Full Version : SIA Cargo and Great Wall Airlines

27th May 2006, 12:01
Having acquired a stake in Great Wall Airlines and recently leasing an a/c (9V-SFE) to Great Wall, I do wonder if the move is in line with Singcargo's expansion plans. If Singcargo plans to acquire more aircraft in the future and if they're continually hiring DEC pilots and training cadets, why then lease an aircraft to Great Wall?

Will SQ pilots find themselves seated next to China Eastern pilots one day on a Great Wall 744 flight deck?

I've been trying to find more information on this but so far my efforts have been futile. Just wondering if anyone can shed a little more light on the subject.

28th May 2006, 18:29
Having acquired a stake in Great Wall Airlines and recently leasing an a/c (9V-SFE) to Great Wall, I do wonder if the move is in line with Singcargo's expansion plans. If Singcargo plans to acquire more aircraft in the future and if they're continually hiring DEC pilots and training cadets, why then lease an aircraft to Great Wall?

Will SQ pilots find themselves seated next to China Eastern pilots one day on a Great Wall 744 flight deck?

I've been trying to find more information on this but so far my efforts have been futile. Just wondering if anyone can shed a little more light on the subject.

hi EverettWings

SQ cargo requested from all dedicated cargo lads via email if they like to cross over. the email was typical of SQ as it provided no information of salary and terms and conditions it was a blind email.

word has it that none of the cargo lads were interested.

mind you you have to sit for a ATPL chinese/medical and simulator check ,this all inspite of flying the type with SQ.

i am too old for jacking around for peanuts SQ cargo is bad enough imagine great wall
ooooooops i just can wait to leave waiting for my contract to run out.

do not misunderstand SQ is not what is appears and cargo is all about paxing read the SQ cargo thread.

Left Coaster
29th May 2006, 02:46
Notwithstanding Mr Jock's opinion of the place and I'm sure we are ALL aware of it by now...:ugh: There has been an email asking if SIA Cargo guys are interested, as Capt Jock put it there was no indication of $$$, but common sense should put the T & C's at current pay etc under which SIA Cargo pays it's pilots. In addition, accom would be at a hotel or serviced aptmnt applicable to current standards, and per diem paid as per the agreement in place, or no one would go... What is the mystery? None that I can see. I hope that the unhappy Jock finds his greener grass sweet under his feet. Really...:oh: