View Full Version : Interviews at Monarch (merged)

16th May 2006, 13:33

Interview with Monarch next week for Boeing fleet.

I've been reading with interest the current threads on Monarch, most seem to be about life on the Airbus fleet; found no info on Boeing fleet based LGW.

I would appreciate any insight into life at Monarch on the B757 based LGW, for example, is everybody dual rated on the B767? Is the Boeing fleet busy all year round?



16th May 2006, 16:01
Hi Lembrado

757 is reasonably busy year round at LGW with scheduled flights and quite a bit of charter night flying in the summer, but not as bad as A320 at MAN for overall hours. Unless the company obtains another 767 (rumours change almost daily) then you will have a long wait to get your hands on it. We are apparently getting rid of two 757's at the end of the year, which may mean forced draughts for lower seniority guys onto the A320 fleet if they don't get enough volunteers, however progression to the A330 is likely to be quicker than to the 767.

I'm sure you have read elsewhere that the interview is a fairly relaxed affair geared to see if you fit into what is still a fairly nice culture to work in.

Good luck.

16th May 2006, 16:29
I've got an interview lined up at the end of the month.

Have no idea what type i'd go on if i got offerd the job and just wanted to know how things are at MON now?
Any better than things suggested a few months back?
Any chance to get offerd the A330 or is it still done on seniority?
Has pay imroved?
All these sort of things would be helpful to know. How longs the contract???


16th May 2006, 16:39
i would also be interested to know too please!

Thanxs guys!

16th May 2006, 17:19
hello all,
currently being offered a job as f/o with monarch on the a300-600, currently working in the middle east contracting. i have 4000 hrs and over 500 on the a300.

Just wondering what anybody thinks about this position, or the position iam am in, and maybee help me with the decision.

middle east is nice with the tax free income and everything paid for,
also might be takeing a bit of a pay cut!
better to choose a manchester or london base?

Thanks for your help.


16th May 2006, 17:22
Are they still looking for type rated people only ?

16th May 2006, 18:23
A330 is purely by seniority from the A320/1 fleet. This applies even if you are already A330 rated.

17th May 2006, 07:17
So can any one from Monarch be kind enought o answer a few of our questions...?

Would really aapriciate it, thank you before hand.

17th May 2006, 08:08
f/o at mon start pay is £42032
no sector pay
day rate is £2.52
voyage rate is £3.02
pension is 8% money purchase

A300 is best fleet in terms of lifestyle and workload...but is a dying fleet and will go in the next couple of years ...will be replaced by 787 or 350 but as to when ???

A320 at MAN is the hardest working 900 hours and will earn the least due lack of voyage/no sector pay
BHX/LGW 750 hours with no overnights
LTN 725 hours and two thirds of your work will be away flying out of EDI/BHX/MAN so will earn reasonable amount of allowances in the summer..around £800 per month

A330 is done on seniority regardless of base and will probably take 3-4 years to see.
commands are taking around 6-7 years,

interview is just a chat and is a relaxed affair...if you have a type rating and a pulse should be no problem !!

people you work with are great,lots of pressure on T&C's from a bean counter mangement style which means BALPA have spent a lot of time in the last few years battling to preserve existing benefits and improve our lot,very active CC who are doing their best to improve everyones situation.
It's not perfect but there are worse out there,hope this helps someone.

17th May 2006, 08:17

Like most people say, good people to work with BUT, the company is changing and with it the attitude of the pilots. The new contract is not great, the pension even worse. No scheduling agreement means the company have total control over your life and frequently exercise the right. MAN on the FBW is by far the worst case but other bases are going the same way. Whether you join on the 75 or 300 as the junior guys you can expect to end up on the FBW in the near future. For the 330/767 beach fleet life is relatively good, but it will take a while to qualify. If you’re looking for a place to get your hours up to qualify for BA/VS then this is the place. As far as I’m aware there are no temporary contracts being offered, if you get offered a job it will be for as long as you can stick it. Lots of jobs going in the marketplace at the moment, many with better T&C than Spotty M, choose carefully! Good luck.

17th May 2006, 08:17
Thats brilliant, thanx alot.
so out of curriosity what is the take home after tax on all the respected fleets? i want to know including allowances and everthing if poss.

and how long are you bonded?

Joe le Taxi
17th May 2006, 08:43
I suppose the upside is that if you join on a fleet you're already rated on, and then you get put on the bus, then you'll get a free, unbonded rating out of it(?)

17th May 2006, 08:45
£42032 Minus tax/NI/pension contribution divided by 12. Plus about £250-300 per month flight pay on the FBW. Plus more if you are on voyage (see mudcity above). Whatever you take home it’s not enough for the hours and disruption to home life (for those who have one). Bonding, depends on whether they cock up your contract, 6 months, 18 months but 36 months is normal.

17th May 2006, 10:34
Monarch has a reputation as a good place to work. However, things have changed dramatically over the last few years.

Many of last years intake are shocked and are activly looking elsewhere, which is why you guys have an interview. Be warned.

17th May 2006, 10:37
very active CC who are doing their best to improve everyones situation.

Mudcity - are we talking about the Monarch CC????

18th May 2006, 19:20
So let me get this right,

we're talking 42k before tax. so how much do you take home after tax and all the pay outs for pension+NI every mnt?

what would i expect to earn in extra's on the A300 fleet, such as lay over allowence, sector pay in an average mnt? (before/after tax? if it's taxable at all?)

...and finally what is the average take home per mnt, of an FO on the A300 fleet, after everything?

Thanx before hand :) .

18th May 2006, 23:06
Though you may be joining on the A300, you should be asking about conditions on the A320, because that's where you'll end up, within a year or two. The A300 is on its way out.

Bad Robot
18th May 2006, 23:26
How many sectors a day do you do on the 320?
What is the average sector length?

Regards BR.

19th May 2006, 08:20
Normally two sectors. Average length probably three hours.

19th May 2006, 09:31
If you want to get an idea what salary you will take home, go to www.e-gismos.com they have a programe that will do it for you. Just plug in your actual gross salary. Add to that about £250.00 to £300.00 allowances that are also taxed and come with the take home salary. There is NO sector pay at Monarch.

Also think of accomodation costs within 1hr 30mins of getting from pad to crewroom. Staff carpark to crewroom (20mins except luton).


Bad Robot
19th May 2006, 10:50
Longarm, thanks for the info.
What is the current Bonding arrangements?
How much and how long for?

Regards BR.

19th May 2006, 10:51
...but some one mentioned taking home 600-800pnds in allowance's in the summer and what about pay per hour???

19th May 2006, 11:20
600-800 pounds allowances in the summer would be unusual for fleets other than the 767 and A330, or A320 pilots covering for other bases (mainly Ltn crews).Above salary the only other allowances paid are flight allowances. Depending on the length of flight this will be around 20-30 per day. 200 to 300 per month seems to be normal for crews operating out of home base.

Sorry don't know about bonding.

19th May 2006, 12:31
So we're talking 2300-2600pnd a mnt tops!? after tax of course, on most fleets...

Not so great after all. :hmm:

19th May 2006, 12:55
Have any of you who are interested in the T&C at Mon been offered a jobon the 300 or are you all destined for fbw/757?Just wondering as the old bus is meant to be going soon!

19th May 2006, 21:03
can any monarch employee confirm prnavs comment about pay??


20th May 2006, 08:32
£2400.00 per month inc allowances(no sector pay), about right with no pension taken out. Hope your flying loans / bills are small.

Also lots of roster disruption so don't plan anything around your roster. Your 8 days off come in pairs and stay where rostered unless you sell them back. Rosters out 1700 on 20th each month running from 1st-end of next month. Only 37 days leave including bank holiday allowance usually issued 5 months inadvance. 3 weeks winter, 2 weeks summer.

20th May 2006, 12:30
thanx for the reply so far,

Roughly how much extra with sector pay? i hope quite abit...:(

20th May 2006, 13:24

As several people have stated there is NO sector pay. £2300 - £2400 in your pocket, after pension deductions. Thats it - end of.

Although you do get an M&S vouchers at xmas. :ugh:

20th May 2006, 14:31
oooooh touchy!

20th May 2006, 21:05
I can confirm that on a take home basis per month with standard pension contributions is 2400-2500. Not good for the position and work done by many in my opinion.The extra cash you can earn elswhere would be handy in a pension, as you will need it down the road. The package at Moanrch is sub par to say the least and they know it. Result being the exodus to BA and VS that in the past, would have never happened. Join if you please but you will not know many of the newbies long as they head for the exits. Hopefully this is addressed and the contract is returned to its once sensible offering.

20th May 2006, 21:13
shame, guna have to say no to that then....oh well.

20th May 2006, 21:30
Wait PRNAV, we didn't tell you about staff travel yet...

20th May 2006, 21:38
Go on...:hmm:

20th May 2006, 23:05
I always thought the best staff travel deal at mon was with hoverspeed or have I been missing something?

Bad Robot
21st May 2006, 10:46
Still no info on Bonding.
Anyone please?

Regards BR

21st May 2006, 11:02
That will be Hoverspeed that has gone bust then.............

21st May 2006, 13:06
Bond is 20K / 3 year linear reduction, like in the old days. Staff travel is a game of two halves IMHO. You are issued with a Credit card sized pass which can be used on any scheduled service, just turn up at STD -40 and if there is a seat you are on for the cost of the airport tax. You are issued with a further card for a spouse / significant other who can utilise this perk even if you are not travelling. I find this works very well and is straight forward and effective, albeit for a small(ish) number of destinations. Without going too deeply into the mire that is "concessionary" travel on package holidays, I simply don't bother and don't know many that do. You could generally do better on the internet or even high street.

21st May 2006, 17:46
prnav1, Be careful reading comments on this forum, many who contribute are the ones who are ignored in the crew room due to their constant whingeing.
Many new joiners from other companies have a more balanced view of Monarch as they can compare to previous experiences however some, not all, of the straight through rookies have yet to face a dose of reality.
If you are talking about pay of the different airlines it is pretty easy to compare. Terms and conditions too will vary but wherever you go there are sure to be others within the airline on a better deal, thats the way the business has changed.
Wherever you go you are going to work your butt off, you may be lucky and join an airline that gives opportunity to gain experince on various types of aircraft and one that will in the next five or six years be re-equipping with new aircraft like First Choice and Monarch (to be announced in the next few months).
If its staff travel you are after then short haul to to Spain is excellent with the family "credit card" that can be used as often as you like...... some part time cabin crew commute to Spain for their 2 weeks off.
Other staff travel is pretty much minimal due to the fact that Monarch do not own the seats so you are limited to Cosmos and associated companies.
Whilst the recent pension confrontation will not effect you the main focus for the future is going to be roster stability. Most fleets have a problem but the FBW fleet in Man are the ones who tend to suffer the most due to pilots hitting their 90 hours per month and then everyone having to shuffle sideways to accomodate any changes.
I joined Monarch probably before you were born and I can assure you our present T&C's were achieved after many hours of patient negotiating by our PLC then CC. There has been an erosion mainly on the final salary pension and the Company Council have finally reached a compromise which doesn't please all. Hopefully some of the new entry FO's will soon be elected onto BALPA CC to carry on the thankless task of fighting for better conditions in the new contract
If you join Monarch you will work with a great bunch of pilots and cabin crew ( yes we all whinge occasionally!! ) and I believe have the opportunity of joining a comany that is gearing up for the future challenges with new aircraft and ample opportunity for a command within 5 to 6 years.
Its your call but do some more thorough research elsewhere before making your mind up.
Good luck with your career you have some difficult choices to make.

21st May 2006, 18:29
I. Management are known to post on here.

2. That was Burntandcold's very first posting.

3. After a big expansion last year, time to command is still running at 7 years plus. No one is getting a command after 5-6 years, as suggested.

4. Nothing has been agreed regarding the defined contribution pension. It is 8% company contribution, but only provided the employee also contributes the same. If the employee does not contribute, nor does the employer.

21st May 2006, 19:00
Good evening unwiseowl.

Further to comments posted by Unwiseowl,may I suggest looking at 'Trouble at Monarch' thread, last replied to 30th April under Terms and Endearment. Any prospective employee may find some useful information there.

21st May 2006, 20:18
Good evening to you, Mr Doorpost, Sir!

21st May 2006, 21:22
As we are now up to what I believe is five topics recently on the current state of employment relations at spotty M ,I am sure that many prospective employees will have been put-off joining the company.Burnt and cold does have a number of valid points to make, but unless there is an improvement in T&C across the company you will always get whingers.In fact the package at Mon has been deteriorating for a number of years and the only improvement has been the reinstatement of the Xmas voucher last year!I am not going to point fingers at who I believe is responsible.
I am sure that any experienced pilot will make his/her own mind up as to whether Monarch is going to be the company for them.
Finally not everybody posting here is a whinger and we are an affable company where Everybody is listened to in the crewroom,even if some of those are using their deaf ear to listen.

Bad Robot
22nd May 2006, 00:20

Many thanks for the Info.

Regards BR

22nd May 2006, 14:06
Getting very mixed messages but over all the pay is poor for a company of Monarchs stature.

Why are pilots who are working very hard, for a large established company; taking so little home compared to the rest of the industry? Or Am i wrong to say that...

If pilots are leaving, i'm not suprized. I would take that pay if i was getting alot less than that in bad working conditions but would look else where if i had the option. Not a realistic long term company to be at if you ask me. A stepping stone i'd rather not have to make if i can avoid it and stay put a little longer un-less things imroved.

If you join on the A300 Fleet with the type, fine! No bond but then can you expect to got to the A320, quite soon fleet; then get bonded...?
Even if you don't its still poor because all i here is bad pay and long hours. Could take the rating else where but not really after short haul. And before anyone says it, i know; beggers can't be choosers. I know!

Shame really because i've heard that all the chaps at MON are a good bunch and good luck to them.

23rd May 2006, 09:26
Just to throw a little balance in here........

As an "experienced" new joiner you can expect to start on a bit over 42k, and expect between 4-6k duty pay over the 12 month period i.e. not just the duty pay, but the odd day off payment etc etc..

The basic increases per year of service, by around £1000.00, and added to that, once you have seniority, your basic is then multiplied by 1.25 once you are on the wide-body fleet.

In my opinion the real problems relate to the pension..(I haven't joined it:yuk: ) and the fact that salaries are now artificially capped below the level they once were...to the detriment of new joiners.

I cant fault the guys to work with, fleet managers and crewing are VERY approachable, the crew are almost all to a man/woman a great bunch.

23rd May 2006, 10:09
This will be my last post on this subject as I want to make my position clear. This subject has turned into a bit of a mud slinging match so my two cents again.
Monarch is a very good company. The people are proffesional, friendly and a joy to work with. The training is top notch, the equipment is in good shape (for its age) and their public image is solid. There is no doubting this.
The contract however is another story. The pay scale and pension are sub par in the industry in the UK. This is fact plain and simple. Starting salary is now 5k behind most, the pay scale is capped for both FO's and Capt's (for new joiners) and the pension is 5-7% lower than the other big operators. Roster stability is a nightmare for many but thats another story.
You can sugar coat things all you like but as much as I love flying, I want top wage and a pension to retire on. Monarch would provide anyone with a good career but the facts remain, there are others out there who provide much more.

23rd May 2006, 11:30
Just to correct some recent comments. The pay increments per year of service are not around 1000 pounds per year. The second year increase is 656 pounds. third year is 710 this increase will itself increase year on year. After 10yrs the increase is 903 pounds.
Subject to seniority a productivity differential is paid. This is paid in proportion to the crews flying widebodied aircraft, you do not need to fly widebodied aircraft to receive this but merely have the required seniority. This is not 25% of salary as mentioned but 11.25%. The most junior pilots currently being paid this has been with the company for around 12 years.

23rd May 2006, 12:10
The second year increase is 656 pounds. third year is 710 this increase will itself increase year on year. After 10yrs the increase is 903 pounds, This is not 25% of salary as mentioned but 11.25%

I stand corrected :ok:

185 Lbs of Ballast!!
27th May 2006, 09:13
I joined in Jan '06 onto the A320/321 at MAN.

I was paid £2721.10 two days ago. In April I did 23 sectors over 12 days, one night spent in Aberdeen. I start my pension contributions next month.

The bond on the A320/321 for me was £18k reducing on a linear scale over 3 years.

The Airbus is my 4th Jet type rating and I have 4300hrs. I was looking for a stable company from which to retire in 25 years. I'm not going to pass comment here on the t's and c's, we all have to look at whats about, who you have a chance of getting a job with and weigh it all up. I wanted to spend good quality time at home and I am certainly doing that. The training was the best I have experienced and the guys and girls on the line are a pleasure to work with.

I do not want to fly long haul on every flight and the prospect of mixed fleet flying on the Airbus is personally more attractive that the money I could earn with say Easy or Ryan.

I took a big paycut to come to Monarch and my wife and I are very happy with what we are getting. For us it was important to look at the long term picture.

Good luck.

27th May 2006, 11:21

Nice to see something positive and you are spot on about the training. However, as you only joined in Jan I suspect you have not been on the line for long? Enjoy your honeymoon period because that’s all it is, please come back in a year and tell us what you think. ;)

27th May 2006, 14:30

I'm puzzled about how you manage to spend "good quality time at home". I, personaly, spend my few days off nearly brain dead trying to recover! But that's maybe because I've spent the last 5 weeks doing ONLY earlies.

PLEASE tell me your secret :}

going back to :zzz: now...

28th May 2006, 18:31
Ballast old boy,

Are you by chance the secret love child of the WareRabbit??


Agent Oringe
29th May 2006, 23:55
Are they still interviewing or has it come to a halt for the time being?
I have had a application in for a while now but no response. Is it worth a call to find out? Thanks.

30th May 2006, 16:43

If you have read this thread, and the others about Monarch, and you still want a job with them, you must be exactly the kind of person they are looking for! Call 01582 400000 and ask for the CP.

Agent Oringe
30th May 2006, 20:04
I have been speaking recently to collegues of mine who have joined Monarch over the last year or so. They all say that the working patterns are far far better than the ones they had at my company. 2 sector days is a doddle compared to 4 or 6 sector days 6 on 2 off. If I get the chance I shall be joining them. Sometimes the grass is greener!

How many crews are they looking for? How many courses are they currently running? As far as I'm aware there is only one course at the end of June??

I thought phoneing the CP these days was a no no. However, if that is what it takes then I shall phone first thing in the Morning. Is it still MP and JB running the show? Thanks.

31st May 2006, 07:15

Yes MP and JB are in charge, talk of more courses due to the number of resignations. As far as 6 on 2 off is concerned it is a regular occurrence on the rosters these days, we don’t do 6 sector days due to the locations we fly to but 4 sector days are creeping in. Besides, even flying 2 sectors can be knackering when its part of an 18 hour duty period that involves positioning before and after the flight. This is something that happens a lot. Beware of greener pastures they may have just been fertilised! :ooh:

31st May 2006, 09:32
Does anyone who has replied to this thread actualy fly on the A300 fleet?

If so, is it possible to here what ou get as a typical rosterd month...

Is your pay as poor as the A320/321 boys and girls or do you take home more in allowances?

What's your take home after tax on average? Good month/Bad month?

Cheers. P1 :)

3rd Jun 2006, 09:49
Last summer on the A300 I probably flew 1-2 times a week max, flying to destinations such as Paphos and Iraklion. The rest was standby with the minimum 8 days off. My take home pay during this period was around £2300 after tax and max pension payments. However this summer is a different story with the A300 crews working relatively hard, but because there are no night stops apart from the Dublins or sector pay, take home pay won't change a great deal.

However, I spent the entire winter in Bahrain, (well at least 2 weeks per month). The £2.95 an hour away from base payment adds up, and I found I could add another grand to my take home pay during this period. The trouble is there is no Guarantee that the A300 will be doing the Bahrain/Goa shuttles next winter, as passengers are becoming more reluctant to tech stop in Bahrain on there way to Goa. (It doesn't have the legs to do it in one hop).

The A300 is a nice machine to fly, and certainly keeps you on your toes. If you join the A300 you will fly with some great people, who you will get to know well due to the small size of the fleet.

The A300 is good fleet to be on as you don't work too hard, and still have the chance of a bit of long haul. However as already stated by others, it is a dying fleet and you will be staring down the barrel of a 320 in 2 years. Certainly there are better terms and conditions to be had out there at the moment, and Monarch will need to do something soon to make their conditions comparable and stem the mass exodus that has started.
TD :)

3rd Jun 2006, 12:31
ok. So sounds not too bad. you say things have changed now...?
You going up and down to the airport alot more? do you mind giving me and example of an average rosterd month? need to know how many times i'm going to be driving up to gatwick.

and also, is that pay based on fo starting basic of 42k. when can you expect for it to go up? would they start anyone on higher?

cheers. :ok:

Monarch Man
3rd Jun 2006, 13:30
I've been a non-registered viewer on here for quite a while, and now Im getting to the point where I'm getting fed up with what Monarch are offering me.
Its time for the CC members to toughen up a bit. I still cant believe the cave in that occurred at the last pay-round.
I remember when we used to measure ourselves with the likes of Britainia.., now even experienced guys are only level with Easy jet, and Ryan air in many cases.
When are you guys, particularly joiners with 6 years or so of seniority or less going to wake up and realize we work for a company that consistently makes a decent profit and yet consistently (thanks to a CEO who manages to continually shift the goal posts, and a narrow spectrum CC with their own vested agenda) fail to pass it on.
I'm working harder for less (in real terms) and yet all around me I see guys doing pretty much the same job as me, for quite considerably more.
We need to stick together and get a better deal!:ok:

3rd Jun 2006, 20:03
PRNAV - You're being offered the A300 at age 23? What hours/types do you have, if you don't mind me asking?

4th Jun 2006, 14:30
Around 2200hrs, 95% heavy jet.

...and yes! i am the luckiest B:mad: d. :)

Sheikh Your Bootie
5th Jun 2006, 06:51
Prnav1, Albatosser, whatever you call yourself. you've never flown a jet in your life, go back home to mummy. This guy has annoying habits on the ME forum, where he is the expert on most things :ugh:

SyB :zzz:

5th Jun 2006, 08:43
Haha! All feel free to check out what i actually wrote in the mid-east forum and see the torrid of abuse i got from some very nasty characters. So far up their own a:mad: 's they think they can talk to people however they like.
Jelous my friend...?
Don't bother me, believe what you want. Got no time for bitter idiots. :)

8th Jun 2006, 16:11
Hi all.

Just interested to know if anyone would start on anything higher than the B scale if you went straight onto the wide body fleet? (A300)

It is 42k unless some one can correct me.

...and how does the senior fo system work at Mon, is it 1500, 2000, 3000hrs or purley on time served? What difference does that make on pay?

Many thanx. :)

8th Jun 2006, 16:58
42k is SFO pay ALL start on this unless cadet which is lower. NO entry on higher salary. Wide body (scale B), does not matter which fleet, starts from No 1 on list and goes down, at the moment capt/fo with about 12 + years with company are getting scale B.

ppjn or balpa websites have full pay scales allowances etc

Join with 10000 hrs wide body L / R seat experience or 250 hrs you start at bottom of list.


9th Jun 2006, 20:17
Any idea when Monarch will be hiring non type-rated pilots ?

Regards P

11th Jun 2006, 12:53
One ex mil and one ex 737 start Monday morning on 757 course.


23rd Jun 2006, 19:06
just moved to the top to save SEAMASTER shouting. Only 2 pages down.

5th Jul 2006, 08:56
Anybody heard anything recently regarding Monarch recruitment? Anyone who submitted a pilot profile heard anything yet?

Regards P.

5th Jul 2006, 09:02
You might have seen from the company website that some new routes are being launched from LTN next year.This will probably mean another 320 coming=jobs

nite flyer
5th Jul 2006, 16:07
only if you're dutch and are enrolled in CTC :E

Rumours of 20 new guys coming from CTC in winter.
If you have a rating then you have an advantage

Doubt that non type rated guys will be taken on from other airlines

6th Jul 2006, 16:54
Looks like I'll have to apply to KLM. Rumour has it the Dutch guys are entitled to career loans from their goverment (with very low rates of interest) in order for them to gain their ratings. A little unfair if this is so.

6th Jul 2006, 23:31
I've never heard a convincing explanation for why so many cloggies come via CTC???

7th Jul 2006, 14:35
They used to have a tie up with a big Dutch training school.

29th Jul 2006, 13:25
not a happy place, lots of people leaving, about £5k less per year than other operators and a worse pension deal by far.

Monarch Man
29th Jul 2006, 13:35
Its more accurate to say, that the newish joiners on the capped pay scales are leaving.
There are serious questions that the management need to answer regarding flightcrew salaries, allowances, and the DC pension scheme.
Recently in a CC meeting, when asked, a senior management person refused to answer when questioned as to how many are working their notice. Most of those leaving are off to BA, VS, or Cathay.
The website states 5-6yrs to command, currently the company is looking at crews who joined in late 2004 -early 2005 for command upgrades when they achieve the required hours.
757/A300 fleet replacement is a joke, still no decision, the gossip is because of cost, or rather not being able to afford to pay for replacements.
Everyday MON becomes more like Easy/Ryan, everyday more are leaving to pastures fresh.

still got his clubs
29th Jul 2006, 21:06
The figure 20 is what i have heard being banded around.

29th Jul 2006, 21:30
Monarch Man - you are mistaken, Easy and Ryan Air are well paid. Moanarch for a new joiner, is not like either of those two or come to think of it BA,VS,Thomas Cook, Air Two etc.
Try Jet 2 for your comparison.:*

29th Jul 2006, 22:24

Please enlighten me - I still dont understand how the salary cap works?

Is it the case whereby as a new joiner one starts on the B scale, then after reaching a certain seniority number, one is put onto the A scale - an added 11.5%?

Or, as a new joiner, I will remain on the B scale for the entire length of service irrespective of seniority?

Many thanks.


29th Jul 2006, 23:19
The way it works is like this:

There used to be 2 scales one was "A" ( the lower scale )and the other was "B" the higher scale. Now the "A" scale is the normal salary scale, and the "B" scale is known as the "with productivity differential" scale. The latter is only paid to the top proportion of the pilots on the company pilots seniority list. It is not likely to apply to anyone who has been there for much under 10 or 11 years. The WPD scale is 11.25% higher than the normal salary scale. When you eventually qualify for it you move across at the appropriate grade level ( probably 10 or 11 at this time).

On both scales there are yearly point grade increments. 14 for Captains and 13 for Senior First Officers. There are also 5 incremental grade points for First officers and a further 3 lower incremental grade points for Cadet entry pilots.

The cap works like this :

If you joined before the end of 2004 you made your way right up the relevant rank grade point increment until you were promoted then you either switched across to the basic Captains basic grade point increment or in certain circumstances at a higher grade point on that scale.

Since the end of 2004 you join on the First Officers basic scale and follow that upwards each year for 5 years ( unless you are promoted when you join the basic Captains scale ) and then you join the Senior First officers salary scale and follow that up to year 5 at which point it is capped ( pre 2004ers go up to year 13). When you are promoted you follow the Captains basic scale ( or WPD scale when it eventually applies to you ) but only up to the cap at year 10 (pre 2004ers go upto year 14). The cap for new joiners is therefore at the end of years 5 for Senior First officers ( which is in fact 10 points up the scale if you include the F/O and SFO scales together, and the end of year 10 for New joiner Captains.
The WPD scale at those same levels does apply to new joiners.

The only proviso that may be of interest in this regard is that after completing 6 years on the F/Os/ SFO's increment scale you are given a notional placing on the Captains scale. This means if you complete say 9 years as a First (senior First) Officer and are then promoted, you move across to year 2 on the Captains scale.

I hope this helps explain your question, because I have tried to simplify it. There are other provisos and conditions but these would not really be relevant to the basic question.

30th Jul 2006, 10:28

Thank you for taking the time to explain that to me - most appreciated.

I'm in the hold pool at the moment.

Its becoming a difficult decision to join up or not (assuming I get an offer from the hold pool). I got a very good impression of the company and work atmosphere at interview; from which they also implied that Monarch realize that their T's & C's are becoming uncompetitive.

Thanks again.


Monarch Man
30th Jul 2006, 13:04
from which they also implied that Monarch realize that their T's & C's are becoming uncompetitive.

Lembrado, that impression has been around for a while, the trouble is that a certain head honco in Luton prefers to bully, mislead, spin, and dictate to the pilot workforce, without ever engaging in fruitful discussions to get it sorted.
If its not sorted soonish by the CC, I will be voting with my feet (I've got visits booked with a certain Heathrow based flag carrier, and a pretentious upstart carrier):ok:

30th Jul 2006, 13:18
Monarch isn't just becoming uncompetative, it is becoming very inexperienced.

They have chosen to go down this path and have turned one of the most respected airlines in the uk into a training ground for new and inexperienced pilots who leave for better T & C s at the first opportunity.

30th Jul 2006, 16:49
I've got an interview coming up soon, any tips you can give me?

Regsards P.

30th Jul 2006, 17:49
If you have a pulse and licence, the jobs yours!

31st Jul 2006, 00:30
About monarch, .

The routes, a/c, and people great and i would like to see monarch become a very profitable and successful company that is great to work for but It could be so much better!

The management need a reality check.

They need to treat their staff better. Better T&C's is a good start. Hopefully Balpa can come up with something and improve scale c so that employees are more loyal and less likely to leave thus wasting investment.

Monarch never tell us about the big picture. Is the big picture about survival or is it one of innovation? Why are so many avoidable expensive decisions made?

Investment makes money, employees make money for the company. Employees make and are the product!!

Use it or lose it! :=

31st Jul 2006, 13:38
from which they also implied that Monarch realize that their T's & C's are becoming uncompetitive.


Fuel Crossfeed
1st Aug 2006, 11:56
All very well realising their T&C's are uncompetitive but will they pull their finger out and do something about it. How many more have to walk away before they do.
Lambrado - maybe they gave you the impression at the interview they were about to do increase the T&C's to entice you in, then do five fiveths of **** all about it??