View Full Version : New York Times article on 787

6th May 2006, 20:48
The New York Times published a very long article on Boeing's 787 today, basically how Boeing is betting the company -- at least the commercial airplane side -- on it being a sales success. The article describes how Airbus and Boeing are bringing a different expectation to what the future market will be. The 350 is dismissed as an insignificant factor.


Most of the design and construction, along with up to 40 percent of the estimated $8 billion in development costs, is being outsourced to subcontractors in six other countries and hundreds of suppliers around the world. Mitsubishi of Japan, for example, is making the wings, a particularly complex task that Boeing always reserved for itself. Messier-Dowty of France is making the landing gear and Latecoere the doors. Alenia Aeronautica of Italy was given parts of the fuselage and tail...
Never before has Boeing farmed out so much work to so many partners — and in so many countries. The outsourcing is so extensive that Boeing acknowledges it has no idea how many people around the world are working on the 787 project.

7th May 2006, 16:46
Rumour going around the orders yahoogroup about summat called an A370... what some might call an A777 (236in diameter) and which might be the end of the A359.