View Full Version : Air India Express doesnt pay bonus

1st May 2006, 11:44
Air India Express has offered all expads 12000 US$ bonus per year. Now, as it comes to the day where they have to pay the bonus the Air India management finds excuses not to comply with the contract. :}
More and more pilots reported above all having problems to get the contractually guaranteed overtime pay.

vagabond 47
1st May 2006, 12:45
And my Boet tells me that the contracting company is ........."Yes you Guessed it" RISHWORTH of new zealand

1st May 2006, 13:04
guess what ... you are right - we'll see how SIGMAR will react !

1st May 2006, 16:45
Does anybody have the same problems ?
please give me notice [email protected]

2nd May 2006, 04:20
Fast reaction ...
:ok: SIGMAR is traveling to Mumbai to sort out the problems - lets see RISHWORTH reaction

2nd May 2006, 12:29
Having flown Dubai - Cochin last night on IX, I am not surprised there is no money for bonus payments: there's not even money to clean the planes.

What on the outside looked like a reasonably new plane was absolutely filthy inside.

Well over half of all seat covers stained beyond imagination. Carpet soiled throughout the entire length of the cabin. No paper or cloth covers on seat head rests. What I first thought was condensation on the inside of the window next to me turned out to be a layer of grease and grime. The window frame was covered in a brown substance containing human hair.

I would have thought that low-cost carriers would at least provide humane levels of hygiene....

Oh yes, and the flight was delayed by two hours.

2nd May 2006, 21:46
Well,yeah,this is nothing new,most low cost carriers in the uk i've flown for have similar states of aircraft!
What are the t&c's like in india?Is worth trying it for a few years?
Perhaps its a better alternative than flying in china?

Left Wing
3rd May 2006, 05:33
whats the deal with Rishworth, they are talking to pilots for management jobs with in their own co. how can they meet a line Capts salary:confused: :confused: any clue whats it like to work for them directly ?? cheers

3rd May 2006, 20:02
Don't know if it is related but Rishworth are in Mumbai on 8th May.

I thought that the 3 year contracts with the annual bonuses only started in August last year i.e. less than 12 months ago. Previously, it was a one year renewable contract without bonus. Which contract are these people on? Did they sign a new contract? Just playing the devil's advocate.

3rd May 2006, 20:07
Is the state of hygene in the acft a reflection of the company or of the people traveling in the cabin?

Phileas Fogg
3rd May 2006, 21:00
Never mind the state of the cabin etc. These guys, if the cabins are filthy, have been flying filthy cabins around for 11 (ish) months waiting for that 12th month bonus.

Regardless of when the bonus system was introduced it is all relevant to what is written in the individual contract, now whether that be a fock up of AIE or Rishworth/Sigmar is besides the point, if the individual is contractually entitled to a bonus then the individual should receive a bonus, indeed a contractual entitlement.


5th May 2006, 01:03
It is quiete common to breach contracts frequently in Asia.... Westeners stick to the written words. Asians bend the terms to the convenience they need. Same as in the 19th Century in Europe and North America. Working and Labour rules were simple: §1 The Boss is allways right. §2 If, under any circumstances the Boss is wrong please refer to §1. As simple as that.

As a Contract pilot you are a tool to work your hours off and the local Pilots often see you as a competitor. The fact is Asia traffic is growing and the lack of educating pilots in time catch them up now. That means the shortage is there and the cockpits needs pilots to fly them. Until today you cannot clone them. So you need to pay serious bucks to have them in your outfit. If you are not happy where you are: Pack your stuff and go somewhere else. Enough options available on the market. A320, A330, B737, B744, B767, B777 drivers have options. Even the Turboprop maket is getting tight. GA and Cooperate flying is getting the shortage of qualified pilots soon. They all need to react and then the time of the retired Airline Guys with a pension into the account and less money into the pocket then currently a 320/737 driver gets offered from a Agent to work under contract.

Whatever step you chose do it as long as the opportunities are there....

Good luck NG

Dan Winterland
5th May 2006, 03:19
With the shortage of qualified pilots in emerging Asian countries set to get worse, this company are sowing the seeds of their demise.

Coq Sportif
8th May 2006, 07:35
Okay so T's and C's not too good and forgetting about the question of nationality whats it like out there? Is it worth moving out there when you get problems like the above?
Slightly off the thread, but it seems impossible to find any info on what its like to fly and live in India.

Left Wing
12th May 2006, 02:04
Dont expect home or DXB... its India and will remain so... local boys are fair and not worried about their jobs and over all good pilots. Fly a lot 100 every mth 6 days a week.
Living in India takes some getting used to..all the best. And yes no will call you by your name every one is Capt.XYZ...even the FO is Capt. 123..

12th May 2006, 07:25
I have some friends flying for JETAIRWAYS who have had problems of no payments with RISHWORTH.

Not to lose the pilots , company put RISHWORTH aside and is now paying the pilots directly.

So ....Take care when signing with RISHWORTH.....

19th May 2006, 09:18
Air India cant pay pilots directly
dont forget AI is a goverment owned and union controled airline
nobody will take responsibility and make a descion

19th May 2006, 17:56
So, what was the final disposition of the Rishworth/Sigmar not paying the bonus issue. Did they get their bonus?