View Full Version : JAA licence

Captain N
23rd Apr 2006, 11:29
hello everyone
simple question for you engineers:
i am a recent aerospace engineering graduate, all my colleagues at uni are looking into places like Rolls royce,BAE and Airbus for jobs, but i want to be a ground engineer at airports how do i go about being certified by the JAA to work on particular aircraft.


23rd Apr 2006, 14:13
Try reading this http://www.easa.eu.int/doc/Regulation/reg_2042_2003_Part66.pdf You will probably get some exemptions for some exams, you should check with you NAA.

Golden Rivet
23rd Apr 2006, 14:56

23rd Apr 2006, 15:04
B1 Licence experience requirements can be found here

Plus you need to do the exams, so should take you 3-5 years!

Have a look at other threads here as it looks like EASA is trying to reduce the standards etc of the Licenced Engineer due to keeping costs down for lo cost and other airlines.:mad: :ouch: :eek: :confused: :{ :sad: :yuk:

If I was you I'd go the way of your collegues.:ok: