View Full Version : Panam Flight Academy

Flying brick
18th Apr 2006, 10:43
I have to go to PANAM flight academy soon. Anyone knows how it is over there? Sims, instructors, facilities, restaurants, hotel, etc...
All info is weellcome

Dream Land
18th Apr 2006, 11:31
Think they hey have a few facilities, Minneapolis (NATCO) and Miami that I know of, both are a little dated, nice people.

18th Apr 2006, 22:29
I would say dont go.
I have been there. Very bad organized.
Especially if you are doing the Jaa course through Randhem Aviation.
Its waste of your money.
Of the 4 FAA students, alle needed extra training eventually, wich costs 550 dollar/sim session and 3 of them did not pass the sim and left.
The fourth one never did the exam.
Of the 2 JAA students, one of them passed partial and had to do one hour exam more, the other one did not go to the exam.
There is no training for the MCDU at all. They just put you in the sim and expect you to know it.
They say that the course is bare minumums and is actually meant for airline experienced pilots. Well one of the FAA students was an airline pilot. He needed several more sim hours and did not pass his exam.
Its one big clan over there.
A money making facility.

Dream Land
19th Apr 2006, 06:33
The major airlines have MCDU trainers that they get proficient with before going on to the Full Flight program, in the bare bones training program you go from ground school to the simulator, it's called "fixed base" but most people utilize these sessions for real flights", If your familiar with MCDU programming you will do fine.

Flying brick
21st Apr 2006, 13:07
I am going there for DC9 typerating soon. No experience on those 'big' birds only jetexperience is HS125. I am studying all the systems now at home so I can concentrate on the practical part of the course in Miami.
Anyone tips or tools? TX:ok:

Dream Land
21st Apr 2006, 13:57
Just my 2 cents, when you get to MIA get with your seat partner, before hitting the sim, be very familiar with the flows and checklist interaction, do plenty of chair flying WITH your partner. Apart from working smoothly with your sim partner (which really looks good) you should remember that they assume you can already fly, what they will try to do is put pressure on you, such as giving you close in vectors for a return, maintain situational awareness, tell ATC you need additional time if you need it, DON"T rush, checklists complete, wx received and app briefed, FA's and pax briefed, they want to see good decision making. If you have a big problem don't keep tracking away from the airport. If you screw up an approach don't be afraid to go around versus saving a bad one. Have fun :ok:

26th Apr 2006, 20:27
terrible setup.expect to pay a lot more than published rates.the training was poor,the company tends to play to many games to make extra money from you.
if your face fits youve passed if it doesnt expect to be paying a lot more money.if you got a complaint dont bother telling any 1 as they dont care.
if you are doing faa i suggest going to bond aviation. if jaa stay away from the place.pay the extra money in europe and learn the proper airbus procedures, beleive me you will save a hell of a lot of money and time:\ .
if you need any more info send me a pm.
oh also guess what, if you fart everybody gets to know at the organisation