View Full Version : Safety Briefing

28th Mar 2006, 10:43
Engine wouldn't start on flight home yesterday. After several attempts to start decison was made to move us to an alternative aircraft. Both aircraft were the same type. We had had the safety briefing on the original aircraft. When we borded the new one the safety briefing was no more than a very short annoucment reminding us of (most of) the salient points. No video shown, no crew in the cabin waving arms about.

Now, I think most passengers appreciated that (we were then 2h30m late) but I'm intrigued how legal this. Should the crew have given a new, complete, safety briefing?

28th Mar 2006, 11:11
Not if there were no new passengers. Why should they? You had already had a briefing. Don't be greedy!

3rd Apr 2006, 00:14
Ah! So one person out of the xxx number of passengers noticed! Incidentally how many safety briefs have you seen that include the life jacket on a flight from LHR to MAN? Could ditch in the Thames I guess??

Now I'm starting to sound like an @rse. :8

Piltdown Man
4th Apr 2006, 08:59
Your crew have to give you a briefing before departure. They did. It is just that it was done on another plane! Sounds like you had a really good, thinking crew.

8th Apr 2006, 22:20
Rereading my original post I accept that it sounded critcal of the crew and, at the time, I will admit that I did think that (however much we SLF ignore it) they should have repeated the whole thing. I now unerstand that this not a requirement.

So now I would like to change my question.

Assuming you don't leave the original aircraft upon which the briefing was given is there a time after which it is mandatory to repeat the briefing in the case of delay? Is the period set by the operator or the country where the airline is based/controlled or the country where the delay is experienced o something else or are there no rules? I'll be honest, I'm not sure what the time limit should be but I do believe there comes a time when the briefing should be repeated.

I was on an airline recently where, before landing, a verbal reminder (not the full show) of a limited number of salient points, was given and I thought that was actually rather a good idea. After a long haul flight how many of us can remember the briefing we got all those hours ago?

And, in case anyone is wondering I do not consider myself a nervous flyer and I'm not in favour of the "Nanny State"

9th Apr 2006, 09:43

A life jacket is also a location aid (colour/whistle/light) and not just to stop you sinking.

10th Apr 2006, 22:44
Think it varies fro airline to airline. If we have an aircraft swop or tech issue where pax have to get off and reboard even the same ac. A new safty demo is made. If we return to stand ofter the demo and pax remain on board then a 'recap pa' is made to remind pax of safety features. Also, all our safty breifings show the use of the life jacket, even MAN-LGW.

11th Apr 2006, 02:15
Tangential issue:

30 yrs. ago I was booked STL-LAX on an AA 727-100. Crew did a precautionary s/d on #3 due low oil pressure. They couldn't tolerate a 2nd failure over the Rockies so we diverted to TUL (AA main base) to switch to a 727-200 just out of the shop.

Same crew all around. Same pax load.

But the cabin crew complained that the -200 required one more attendant.

(I don't recall if we got a new safety briefing, though...)