View Full Version : Making good PA's

10th Mar 2006, 21:59

I am about to upgrade to the left seat. One of the (many) new tasks I'll have to handle is making PA annoucemets. There are some guidlines provided by my company, but I think they make all the annoucements stiff and boring... So, I'd appreciate any advice from you, seasoned captains, on what to say and when to say :}

10th Mar 2006, 22:14
Try http://http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=202713&highlight=Ladies (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=202713&highlight=Ladies)
then come back with an example of what you think is suitable and we'll dissect it!

11th Mar 2006, 17:36
From my experience always be truthfull. Never appologise or use the words I'm afraid to say, these expessions tend to frighten nervous passengers. Always be positive even if running late, or having technical problems.
Always try to sound cheerfull and sincere.

12th Mar 2006, 00:08
It's not just what you say but HOW you say it.

One of th biggest mistakes made in PAs is that the person forgets that they are not talking to one person (ATC) who is wearing high quality headphones - possibly even noise cancelling - and who is attuned to the kind of thing that you are saying.

The most frustrating thing is that the sound is too low and you simply cannot hear what is being said. It gives the impression that you do not care what you say to us.

So think about speaking more loudly than normal becuase we have all the cabin background noise which you do not hear.

12th Mar 2006, 02:10
Agreed Paxboy, nothing worse than a PA like this:

"Goodmorning ladies and murmer, this is murmer murmer mumble, we exmurmer and mumble mumble mumble, murmer murmer, mumble, and enjoy your flight."

Capt Claret
12th Mar 2006, 04:04
Oh I dunno Aerocat, that seemed quite self explanatory to me. :p

12th Mar 2006, 20:55
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Passenger-Address-for-Pilots-Training-Cassette_W0QQitemZ5674842999QQcategoryZ4783QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewI tem

seen this, might be of use!

12th Mar 2006, 21:55
As a regular freightdog, I have all the time in the world to practice the PA on all cargo, such as boxes and a lot of other fun and scary things!

Keep up the good work!


Glass Half Empty
13th Mar 2006, 16:30
Dont forget to cancel said PA either before you resort to the f-word or how pert a particular cabin crew may be - doh!