View Full Version : what should have to do a pilot in this situation?

Nicolas DG
9th Mar 2006, 20:54
Hello, everyone. The other day I was talking with a friend pilot, and he told me about some comercial pilot who had driven and airplane crossing the Atlantic ocean without automatic pilot. Itīs ok this, must the pilot still flying without the correct funtion of the automatic pilot???. What is the funtion from this intrument?. Should this pilot take back to the original airport and take out the flight or he did well still with the flight??.
Ok, if you can, please answere this question, itīs very intresting know how a pilot must to think about this situation. Thanks, bye bye, have good flight!!!!:ok: .

9th Mar 2006, 22:10
Did said aircraft have an autopilot...?

10th Mar 2006, 01:24
I personally have, on two occasions flown large jet transport aircraft across the Atlantic without the autopilot(s) serviceable.
In each case, remained clear of MNPS airspace, and traveled the Blue Spruce route.
Not all that difficult, and the pax surely didn't complain....there weren't any.:E
Nowadays, with RVSM, not a good idea with revenue flights.

galaxy flyer
10th Mar 2006, 02:47
Nice thing about autopilot inop operations AND RVSM...have to cross at FL280 or below. Very much easier than handflying in Thirties. I've done both and big difference.


West Coast
10th Mar 2006, 04:33
galaxy flyer

What about topping RVSM? If aircraft is capable of flight above it in the domestic US it can be done. Does that change with pond crossing???

12th Mar 2006, 00:26
Nice thing about autopilot inop operations AND RVSM...have to cross at FL280 or below. Very much easier than handflying in Thirties. I've done both and big difference.

whys that?

12th Mar 2006, 08:10
A/P required for RVSM ops.