View Full Version : Problem and Solution?

9th Mar 2006, 18:45
The onslaught, and it is just that, on our terms and conditions as professional pilots continues. If "our" particular company was suffering financial hardship and survival was threatened, I'm sure most of us would be supportive of a reduction in salary to help our own company.
However, when the attacks on salary and pensions in particular are viewed in companies such as easyJet, Ryanair, BA, BMI, Loganair etc. we see profitable companies (mostly) who's management continue to attack our livelyhood. We all know the reason - management bonus and share option rewards.

So far, just stating the well known and obvious. At this point I'd like to say to all the posters who are not actually pilots that I'm not interested in the amount of hours a doctor works, or the working conditions of a train driver or solicitor. Because I'm none of those, I'm a pilot and I need to protect my lifestyle in the industry I'm in!

As a disparate group it's hard to organise us to take an effective stand against these attacks. We have BALPA you say - and others say BALPA are only as good as the Company Council. And there lies the rub - they are serving pilots in our companies, who have to deal with all the filth and dirty tricks and corruption called management - did not the easyJet CC buy a pup and did the ex. CC in BA a couple of years ago switch sides to a management position just after a major set of negotiations? There are probably a lot more examples, these are just two of which I read about. It's not about blaming the CC, as I said, it's the gutter rats they have to deal with.

So, what could be done? Leaving it to BALPA HQ to deal direct would not seem to be an option at the moment.

What I think may work is someone (an ex-pilot perhaps) to represent his/her pilots with all the negotiations, without the fear of reprisal or the lure of promotion. Each company would have their own non-serving, non-flying representative(s) - with the back-up of New Road if required.

Many pilots feel that they have no voice and the only way to change their lot is to leave - not really a very satisfactory solution when you consider family life, seniorority etc. I know that in my little company many of us would welcome a truly independant representative(s).

Nil illegitemi carborundum (thats just for Leo so he dosen't feel left out).