View Full Version : Working Mon-Fri (weekends off!!)

9th Mar 2006, 13:22
This is a question for anyone with information to answer.
I am doing some research into types of work schedules available to pilots. We are all aware of the varying rotational shifts, e.g 3 days on 4 days off or 6 days on 6 days off schedules etc. But does anyone know of a commercial operation that operates mainly on weekdays as oppose to weekends. E.g Mon-Fri, with few trips or no trips on weekends.
I know of Airnet Systems (Mon-Thu) and a couple other operations of that nature. If you have worked for, currently working for or have heard of any operations with these types of schedules, please advise. I'm not too interested in the salaries, or work conditions, just companies with those schedules for this piece of research. It can be anywhere in the world, full time or part-time, large, small, C-172 or B737, pax or cargo. Doesn't matter. If you can help, just list the companies and a desrcription of what they do.
This is for a university thesis.
Thanks guys :ok:

Canada Goose
9th Mar 2006, 13:38
Not exactly airline - but ........ some flying schools/instructors operate on a Mon-Fri basis !


9th Mar 2006, 13:39
fret companies are usually off the week end.

flights from monday night, to friday!

9th Mar 2006, 13:45
My company does mo-fri between EETN and EFHK.In the evening to hel night at a hotel and back to tll in the morning.Its a cargo flight for a international parcel service.Some mates do the same route and the same times for another parcel service.Both fly small turboprops.


P1 Forever
9th Mar 2006, 21:16
Hi Jay,

I think Eastern Airways operate mostly Mon-Fri, but I am sure you would be expected to work the odd Saturday or Sunday every 4 or 5 weeks.

Maybe someone from Eastern could confirm this as I am not 100% sure.

Hope this helps,


9th Mar 2006, 21:43
Try FR Aviation. They do work for the military who only work Mon to Fri in the UK! ( waits for the flak.... )

Send Clowns
10th Mar 2006, 00:48
PM me if you want details. I only have rare weekend flights, most will be pre-booked passengers (as opposed to my weekday flights that might be at freight at very short notice!). I fly a PA-34 Seneca, a twin with 6 seats (realistically a 4 seater) and about 300 kg or so load-shifting capability once seats are removed.

11th Mar 2006, 00:09
How about Ford Air?

22nd Mar 2006, 15:41
Errrrr. Ford who?

22nd Mar 2006, 17:44
Try FR Aviation. They do work for the military who only work Mon to Fri in the UK! ( waits for the flak.... )

It was Monday to 1500 on Friday when I started, with Wedneday afternoon off for sports - provided there was no war on, of course.

aces low
23rd Mar 2006, 12:03
Yes Eastern Airways operate mainly Monday to Friday schedule with ocassional Saturdays or Sundays at some bases (IOM). They do some charters at the weekends.

The Puzzler
23rd Mar 2006, 17:52
Ford Air is a Mon-Fri operation, 737's, shortly to be.....errr... nuther type! :confused:

Westjet FO
24th Mar 2006, 06:45
You might want to check the websites of Delta,American,and United.They have shorthaul "shuttle' flights generally scheduled for mon-fri.Mostly business travellers commuting to work.Generally an entry level job for most pilots trying to stockpile hours.

24th Mar 2006, 08:12
BAE Corporate Air Transport?