View Full Version : Turbo Props with eaglejet

8th Mar 2006, 12:42
I am considering the turboprop airline program with eaglejet. There are a few questions that I need answered, how do I go about converting a UK CAA fATPL into the FAA equivalent? They also say that I will not need a type rating on the aircraft, as far as I understand to get anywhere near a turboprop you must have a type rating on it, so how does this work out? The reason why this program appeals to me is because it will improve my skills no end and also the opportunity to do some serious flying in the states really appeals to me!!!

9th Mar 2006, 02:54
Stay away from that place man

11th Mar 2006, 14:12
They also say that I will not need a type rating on the aircraft, as far as I understand to get anywhere near a turboprop you must have a type rating on it, so how does this work out?

In the US only turbojet aircraft and aircraft with an MTOW of greater than 12,500lbs need a type rating. See FAR 61.31 (a)(1) and (2). Therefore, turboprops of MTOW of 12,500 lbs do NOT require a TR. Thus, of the King Airs, for example, only the 300 and 350 need a type rating, the others do not.