View Full Version : Need legal referal due aviation reputation damaged

7th Mar 2006, 22:58
My boss recently gave me a letter addressed to him from a US based airline . This letter had some factual details but did slander my reputation to my employer and the FAA

The incident involved me grounding one of their aircraft due to high oil consumption, 7 times higher than authorized for flight.

This letter appears on my personal file and may affect my income as a result of being prohibited from performing maintenance on this airline's aircraft at my station.

The FAA investigated this case and found no wrong doing on the part of the US airline however this letter was how the airline showed the FAA that they had resolved this incident.

This may negatively affect my ability to apply for and receive the US A&P license. If I should apply for a US airline job, this letter could negatively affect my ability to get hired.

Any advice how I should resolve this situation using the legal system?