View Full Version : ATPL / CPL/IR

7th Mar 2006, 16:44
Whats the difference between a ATPL and a CPL/IR ?

7th Mar 2006, 20:38
Say about 2 years worth of flying (to reach the required 1'500 hours), a sim check (normally integrated into the LPC, as it gives the TRI more time for jokes), and some paperwork :bored:

7th Mar 2006, 21:00
Thanks for that F4f

CarltonBrowne the FO
7th Mar 2006, 21:15
Not forgetting another cheque to the Ministry...

8th Mar 2006, 08:25
and a load of ground school and 14 exams e.g. http://www.bristol.gs/

8th Mar 2006, 14:21
And also the slight problem about not being able to get into the left seat of any decent-sized aeroplane without an ATPL.

8th Mar 2006, 14:56
...and you lose your nice blue licence cover and trade it for a yukky looking green one....
Still it isn't as yukky as the brown one :yuk:

You Gimboid
16th Mar 2006, 10:04
The principle difference is that CPL/IR does not require specific multi-crew training where the F/ATPL does in the form of an approved MCC course in an approved multi-crew simulator.