View Full Version : Monarch?

7th Mar 2006, 16:36
I am about to start on the B757 (type rated) in Man , could anyone please give me an indication of a typical roster, destinations and if possible average take home for 1st year c scale including duty pay.

And please only sensible replies!

8th Mar 2006, 10:36
Yes, i'd be interested to know these things too but for the A300 fleet. How is life at Monarch?

Same as all the above questions but for the A300 fleet plz....:ok:

10th Mar 2006, 09:15
Does anyone who works or has worked or knows some one that works at Monarch not visit this forum???

would really appriciate some replies :sad:

10th Mar 2006, 09:45
PRNAV1 & btpal,

surely you did your homework BEFORE you accepted the job?

If not, you may be as disappointed as some of those that joined last year and, rumour has it, are paying off bonds to escape this year.

10th Mar 2006, 11:44
75 and 300 are not worked very hard, especially in the winter when you will be kept just in check. Summer is like most other companies. 300 fleet under-manned but due to disappear in the not too distant future. 75 will probably be around for a while but in reduced numbers. As the junior boys you can therefore expect a 320 conversion within a couple of years and then fly 900 hours. Poor DC pension by industry standards, no scheduling or roster protection and T&Cs that are being nibbled away. Take home on C scale average about £2400. About 10 resignations this year already with more people actively looking to leave and already in the pool. Still lots of good points but an increasing feeling of disillusion amongst the pilots, especially the younger element. There are worse companies to work for but there are certainly better companies recruiting. As always it depends on what you want out of the job.

10th Mar 2006, 21:01
Would second that. Make sure you have a hobby for the winter months, and look forward to the 320 course.

11th Mar 2006, 00:00
There are 320 pilots and those that are going to be 320 pilots!!

11th Mar 2006, 00:50
Hello all,

I have a monarch interview coming up shortly and i was wondering if anyone could help with a bit of research?
iam rated on the a300-600 with 500 hours on type with a atpl.
was wondering what kind of questions to expect at the interview?
any tech questions?
or any questions at all that they like to burden people with?

Also, had another question regarding the company upon entry!
if i finally decide to take the job if offered, on what scale can i plan on entering?
do they have a senior f/0 scale direct entry?
and what is the sector pay etc like?
what is the take home for a senior f/o per annum?
i have 4000hrs and rated on a300.

Thanks very much for your help lads!

11th Mar 2006, 05:41

The interview will be a gentle chat nothing too serious!

Starting salary will be just under £41k. No sector pay but an allowance of around £2.50 per duty hour.

11th Mar 2006, 08:42
Somebody quoted 2400 average per month, is that with or without duty pay?

11th Mar 2006, 12:06
btpal, if you do the maths on £41K.....£2400 is more like £2500 take home after tax and without duty pay.
Not many overnights on the FBW fleet except the 330 longhaul guys. On the 757 fleet depending on your base you will end up with 5-6K duty pay over the year due to overnights in other bases and the odd trip etc.
I've also heard Mon are looking at reducing the 757 fleet (with 321's), but they are also actively looking at A300 replacements which could include a mix of 767/A330 depending upon the deal.

11th Mar 2006, 15:42
£2500 prob is the figure if you don't put anything in the pension but after pension and tax take home ranges from £2200 to £2600 depending on how much you work.

11th Mar 2006, 15:56
5-6K in allowances is achievable but depends on fleet and base. There is no sector pay only an hourly rate of £2.46 per duty hour for out and backs (nothing paid for ground training at base) and £2.95 per hour when on voyage. This is taxed at the equivalent of 13%. The airbus guys flying 900 hours will make about 4K p/y. Longhaul pilots will make considerably more for about 5-700 hours p/y. If you join the 75/300 fleet it will be a relatively easy life but you will soon find yourself on the airbus flying to the limit for cock-all extra, possibly even a drop in pay through doing fewer voyages. Your choice of base will affect how much voyage you do, some bases/fleets complain of never being away and others are completely fed up with never operating from home, it’s a bit of a lottery. It’s also worth noting that the union have ‘failed to agree’ with the management twice in the last 12 months, industrial relations at this time are probably the worst the company has experienced in its history. A ballot over the latest disagreement is being conducted at the moment.

11th Mar 2006, 16:01

I have to agree with pilotatlast. Salary after tax ( no pension contribution ) is £2444/month. To recieve maximum Company Contribution to pension ( 8% ) , taking tax relief into account, you would need to contribute £164/month. This brings takehome pay down to £2280 + duty pay (which only 32% is taxable).

Can't say for the 757 or 300 fleet but for FBW @ MAN duty pay is in the order of £280 - £350/month and thats flying 900hrs a year.

12th Mar 2006, 16:12
Sounds like a nice place to be, shame about the pay tho...

south coast
12th Mar 2006, 16:19
not like the big dollars at bryon air!!!!

12th Mar 2006, 16:42
Could anyone tell me if they are planning to use the people in the pool soon?

12th Mar 2006, 17:01
:} nice one south coast...