View Full Version : ICAO to FAA ATPL conversion

4th Mar 2006, 08:49
Im a A320 Capt flying in Asia holding a ICAO ATPL. I have plans to work in the USA. I would like to know if I can convert my ICAO atpl to FAA atpl using A320 as my equipment? can the flight check be in a A320 simulator? what aviation institution in the USA should i contact regarding this matter? Thank you very much. my email is [email protected].

4th Mar 2006, 12:32
A lot of reading...
I would start with the manual for examiners/inspectors. Using the references in that Chapter (29), go through the FAR 61 link to find the specific wording. There will be other hurdles. Your training facility will be able to help you evaluate whether you may accomplish this goal.

4th Mar 2006, 22:55
thanks , great help. I hope there are schools out there that specialize in this conversions. thanks again.