View Full Version : Flybe Pay Negotiations

2nd Mar 2006, 08:37
I gather pay negotiations are taking place at Flybe. Any rumours/news?

3rd Mar 2006, 09:19

That's now two 'nosey parker' questions from you about Flybe on this forum. Wouldn't be management/ agent provocateur, would we?

I suggest we don't reply to this chap, boys and girls.

You haven't seen me, right?

3rd Mar 2006, 11:16
Er, No. Prospective Dash 8 DEC. It's up to you whether you reply or not but wouldn't it be a co-operative way to welcome a new colleague?

Maude Charlee
3rd Mar 2006, 16:09
You'll get a much warmer welcome in reality than that post would suggest WS. Dunno what the deal is for CPs so I can't help.

Some people need to learn how to manage their manager, then they wouldn't be such a scaredy cat.

4th Mar 2006, 09:07
Sorry, Maude, don't understand your last. Perhaps you have me confused with another?

Wing., You will indeed find a warm welcome should you join Flybe. It's a fundamentally sound outfit with many decent folk. It's experiencing some growing pains (take that how you like ...!) but is mostly a happy place to be. There are whingers in any outfit but fewer here than in others of my experience.

As to your questions, this and the other in this forum: you'd have to agree that this would be an easy place to test opinions in the company and your questions are not phrased as if coming from a propective employee. On the subject of pay & allowances - this information is easily found: if you are a prospective employee, you will already have been filled in by Jo S. at Exeter. As to pay negotiations - if you don't work for us, it's really not your business yet, is it? It's the usual as it happens: Company Council makes a pitch, Company comes back with a much reduced offer which cannot apparently match the bid. Eventually the two will meet somewhere on the Company's side of the middle and we'll all settle down for another year.

Good luck with your application. BTW in all seriousness I would say that if it's the last penny that's most important to you, you are joining for the wrong reason.

Good luck anyway.

4th Mar 2006, 09:17
Thanks, Fokker. For the record, I am joining. Offer made and accepted. Don Darby and Jo S have given me most info but not all of it, as I have been able to glean, both here and from ex-Flybe co-pilots at the company I have just left. I am merely trawling for as much as I can find out because there are certain readjustments to be made in the WS household and I need to do some financial planning in these quiet weeks before I start Dash 8 groundschool.

Hudson Bay
4th Mar 2006, 13:03
42K for a skipper on the Dash 8. 2% wage increase this year. BALPA trying for 6%. No chance of that. Flybe is run just like Ryanair. Make your own mind up!

4th Mar 2006, 20:19
What that well?? :)

5th Mar 2006, 13:31

You obviously haven't been in the company for long otherwise you'd remember pay negotiations go something like this: CC makes a pitch, company comes back with 0.3% more!

5th Mar 2006, 15:58

Oops! Quite right. I had entirely forgotten the foot-shooting exercise last year, wherein the CC turned down an offer higher than they had asked for!!

No, I was just making a precis of the initial stages of this year's two-step which has the hallmarks of getting messy ...................

You haven't seen me, right?

5th Mar 2006, 17:25
As always! :)

Last year was almost Pythonesque or perhaps Yes, Minister.

6th Mar 2006, 09:04

... or 'The Two Ronnies' sketch, 'answering the question before last' ..............


6th Mar 2006, 15:33
Interesting post this one! My mate's TP company (not Flybe) are haemorrhaging skippers and experienced f/o's so much so , that with the latest pay talks on the horizon , the co. in question are saying that they can't afford to give decent pay-rises to the remaining chaps/esses, as they have now got a monumental unforeseen training bill coming in the next year,(s) in order to replace everyone that has left!
Best of luck to all at Flybe!