View Full Version : China Airlines

1st Mar 2006, 09:40
Hi all....
Ive been offered details of 747-400 work for China Airlines as an expat F/O....
One of the stipulations they require is this,
2.Our contract initially will be 5 years and training bond will be 3
years. Before you accept the offer of 744,you will
have to deposit USD20,000 into CITI bank in Singapore as Bank Garuantee

Anyone here have any idea about this arrangement? Where does the money go? If its a bond...why do they want me to pay it?
Any thoughts and feedback from those of you in the know would be appreciated.
Cheers 757

1st Mar 2006, 10:12
If it's an IAC Pacific contract, I wouldn't touch it.

Do a search of this site for references to IAC Pacific, to find out how they operate.

1st Mar 2006, 10:18
No this has come direct from China airlines......(sorry I should have made this clear to begin with)

1st Mar 2006, 18:58
The money will stay in the bank for the specified time period.After that they're all yours again.This is the definition of bond,you put it in a bank,and if you leave before time,they'll cash it in.
In Singapore? Are u sure it's not Sincargo? I guess not though,the amount and time for bond is higher in their case:ok:

flite idol
2nd Mar 2006, 09:34
Do they want hard cash, dosh, wonga, ben franklins, greenbacks or is it a bank guarantee/loan with the airline as beneficiary in the event..........Thats a lot of cash to front up!

2nd Mar 2006, 09:45
I know somebody who does business with Chinese companys (non-aviation). He says that you have to be very very careful, or you'll get your fingers burnt!

Dan Winterland
2nd Mar 2006, 14:04
Don't touch this with a bargepole. They don't do this because it's a great company where everyone wants to stay!

8th Mar 2006, 07:50
May I ask something?

Is this bond for an type rating? or something else?


Will they upgrade ex-pat F/O to captain?

If it is possible, How long do you expect to be a captain?

Sorry to bother you, but I'll appriciate If you give me an information.

Thank you.

8th Mar 2006, 16:54
Most experienced F/O are leaving CAL and none want to replace them for these conditions, so new procedure is hiring guys/gals with low experience that will accepted nearly everything for a wide-body type rating......
Some food for though:
- Taiwan is non-ICAO, so it may or may not be easy to validate the type rating on your actual licence
- you will get no real experience or valuable training, you will only have the paper
- If you leave before the three years, they cashed everything (non pro-rata)
Will they upgrade ex-pat F/O to captain?
No, never, not in your wildest dream!
Make yourself a favour, make a search on this forum, most of what have been said about CAL is still valid.

5th Nov 2006, 22:47
"- you will get no real experience or valuable training, you will only have the paper"

sky 330

what do you mean by this? would these hours of flying a widebody be recognised by other airlines
do expats in taiwan have problems getting jobs elsewhere in the world because of this?

would you recommend it as a job to someone with no jet time looking for a break?

i would appreciate anyones comments on cal/eva.
yes i have read all the previous posts, anyone have anything new to add or an answer to my questions??


6th Nov 2006, 00:59
Be careful buddy!


7th Nov 2006, 11:27
CAL is good for gettin 744 time and worldwide ops experience which are fairly valuable!

-but they do not offer a career, pay increases, loss of licence, retirement fund or seniority/advancement.

From what I ve seen most guys comin out of there have NO problem finding other jobs with the likes of NCA, CX, EK, Korean etc.
They might not have the most fantastic training - but it is based on Lufthanse SOP and syllabus - so not bad either -