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1st Mar 2006, 06:27

Airservices Australia restructure - 03/06

Airservices Australia, the national air traffic control service provider, today announced another stage of an ongoing restructure program.

The announcement details the final management structure for the organisation, which has been progressively introduced since 1 December 2005, and sees a flattening of management structure with improved accountability and communication.

The announcement to staff today also advised of a reduction of approximately 300 positions across the organisation, largely as a result of removing duplicated functions and a realignment of other areas of activity.

Chief Executive Officer Greg Russell said the restructure was transparent to airline and airport customers with no impact on the provision of air traffic control, aviation rescue and fire fighting or technical and engineering services.

"Today's announcement follows a review of the organisation in late 2005 which showed improvements could be made that would improve the efficiency of the organisation without impacting on safety, while better aligning our services to the needs of the aviation community and the country as a whole.

"This restructure process is subjected to rigorous safety analysis and is being scrutinised by the Safety Regulator.

"The restructure is understandably causing some uncertainty, but these changes are necessary to ensure our organisation is best prepared to safely and efficiently face the challenges and requirements of an ever-changing aviation industry," he said.

The reductions will be through voluntary and involuntary redundancies, in accordance with provisions in the applicable Certified Agreements and be completed over a 15 month timeframe.

How much truth is there in ... no impact on the provision of air traffic control, aviation rescue and fire fighting or technical and engineering services. ?

1st Mar 2006, 07:09
Ref quote;...'No impact on the provision of...services...etc etc'
Sounds almost like 'THAT' mantra of 12/12/91 ...will it show up again here....
"Your Safety Will Be Enhanced And It Will Cost You Less"!!!!
Well, Has it???
Costs (in total) have gone ballistic....And where is the safety now??
Air Traffic (Lack of ) SERVICES!!!
e.g. Lack of VHF "Flightwatch" freqs.
Reduced HF facilities.
NDB's not being replaced...etc etc...:ugh:
And, notwithstanding ALL of the 'other' restructures since 12/12/91, and the deletion of that COSTLY Flight Service FIS / Traffic 'Thing', (purported to cost $100M, $80M, $40M, $24M....) how long do you think it might be before the 'bean counters' try looking at the cost of providing your present 'Traffic Information Service' advice by ATC, at their higher salary rate?
Just cynical is all :yuk:

1st Mar 2006, 08:08
The jist of it is that the Airport Services Group (Control Towers) was separated some time ago from the Enroute and Terminal Control Units (basically the two big centres plus the approach cells) with a view to opening up the towers to competitive tendering (selling them off to a different monopoly).

To facilitate this there was a fair bit of duplication of roles in the two structures.

It now turns out this wasnt such a great idea ( hmm :hmm: )

So now that the Towers are welcomed back in to the fold ( good idea - not before time IMHO), it turns out we dont need a separate set of managers, beancounters and administrators to look after them.

I think that is the crux of it.

No doubt a certain someone will see a conspiracy in it and we will all hear about it. Again.

If you are rolling your eyes, you should know that the coal face people who just get on and do the job at the other end of the microphone are rolling with you.

1st Mar 2006, 08:38
Yeah, what ST said.

Seeing as those 300 positions are at least ASO3 level at around $50000 (at least!!!) a year, that is some 15million PER YEAR(probably more like 20/25million times 2 for on cost rec leave, admin etc) that AsA has saved. I assume they will use it for complete ADSB and GPWS fit out over a few years for the entire VH regoed fleet in Oz. Yeah right.

1st Mar 2006, 08:39
While some rationalisation was needed, unfortunately the same CEO told all ASA managers last week that he wants a 10% reduction in costs across the organisation. I'm told many areas are understaffed, projects are under-resourced and other areas operate efficiently within budget, yet the edict applies to all.

For quite some time it appears the bean counters running ASA have been hell-bent on reducing the organisation's costs for every $ they can squeeze, and not having the foresight to realise that real savings to industry can be gained if $$$$ and resources are committed to those projects that would yield savings to the industry. I'm told that the CEO's edict means that these projects are going to be shelved or delayed.

1st Mar 2006, 19:11
And I forgot to say I've heard a rumour that the staff reduction figure of 300 stated by the CEO is wrong, and many in ASA know it.

The story I got is that the restructure people used a piece of ASA management software to come up with a list of all staff within ASA, and the cost centres they belong to. They then used these figures for number crunching, publishing internally on their website, and the magic number for the CEO to use. Unfortunately they didn't realise that the list also included the names of all external contractors i.e. people who work for outside organisations who have contracts with ASA to do various work, everything from security guards, cleaners, PC maintainers, up to software engineers etc. The names of these people are "on the system" for a variety of reasons eg. they hold security cards, need access to the ASA computer network and so on. They are all assigned to various cost centres, so the figures for these are artificially high because these people have been lumped in with ASA staff numbers.

Perhaps someone in ASA can verify this rumour :)

2nd Mar 2006, 04:39
...the figures for these are artificially high because these people have been lumped in with ASA staff numbers... "So Sir Humphrey, in 6 months time we publish a new staff numbers thingie with all the telephone sanitisers, security guards & consultants and that spud over there playing MS Solitaire NOT on the list and we can say we've cut 300 jobs?"

"Yes, Minister."

"Even though every cent would save if we REALLY cut 300 jobs we spend on Geoff's bonus and the 30 new management positions?"

"Yes, Minister."

blind freddy
2nd Mar 2006, 05:08
Boo Bloody hoo!!:{

All those poor oxygen thieves are finally going to get the boot they so readily deserve!!!:ok:

By the time they have finished culling those complete wastes of space, we might be able to get a carpark at last.

I for one will be absolutetly devestated to see the back of them.

At last the "screwers" become the "screwees"! I am loving seeing the tables turned.

Bye Bye;)

2nd Mar 2006, 21:35
Blind Fredy,

It's touching to see how much compassion you have for the poor sods who have to go home to their wife and kids and tell them that they no longer have a job!

A Senior ASA ATC Manager was once quoted as saying ... " you know why we have such a high support staff to Controller ratio? ... the Controllers are such high maintenance"

Will you be so gleeful when you want someone to organise a removalist for you, fix up a pay error, organise your salary sacrifice laptop/car, move you around on the roster, case manage you when you get stressed, remind you that your medical is due, complete a project that updates your equipment, change the documents to reflect a new rule, re-write that new rule, update your superannuation payments, show you how to make an application work, re-jig an application, fix the broken intercom, fix the gate to your car park etc etc etc ... and there is nobody there!

I hope, for your sake, that the rumored culling of Controllers over the next 12 months doesn't come to fuition.

2nd Mar 2006, 21:38
Cuts also required in the training section, so the first thing to happen is that the instructors will no longer be seconded to the training section, but will remain assigned to their groups and only come across to the training section to deliver courses! I do not know how courses will be developed, or how this will impact on the paper work associated with training, as required by CASA or to meet our RTO status. So there a are some jobs gone, the next cut is suposed to be to the low level training staff after they install new simulator software. This may happen in 18 months, (but we all know what their record on installing software on time and to spec is!)

SM4 Pirate
2nd Mar 2006, 21:56
Is it just me or is this new structure extremely reflective of the Civil Air proposal put to help offset a better payrise in late 2001 early 2002?

New software, aka voice recognition; awsure! Just ring Telstra directory service for an example of fine cut out the "human element" software... High fidelity simulation, OMG!

3rd Mar 2006, 01:19
I hope, for your sake, that the rumored culling of Controllers over the next 12 months doesn't come to fuition.

Nice windup.

Now there is a rumour from someone who doesn't have a handle on reality. Perhaps they should stop the recruiting drive now? And stop looking overseas to get controllers because we cant find enough here? Maybe they could stop cancelling leave for controllers too?

3rd Mar 2006, 02:13
I hope, for your sake, that the rumored culling of Controllers over the next 12 months doesn't come to fuition.

agree with everything else you said - some good people will get/have had the shove, but that last bit is pretty funny.

The line up of people queuing for a VR would go around the block several times.

3rd Mar 2006, 02:19
I know it sounds silly ... but we are talking Airservices here ... it's not a beat up ...promises have been made to reduce ATC numbers. How they do it is another question. It might be by technology, new procedures, airspace changes,re-sectorisation, natural attrition ... who knows. The point is ... when the bean counters are let loose, no one's safe.

SM4 Pirate
3rd Mar 2006, 03:44
when the bean counters are let loose, no one's safe. I thought they were sacking all the bean counters?

CM, heard the same story about the contractors in the 300... Seems like about 120 people in ML and BN and what was AS have been offered an opportunity to apply for the remaining CB based jobs; but there will be no local options left, all centralised in CB.

Puece, the age profile is such that redundancy opportunities in ATC would be accepted with open arms. Count those over 50, nearly half... In some locations it is rare to find a permanent body under 50... We have been finding ways to reduce ATC numbers for the last 10 years; we have gone from 1100 to 950 in that time; taking on FS functionality too; so the numbers currently say pretty tight.

Technology might save some bodies; but from where I am, 2 days off every 10 shifts or so, 5+ phones calls on my days off every single time to come to work; if I say no (and chose life) they often close airspace or the others left at the consoles are doing so understaffed... Bring on technolgoy please; it's been the "great white hope" for 15 years already, yet we haven't seen very many changes (huh!) that actually saved one body...

3rd Mar 2006, 07:11
Re; ".....taking on FS functionality too; so the numbers stay pretty tight."
Yep! SOMEONE has to do it!!
But, then we all really knew that, did we not?? And it was stated many many times 'that FS do it cheaper'.....
To have an INTEGRATED service, do we not require FIS/DTI as well as Separation? Surely it is all part of the whole package?
I am still awaiting re-use of that phrase 'getting back to our core business' - we all know what THAT really means...
T'ain't new!:hmm:

SM4 Pirate
3rd Mar 2006, 09:45

Purely to play devils advocate...

I think the jury would still be well and truly out on FS did it cheaper. Yes on a dollar per man hour that is true. But there are only 8 truly low level sectors left in OZ; and some of those have up to FL245 or FL180 with E airspace above A180 or A085 respectively. These console see stand alone time for about 4 hours per day, and are hardly catered for in the staffing coverage numbers. So nearly, not quite, but nearly no ATC is dedicated for duty to cover the FS role... So perhaps it is cheaper integrated.

A good idea, a better service, well we probably fully agree there. Mind you it easier to change airspace when it's just the one system; try and do that with private ANSPs.

Will be interesting to watch this all unfold, I doubt there will be any real change anywhere near a console; but hey I've been wrong before.

3rd Mar 2006, 11:20
Dont forget to include the cost of running AUSFIC in any comparison. It is still there, and likely to stay.

If the base of E were to be pushed down the number of controllers would have to escalate dramatically. The question of course - who pays for it?

3rd Mar 2006, 18:32
Now that the well known entrepreneur has left the building (so to speak), I see no reason why AsA can't reduce staff by 300. What with the fact finding trips, the staff consultants, project managers, industry liaisons and general hangers-on, minute secretaries, lunch organisers, brochure printers and reprinters, trip planners, meeting planners, luggage carriers, image consultants, PR staff, political consultants and general would-be's if they could-be's running around and handling 15 flawed projects at once, surely there should be some fat left for trimming. Now that air traffic controllers can do what they are paid to do - air traffic control - we might start seeing some cost savings.

3rd Mar 2006, 21:28

You hit the nail on the head. IF Airservices got back to its "core business", then maybe you could "trim some fat" . But Airservices, no matter what it says, can't help itself ... it's always looking for outside work, trying to take over someone elses airspace or inventing new gizmos. That's why there are over 150 current projects.

Then add in the Controllers, who are always wanting their equipment/tools/software/documents to do this or not to do this (often for good reason) ... which starts everyone running around again. Then they get impatient because they don't understand, and often don't want to understand, what scope and size of work is involved for the support Staff to deliver on their requirements.

Add this all together and you NEED "fact finding trips, staff consultants, project managers, industry liaisons, and general hangers-on, minute secretaries, lunch organisers, brochure printers and reprinters, trip planners, meeting planners, luggage carriers, image consultants, PR staff, political consultants"

Now just watch it all bog down as support is trimmed and centralised in Canberra.

3rd Mar 2006, 22:22
.. and another thing ... you've got me on a roll now ...

Who are the Project Managers, Fact Finders, Industry Liason, Meeting gurus, Frequent Flyers, hospitality users etc?

Most are Controllers. You find me a non-technical project that's not managed and staffed by a fair swag of ageing/ex/has-been/medically unfit Controllers. That's where all the money goes ... on $100,000 a year project staff. Most job descriptions state "must have or have held an ATC license"... no matter you couldn't project manage a morning tea. I know, "you've never done it, so how could you understand what's required". There's university qualified project managers in Airservices that can't get a guernsey ... because they haven't held an ATC license. And there's plenty of controllers managing projects that have well and truly gone off the rails.

Maybe Airservices isn't as dumb as I think. maybe their ploy is to get rid of all these support jobs being done by Controllers ... then re-creating the jobs and staffing them with professionals. I'd like to see that ...

3rd Mar 2006, 22:39
Don't stop now peuce. I agree with everything you are saying. They're paying controllers in the six figures to do jobs that they aren't trained or really entitled to do. Then AsA get a double whammy because they have to pay another controller to do that controller's job at the console.

4th Mar 2006, 01:39
Ask the line controllers about that, and you will hear - YES - and those controllers get included in our operational numbers! So next time you hear about how many 'controllers' there are have a think about what you just said.

Most line controllers would be glad to see a whole lot of the non-core projects (I god I sound like John Howard) scrapped and the controllers returned to the line - if they are still capable.

Conversely, there are areas where you do need an Air Traffic Controllers involvement - not neccessarily running the project - but certainly providing operational advice, even if on a short secondment. An ATC system designed by an engineer is not an operationally effective solution! You also need Air Traffic Controllers to do the training in such places as the college, or in the centres.

I wonder of the 900 air traffic controllers we supposedly employ, how many hold down a full time line on a roster? If I were to pluck a figure I would say between 500 and 600 - maybe somebody out there knows.

4th Mar 2006, 02:03
Does anyone know if AsA are factoring the use of blue suiters into the equation

4th Mar 2006, 02:14
Saw some RAAF officers in BN this week looking at where they will be sitting when they start doing DN APP later this year. I believe Pearce and TL will be next - Pearce in PH and TL either CS or BN is the rumour. AMB last to come across I think, to BN. Don't know about WLM, Nowra, Sale, Edinburgh, Oakey etc.

Zero net effect really, as there is added airspace with a few extra people added.

Duff Man
4th Mar 2006, 03:30
18 months: WLM/Nowra plus BIK/CNK into Sydney High Density Control Unit

4th Mar 2006, 05:31
Does the 300 swings include ATC's in ML Tower??
What's going on there this arvo, Sat 4/3. ?
Staff shortages everywhere, well done Aircircuses!
Thanks to the ATC's in the Tower who carried the can.:ok:

4th Mar 2006, 08:58
Thanks to Lodown's encouragement, I'll keep my head of steam going ...

Think about this ... support people drastically reduced ... a job/project/rectification/document/procedure etc needs doing urgently (its happened before) ... will have to take Controllers off line to do it ... will have to recruit more controllers to take up the slack .... back to where we started, or worse!

But the thing that really gets me, is that obviously the 300 jobs was some rocket scientist's arse pluck, because according to ASA press releases "we haven't identified the jobs to go yet". Surely good management dictates that you size the jobs and workload ... before making, what appears to be, an arbitary decision to axe x number of jobs.

This really smacks of a "we need to trim M$x off our budget over the next x number of years" type management technique.

Okay, I'm done. I'm retiring hurt ... from banging my head against an ASA brick wall ... should have known better . I think I'll just sit around and wait for the big recruitment drive in about 12 months time ...

4th Mar 2006, 09:43
Peuce - Welcome to my world - Want a Panadol?

Dick N. Cider
8th Mar 2006, 08:59
Hot rumour is that the target is a 40% reduction in operating costs. This is only the start. The Australian article last week foreshadowed much more to come with Greg Russell stating that the front line was no affected "...at this stage." and that the controllers' union would be consulted. That consultation didn't extend to any other unions affected so what value should be put on his word?

I'd hazard a guess we're back in "Frank Baldwin" mode with the razor running hot and bloody until the board (of whom virtually all are "change managers") gets the pound of flesh they're looking for then a huge golden handshake for Russell before departing for greener pastures.

The pendulum has swung again...

8th Mar 2006, 09:10
the front line was no affected "...at this stage."Hmmmmm.....We're already short staffed. In BN Centre 85 controllers are eligible for retirement, BN Centre management are counting on losing about 15, with 12 new controllers (ab initios) expected to be trained in the centre in 2006 to keep up the numbers. You do the maths. And it's something similar in ML Centre.

There is no way that any controllers will be offered the door. We just don't have enough.

It takes 5 years for a person off the street to be trained to replace an experienced controller. In the next 5 years, AsA will be flat out maintaining current numbers without a degradation to the service provided to industry.

8th Mar 2006, 12:05
a degradation to the service provided to industry

Pierre - maybe the 'problem' you stated is in fact the solution & strategy all rolled in to one.

Every other industry is offering less and charging more - it's how tthe very few in higher management make obscene bonuses - and that is what the business world is all about isn't it?

Have a look at the strategy the FAA are using - they are currently 600 controllers short, everyone is working overtime and incident rates are escalating - the FAA answer? Blame the controllers publically for the rise in separation incidents, and at the same time fire a few more to piss them off even further - and then insist the FAA needs to reduce costs and the controllers should consider getting paid less. It is a total Blitzkreig of Chutzpah! [Read Here (http://www.natca.org/ATC/JanFeb06NY11.msp)

There are still a few morons lurking in these cyber halls who think we should be adopting the FAA 'best practice' in Australia.

Shake your head in wonder at the antics of the FAA and the GOP..... http://themainbang.typepad.com/blog/

Don't wish too hard for it - you might just get it.

9th Mar 2006, 06:03
I'd hazard a guess we're back in "Frank Baldwin" mode with the razor running hot and bloody until the board (of whom virtually all are "change managers") gets the pound of flesh they're looking for then a huge golden handshake for Russell before departing for greener pastures.
The pendulum has swung again...Perhaps a CEO who is a political animal - joins an organisation, cuts staff to the bone to reduce the $$$ and make himself look good, then moves on to something else before things come crumbling down.

Perhaps Bernie and Andrew weren't all that bad, guys & gals?

I've heard that morale in ASA is hitting rock bottom in some areas, with little or no support to affected staff, some told they have a future, then days later told the opposite. This is dangerous territory - recall the tragedies after the Ansett collapse and some people were pushed over the emotional cliff.

9th Mar 2006, 09:31

The word is that staff cuts to ATCC (for outsiders, that's our internal training section for ATCs) are going to take place soon. I've heard that they're going to cut staff by 10%.

How? voice recognition technology and a better simulator. Hmmmmm.....hope they not going to use the one Telstra uses.

Not enough ATCs, cut the training section staff. Get rid of all those people on projects. Restructure ATC from a 2 centre approach to a East Coast management, High level Airspace and Regional management. It all sounds very "Frank Baldwin" doesn't it.

BTW what happened to Frank? did he go back to NZ?

9th Mar 2006, 12:28
Take the redundancy, start a company and get hired back as a consultant at three times the money with all the tax write-offs that you couldn't get on a wage.

10th Mar 2006, 03:17
****su, Pierre and friends. Does the term "Seagull Manager " mean anything to you?:yuk:

10th Mar 2006, 11:18
The only seagull I heard of was a pilot - one had to throw rocks at him to get him to fly.

Booville Monroe
14th Mar 2006, 12:36
I've heard that the TGOs have been told the writing is on the wall and that they should consider VRs. ASA is planning to replace them with a training system that utilized voice recognition, developed in-house, and that the system would be sold to the world.

14th Mar 2006, 14:16
Would this be the same voice-rec system the very same TGOs are being asked to help develop? Tee hee. :rolleyes:

14th Mar 2006, 20:51
I borrowed one of ****su's panadols, so I am coming back for another beating.

Sure, you can create voice recognition software that will mechanically read a script and answer straight forward questions .... but how does this machine make judgements, errors, decisions (correct and incorrect), less than perfect approaches, get itself lost, deal with ATC questions during an IFER, interact with other aircraft after receiveing traffic information, climb too fast, climb too slow, etc etc?

If Airservices can make this artifically intelligent machine in house ... it deserves the Noble Prize for Science.

If it stuffs it up (what's the odds?) it has just stuffed up its ATC training forever!

SM4 Pirate
14th Mar 2006, 22:03
Is this the same software development team that made the PC SIM? What PC SIM? Exactly my point.

Imagine if you will a bad weather exercise, pretty common across sim courses, 'for ident' - reply 'No restrictions' even if there are, because scripting any possible confliction is next to impossible. Zero chance of making an amendment on a run to highlight or concentrate on fixing a weakness.

The concept of high fidelity simulation is just that, what we have no is quite poor do to lack of real aircraft performance, ie a B747 at FL350 turning 90 degrees in 2 paints, or 12 seconds; imagine just how more unreal it could get. They still haven't been able to get a hold at button on the TGO screens, in what, 9 years of TAAATS SIM... It's a joke to imagine that we would be able to do anything that will save one body in the SIM.

I'd have thought that this small pool of staff was not the real issue. Low hanging fruit, should not be consumed to spite the tree...

15th Mar 2006, 06:37
Maybe they could start with the Telstra Information System:

Please say the name of the person: "Elle McPherson"

You said:"Hot Dog" Is this correct?

"No - Elle McPherson"

"You said No Hot Dog - is this correct?"


"Cleared for ILS Approach"

"You said Go Around - would you like to play again?"

16th Mar 2006, 03:01
That just about sums up voice recognition software, ST. :)

I've never had it successfully recognise anything ever, but my own personal favourite was when I was trying to ring a mate in Ambidji group. As soon as I heard the voice recognition kick in I thought, hmm, this will be a total waste of time.

Please say the name.
long pause...
You said, Melbourne Cricket Ground, is that correct?

I was actually rendered speechless by the utter lack of similarity. Still shake my head over that one. :uhoh:

17th Mar 2006, 00:52
Does sound a bit like emceegee (MCG) though

17th Mar 2006, 04:59
After 13 beers it does:cool:

17th Mar 2006, 05:09
I confess I had never thought of that. :O

17th Mar 2006, 05:27
Is it true that those few remaining controllers still eligible for ERB no longer are required to give 12 month's notice to ensure payment of Early Retirement Benefits?
If so that will surely put more pressure on to find replacement staff.

17th Mar 2006, 10:04
Blind Fredy,
It's touching to see how much compassion you have for the poor sods who have to go home to their wife and kids and tell them that they no longer have a job!
A Senior ASA ATC Manager was once quoted as saying ... " you know why we have such a high support staff to Controller ratio? ... the Controllers are such high maintenance"
Will you be so gleeful when you want someone to organise a removalist for you, fix up a pay error, organise your salary sacrifice laptop/car, move you around on the roster, case manage you when you get stressed, remind you that your medical is due, complete a project that updates your equipment, change the documents to reflect a new rule, re-write that new rule, update your superannuation payments, show you how to make an application work, re-jig an application, fix the broken intercom, fix the gate to your car park etc etc etc ... and there is nobody there!
I hope, for your sake, that the rumored culling of Controllers over the next 12 months doesn't come to fuition.

These are the same punks that rolled over on us EBA before last. Our number 1 sticking point was 1 agreement for all and these very people voted within themselves to go it alone and shun the Operational/Tech staff. I personally see this as what goes around, comes around. Suck it up. You made your bed.

20th Mar 2006, 03:38

You've got a good memory... I can't remember the facts too well, but I'll take your word for it. Having said that, I'm sure there would have been two sides to the argument at the time.

However ... no matter what the historical facts are ... the current situation, as I detailed, remains unchanged .. no matter how badly you feel done by, there's still going to be no one to do your chores.

20th Mar 2006, 07:56
The 'chores' will still be done. The duplication is gone. There are a few notable high profile names amongst them. Imagine if the Clerks were still with the operational guys. They would be covered by the no Redundencies Clause. Oh well. Too bad, so sad.

The arguement 'at the time' demons will come and haunt the Operational staff in years to come as well.

21st Mar 2006, 06:54
Heard your CEO has taken a particular GM under his wing. Defers to him, has him by his side at meetings, and the GM has the CEOs ear at all times. I've heard that the particular GM isn't a popular individual - I guess you guys know more?

SM4 Pirate
21st Mar 2006, 08:21
Come now CM, more seeds please... Just some intitials or previous task etc... I'm guessing it would be KM, but I'm only guessing, but if I were GR and I were to pick anyone it would be the one I knew previously...

21st Mar 2006, 09:34
SA, NO, JH, RD, WE, AB, AH, BP, KM, KO, AC. I'd have thought either RD, BP or KM.

22nd Mar 2006, 02:59
Just decoded a previous post (thanks to research in Jet Blast). Yes, we have had a few, and we now have another. Do we have to buy his house yet?SEAGULL MANAGER – A manager who flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything, and then leaves.From the same place, this seemed appropriate:[ADMINISPHERE – The rarefied organisational layers beginning just above the rank and file. Decisions that fall from the “Adminisphere” are often profoundly inappropriate or irrelevant to the problems they were designed to solve. This is often affiliated with the dreaded “administrivia” – needless paperwork and processes.

22nd Mar 2006, 05:57
SA, NO, JH, RD, WE, AB, AH, BP, KM, KO, AC. I'd have thought either RD, BP or KM.BP.

Also fresh from the rumour mill: heard that one RHS has written to your CEO complaining about the appointment of a certain acting GM of your Airspace and Environment Unit. Something about not being happy with the individual for some reason. Whoever it is, has gone up in my estimation - and I have never met him :)

Complaining could be a good thing. P:mad: off the CEO and he's less likely to have a sympathetic ear.

karrank: thanks for that. I assumed it was something to do with being dumped on, but you've completed the picture :ok:

23rd Mar 2006, 02:47
RHS doesn't have to interfere in ASA - it seems ok at wrecking itself at the moment. There do seem to be some good bits though. The towers are back with the rest of ATC.:)

Bad bit.............

Have just heard that the Centre Manager who was sent from ML to BN 3 years ago is leaving the organisation - he was the best manager we had seen. Perhaps our mates in BN wore him out. He was replaced in ML by some-one whose ego you couldn't jump over - he seems to have moved to CB and gone quiet - not for long I bet. Surely he must be next on the list.

23rd Mar 2006, 06:11
I believe the guy leaving Brisbane is doing so on health grounds and not health issues caused by the job. I only had limited dealings with him and I think he came with a view that we were all going to be hostile to him and was a little hostile in advance. Not hard to be the best centre manager when you look at the others that held the job.

24th Mar 2006, 08:09
I am sorry that he has had to leave on health grounds. We in Bn were told how good a guy he was only to be dissapointed, just another cog in the management machine.
The current restructure I suspect will just be a new bucket for the same ****, good luck fellas.

24th Mar 2006, 09:26
Why do we need 5 managers in BN and ML center when 2 (albeit apparently not all that great from previous posts) were sufficient before. How does the CEO justify an increase of 150% in centre management when cutting the general staff by 10%??

24th Mar 2006, 11:09
The ex-manager left tonight. Was given the letter told to hand in his pass and let out the door. Nothing to the troops, nothing in on the web page.

Although I may have had differences with the man I still would have like to wish him the best, especially after all the sh!t he went through in hospital.

24th Mar 2006, 13:06
Why the secrecy? Name some names, it's hardly defamatory stuff.

24th Mar 2006, 19:51
Another 3rd level in ML gets the bullet.

Some still survive continuous nights of long knives though - amazing how bad guys can do that and good guys get to walk.

Including those who are implicated as causal ie Empire builders (ASG was always going to fall). Sure, one got the chop, who had been building a protecive barrier to mask incompetence for years, but what of the person/people who should have picked this up! Still up there on the $1/4M pa+.

24th Mar 2006, 20:24
So if that is the way they treat ex managers, how do you think they will treat us when they start getting rid of controllers. Ask the CPSU members??
Will CivilAir get any better respect? I doubt it...

If you were one of the 3 new "bright youngboy" managers under Ken you would do what was asked.

Can any Melbourne controllers confirm that their previous centre manager (before that, ours!) was less than fully enthusiastic for AUSOTS and now he has been regionalised??

24th Mar 2006, 23:31
The ex-manager left tonight. Was given the letter told to hand in his pass and let out the door. Nothing to the troops, nothing in on the web page.I’ve also heard that a manager in charge of ATC training has been sidelined. Lovely, seemingly competent lady, who had some experience behind her from SYD I believe, apparently replaced with someone with little experience at all.

Speculation is that the CEO or his minder pulling the strings, don’t like female managers.

Boy, you've got a real happy camp developing there, and sooner or later that has to impact on service and safety.

25th Mar 2006, 00:23
Nasty CA negotiations, restructuring and uncertainity will, at times, result in a reduction in service to Industry, its human nature. Whether it impact safety, time will tell.

I heard that the Head of Legal was dismissed when she (rather crudely) queried the CEO on the status of women. Can't be true, could it??

Booville Monroe
25th Mar 2006, 14:03
I’ve also heard that a manager in charge of ATC training has been sidelined. Lovely, seemingly competent lady, who had some experience behind her from SYD I believe, apparently replaced with someone with little experience at all.

Lovely: maybe, no direct knowledge there. Competent: Mmmmmmm. Word is that procrastination is what this manager is best at. Look at the college, professional training, and ATCC itself. Poorly managed, beset by cronyism and relentlessly inefficient.
Time for a change.

27th Mar 2006, 07:43
G'day ER BN,
Pls check yr PM's....:ok:

28th Mar 2006, 05:38
heard an ugly rumour today about what GR and KM have in store for ATC. Strap in people - theres a storm brewing.

28th Mar 2006, 08:55
Details? Keep in mind that the boys are no longer afraid to drop a few hours of TIBA on the company. Another 7 hours just this week. I hope the airlines are asking for Nav refunds during this. With these new CASA regs and the provision of service, ASA are **** scared they may not make their minimum service provision.

28th Mar 2006, 08:58
Hmmm, so some others are hearing things too... Why would GR not think he could just kick in the facade of controller solidarity??

Wonder whether CIVIL AIR will be any better than Katrina's FEMA??

A collegue in ML Center today says there were lots of happy vacants rubbing shoulders with the AsA Board at a free lunch today when she went to buy her lunch??

Bread and circuses...?? or Let them eat cake...??

28th Mar 2006, 11:33
Already the leanest outfit going (in terms of controllers) - what more do they want? Carry more shiny bums on our shoulders?

Its about moving traffic, people. While management continue to reinvent themselves (along with the wheel) we keep pushing more with less, for less.

About time some solidarity was displayed - or are we all going to fall over in a quivery spinless mess again, without any direction? Pathetic.

So what is Ken going to do? Rip up our CA 3 months after it was ratified? Like to see a few more details before I start taking your rumours to heart.

ER_BN - what role does your post play? Stooge, scare merchant or purveyor of doom?

28th Mar 2006, 23:38
So once again the circle turns, yawn. What GR is doing is what any Toe-Cutter will do (and has done in the past) and that is over-do the slashing and burning, where excesses are indicated, whilst impacting upon service and safety through direct and indirect (morale) effects. Of course in about one year he will be disgraced and dishonourably discharged by ‘The Powers That Be” for the havoc he wreaked. The “Yes Men’ will remain in power as 2nd and 3rd level managers under a new leadership of rebuilding (read Empire Building) through self-greed, aggrandisement and cronyism.

The blame should therefore not be directed at GR but at those with snouts in troughs who fattened up, multi-layered and mismanaged their portfolios. Those 2nd and 3rd level managers, some who have gone and some who remain, who should wear the blame for the poor sods who will be arriving home to mum and the kids with a shocked look on their face. But these 2nd and 3rd levels have no morality and will reconcile this situation to themselves easily. As easily as those who acted day one of the new IR reforms by sacking and rehiring under different conditions.

I severely doubt that the quantum of workplace controllers will be affected. Conditions and remuneration will surely get hit. This will result in the normal supply and demand problems with either revised conditions and remuneration or a changing of selection criteria or rating standards (God Forbid).

Nothing new here – same old intellectual decision-making processes at work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then in ten or so years………..

29th Mar 2006, 09:27

I thought it was pretty obvious....your third paragraph (if honestly meant), exactly.

I am just wondering whether Civil Air will lead ...or wait until it is too late?

From comments of some of our older collegues (many of whom can leave when they want), it can get a lot worse...when push comes to shove controller shortages don't always..?anytime... elicit sense from levels 1/2/3.

For managment might be handy to have the "blues" rated in TAAATS in centres around the country..especially here in BN and... maybe we are all just too paranoid but our military friends in numbers in TAAATS and the promised miracle of MTCD might just convince certain actions from our junior can do boys...

29th Mar 2006, 09:55
Have just heard that the Centre Manager who was sent from ML to BN 3 years ago is leaving the organisation - he was the best manager we had seen. Perhaps our mates in BN wore him out. He was replaced in ML by some-one whose ego you couldn't jump over - he seems to have moved to CB and gone quiet - not for long I bet. Surely he must be next on the list.
Safa... Can you give any further details as to who you are referring to (via PM or here). Would we be talking a BN-ML-CB mover? If so, your comment doesn't seem to add up????? :confused:

29th Mar 2006, 10:37
heard an ugly rumour today about what GR and KM have in store for ATC.

And I thought this was a rumour site. If you have a rumour please lay it on the line, otherwise your are just teasing.

29th Mar 2006, 14:51
I can't help the cynicism.

Thought processes for new Airservices CEO...

1. I don't understand what air traffic controllers do.
2. I don't understand how the business works.
3. The pollies and the board want me to focus on reduced costs while maintaining safety (whatever that entails).
4. This will be a good job to establish my credentials, fill in the resume and move into a high paying job in private industry and it's a government job, so there's a myriad of people to share the blame if something goes belly up.
5. I'm to pass on all praise to the Minister and keep the nasty things from going any higher.

Sole Strategy - Have Another Restructure!
The reasoning:
1. It looks like I am doing something and it appears I know my job while everyone else suffers the disruptions. My state of confusion won't look out of place and I'll fit in nicely.
2. It's a good strategy to provide an excuse to remove people who might otherwise quickly realize that I don't really know what I'm doing.
3. It allows me to appoint some young blood with ideas that they can change the world and who will suckle on their enthusiasm and gusto for a few years before their rose coloured glasses fall off.
4. In the course of regular progress briefings, I might actually learn a little about what goes on here while I maintain the image that I'm at the helm and considerate of other views. If I keep the ship in the fog, and if I continually remind people I'm steering between unseen rocks on either side using my supreme navigation skills, I'll keep their support even though I could be navigating the ship in circles in calm seas. But I'll be the one with the map.
5. By allocating responsibilities and appointing a couple of not-quite-awake fall-guys around me, I can apportion blame if something goes wrong.
6. I can talk on the focus on reduced costs and safety, but if the reality appears confused, I can use the excuse that we are going through a restructure and everyone has a mental picture of the mess entailed in home remodeling and I'm off the hook and forgiven.
7. By the time people work out that I don't really have a clue how the business works I'll be out of here. Just keep the brown stuff from getting too close to the Minister.

And if I leave a mess under the rug, the next CEO can clean it up!

30th Mar 2006, 08:00
If there is one thing I am not worried about, it is the threat of RAAF controllers - the small quantity alone lets me be nice and not have to discuss the quality.

The real threat is a strategy of intentional non-management, as opposed to the previous unintentional mis-management. The former is where real resource issues, which were created by the latter, come to fruition but are addressed by denial and shifting the blame to the coalface.

This is the strategy of the FAA.

Less controllers working more and more overtime with more and more traffic having more incidents. The FAA management response? Blame the controller with a 'the beatings will continue until morale improves' approach.

As we have seen from the very top of government in this country right down - there is no accountability at the top. The blame stops stops squarely at the bottom.

So if your airspace goes TIBA - it must be an air traffic controllers fault for not coming to work on their 1st day off in 10 days.

Green on, Go!
30th Mar 2006, 10:25
If there is one thing I am not worried about, it is the threat of RAAF controllers - the small quantity alone lets me be nice and not have to discuss the quality.

Ah ****su Tonka, why did you have to go and say something like that? Not that it matters to anyone other than myself, however, I had such a high opinion of you. I've read many of your posts over the last couple of months, posts that appear logical, reasoned and insightful. Then you go and make such a gross generalisation and a seemingly ignorant one at that.
Kind of reminds me of that joke:
"Sometimes you will cry
and no one will see your tears
Sometimes you will laugh
and no one will see you smile
Sometimes you will fear
and no one will see you shudder
Sometimes you will lie
and no one will catch you up
Sometimes you will fall
and no one will see you struggle
Sometimes you will be late
and no one will notice
Look forward to working in a centre with you soon. Wonder what I'll be wearing?...:E

30th Mar 2006, 10:54
Hopefully you have not had the dose of stupid pills that every RAAF controller I talk to day to day takes. No offence chief, it is just how it is.

30th Mar 2006, 13:48
I've wondered at the source of your bile for a long time, plazbot. You're a young man in a well paid job, you've never struggled, you're not old enough to have truly developed an overwhelming cynicism, but your Angry Young Man persona manifests itself in personal attacks so often that I can't help coming to the conclusion that you are really a rather unpleasant person.

I wish I were a good enough controller to be able to dismiss a whole group because of their employer; or maybe I just wish I were once again young enough and ignorant enough to believe my self-image was how my peers saw me.

Beware of the term schadenfreude, young man, for one day you will f*ck up and it will surround you in large doses. In the meantime, enjoy your perfection. :hmm:

30th Mar 2006, 19:06
Mil vs Civvy controllers. You just don't want to go there. Having worked many years on both sides of the fence (starting with DofA) I have a good pespective. There are dopes on both sides and there are the best on both sides. RAAF have opportunities to develop tactical methods that you wouldn't dream of as an AA controller. Civvies have the opportunity to do the one job forever and get very very good at knowing every variable/scenario. RAAF have the opportunity to know cameraderie at its best, that you could not understand without being there. RAAF have a management structure that has had organsational difficulties with capability for sometime whilst civvy ATC has suffered from the effects of commecialisation on professional and personal aspects. The list goes on forever and perhaps I have left the out the most stingy bits to avoid the devisiveness that will result. I suggest both sides should adopt an attitude of learning from the others skills, personal qualities and abilities rather than ignorance.

30th Mar 2006, 21:22

Sure thing binoculars. You roll with that.

30th Mar 2006, 22:58
Quite correct - I withdraw my generalisation, and apologise.

I will limit my criticism just to the few that leave me shaking my head in wonder occassionaly.

That aside, the original inference that the RAAF are going to somehow be the future strike-breakers for ASA is hollow. The numbers just ain't there - nor the system/airspace knowledge yet.

30th Mar 2006, 23:05
HMMMM.. Looks like a few people are taking stupid pills today. Pilots, engineers, now ATO's:suspect:

Play nice children.

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