View Full Version : Aviation Lawyer for ANO interpretation

23rd Feb 2006, 11:21
Does anyone know of an aviation lawyer who can give our company advice relating to Air Navigation Order interpretation. As an aerial survey unit within an environmental consultancy, we wish to use an aircraft which has a Public Transport CofA but is not itself on an AOC. It comes down do whether the flights are classified as aerial work or public transport.

We just need to know if we can legally do it? A yes or no answer! Any help would be appreciated.


Piltdown Man
23rd Feb 2006, 13:44
The Public Transport C of A merely indicates the type of maintenance schedule and the level of qualification of the Maintenance Organisation that is allowed to perform the C of A. Also, the aircraft may feature on any number of AOC's, but can also be used for Aerial and other work outside an AOC (like for private, non-hire use). Providing no paying passengers (or cargo) are carried, photography is Aerial Work. But I'd suggest that it would get a little grey if the person commissioning the pictures comes along to "supervise".