View Full Version : Any Ryanair's Pilot on this forum??

18th Feb 2006, 11:29
Hy all

Is there any pilot happy to work for Ryanair???? :)

It is impossible that no one of the nearly 800 pilots currently working for Ryan is happy........

All of you are saying bad things about Ryanair (true or not i don't know)..........but the truth is that none of you is working for them.........so.......how can you prove those things???

I have friends (based in italy) working for them saying that is a good place to work and also the training is good.....

I really don't know............. :ugh:

18th Feb 2006, 11:34
Navdisplay - there are happy pilots working for Ryanair. However, if you do a search on this site and take the time to read what is said here you will be in a position to understand what it means to work for them and why many of their pilots are not happy with their treatment. You have also asked for a copy of their contract in another forum. There are many, many Ryanair contracts. Even more to the point, Ryanair do not always do what it says in your contract, once you have joined. What this means, and information on all of this is already available to you if you search this site .......