View Full Version : VFR companies in WA/NT

hair of the dogma
16th Feb 2006, 12:29
My on again, off again trip to NT/WA is on again.

Can anybody tell me of some companies that hire low time VFR pilots (800hrs). Was thinking Darwin and then on to Kununurra and then Broome, but I have heard it is better to pick a place and stick to it.

Can anybody give me an idea of VFR single pay, nothing too in depth but I am not interested in going if I am going to starve - I can starve anywhere. Starve when I am working I mean.

And lastly, am currently employed outside of aviation - have former employer who is happy to let me fly every now and again to stay current. Should I just save money and get MECIR and try and land a job a bit further up the ladder so to speak.

Thanks in advance

16th Feb 2006, 20:07
My suggestion would be to save and do your MECIR before you leave that way after your single days you can hopefully move on up to twins. If you do not have your IR when a twin job flashes in front of your face you may dip out as you will have at least 4weeks of training plus you will have to travel back to somewhere that actually does the training.

Horatio Leafblower
17th Feb 2006, 00:02
... you won't swing a twin position with a company up there straight away - you'll need to earn your stripes doing a season (or more) of SE VFR flying.

With most employers you will get a good break over the wet season, if you want it, and the CP should let you know if you are in line for a shot at a twin next season.

I would think with 800 hours you will be a good shot for a start - get up there and get flying I reckon.

KNX or BRM would be the go!:ok:


17th Feb 2006, 02:53
Look up all operators online yellow pages and call them! 800 hrs should be fine for a job that your looking for but I suggest the same that has already been suggested. It's up to you! if you have or can beg, borrow or steal the money now for an MEIFR rating. Do it and then you don't have to do it later, but then you could consolidate until the opportunity presents itself in a year or so! and then beg, borrow or steal. There are more than one way to skin this cat! :}
Good Luck!

17th Feb 2006, 05:47
Do the CMEIR now. like contractor said, the opportunity for the twin will only be up for grabs for a day or so max and if you can't just step into it then you're stuffed. Thats my experience anyway. Have fun.

ace4bar's girlfriend
17th Feb 2006, 07:26
Contact the CP at Goldfields Air Service.

I think he might be after someone with your quals. His name is Jeff (?) Horsley and they have a fleet of mostly C310's and 402's and a C210. He might still be after someone happy to drive the C210 for a while before looking at multitime.

worth a go, and good luck

Towering Q
17th Feb 2006, 13:43
2 newbies just started, with less hours than you Dogma. Send it in anyway as there appears to be a lot of movement going on at the moment.:ok:

Most recent starters have been recommended by someone from within, so networking is alive and well.

17th Feb 2006, 15:08
Can I suggest that you check my today posting in "NZ Aviation Industry? Also "Gupta's" posting.

Take your day job with you. The NT is a great starting point.
I have worked (on and off) in the NT for 20+ years, and have never seen a determined pilot not get full time work, and go on to better thingss.

17th Feb 2006, 19:49
For sheer volumn of flying Kununurra is the best place to get a VFR start. The bulk of the flying is in the dry season but the bigger operators, Alligator Airways and Slingair, also do a good deal of wet season work. Up there your chance of gettig an IFR job straight up is, or was, almost nil. One good dry season of experience gets you familiar with the area and the wet season is a good chance to go off and get that rating. However I take the other comments that if you are on the spot somewhere else and the job WOULD have been yours if only you had that rating...... Your choice really and nobody can say one way or the other. If you are going to KNX I'd be there quickly as the wet breaks around mid April and the tourists are in town by May. Not sure what the wait time is these days to get start but in a past life some had to stick around and work doing something else for a while. Once you are on board in KNX you will do close to your 900 hours per year. And the fishing is great!

17th Feb 2006, 22:01
2 newbies just started, with less hours than you Dogma. Send it in anyway as there appears to be a lot of movement going on at the moment.:ok:
Most recent starters have been recommended by someone from within, so networking is alive and well.

Thank Gawd it isn't only my company losing a few good people to branches further up the tree.

We're in the same boat as TQ, networking works.;)

the wizard of auz
18th Feb 2006, 13:03
only sometimes apparently. :eek: :}

18th Feb 2006, 23:55
only sometimes apparently. :eek: :}

Thought you were happy gettin yer feet wet wiz?:}

the wizard of auz
19th Feb 2006, 02:41
gotta do something whilst I'm waiting. :}

Mere Mortal
20th Feb 2006, 06:11
If you don't have your ATPL theory out of the way, do that as well. One less thing to take time off for.