View Full Version : China Contacts

Porco Rosso 76
14th Feb 2006, 21:35
Hi to all, first I'd like to thank all of you in advance for your kind answers.
My question is quite simple. I need contacts of all kind to place a curriculum and an interview request with "air china" company.
It seems that there is a lot of answer for foreign pilot in this company to fulfill the increment of flights forecast in the near future.
There's anybody who can give me a little help?
I've tryied the internet way without a great success.

Hi from Italy, Porco Rosso

15th Feb 2006, 09:34

15th Feb 2006, 09:34
I am sure this will turn into a huge debate into whether pilots are actually needed but here is their site. I hasten to add in my experience and having just spoken to my dad who is based there and has been for 20 years there has been a big increase in "foreign" pilots flying airliners within China recently.

http://www.airchina.com.cn/en if you click on employment it states "No want". You may be able to find some other contact details from there.

16th Feb 2006, 16:11
Hi guys, I am also interested in finding all the contacts available.

Can anybody give me some informations more? Thanks.

PS. Porcorosso, se puoi metterti in contatto con me.

purple head
16th Feb 2006, 23:43
The requirement for Air China now is for 25 Captains. It is part of the deal with Airbus, who I am not 100% sure but I think will supply the pilots or at least pay them. It is for the new aircraft they are getting delivered now. They do not have any foreign FO's there. This information is from a person I meet from Air China recruitment, that I met while doing CAAC exams for another Chinese Airline, so I would take it as accurate.
Do not get Air China mixed up with China Airlines who have been hiring foreign pilots for a long time, but are based in Taiwan. Air China has only recently started hiring expats.
Most other Chinese Airlines that hire expats are also only hiring Captains at the moment, but there are some FO positions if you search hard enough.

Porco Rosso 76
17th Feb 2006, 09:02
we search hard enough indeed, but matter is: where are the contacts? go to the china embassy?


Porco Rosso

purple head
17th Feb 2006, 09:23
The contacts are in the HR Departments, just like in European Airlines. Sorry i dont have a list of contact details, but they are available by searching the web or making a few phone calls to the various Airlines that hire expats, however unless you can speak or read Chinese it will be very difficult to get the information.