View Full Version : Aer Lingus

8th Feb 2006, 15:33

I did a search but didn't find what I'm looking for. My question is whats it like to work for Aer Lingus and has anyone heard when/if they're going to be recruiting again?



8th Feb 2006, 17:28
They haven't recruited since around 2000, due to efficiency gaining, fleet consolidation, and the general Airline industry downturn 2001-2004.

The guys there are currently working fairly hard and any expansion will need new pilots, however there are around 25 to be recalled from unpaid leave (voluntary furlough type thing), and 43 odd ex cadets who were let go before they finished their IR to be offered jobs. My prediction being probably less than half of these ex-cadets will take up the offer as many have got good jobs already.

So thats around 50 pilots to be soaked up before any new outside recruitment.

My hunch is new recruitment for summer schedule 2007.

As far as working for Aer Lingus is concerned, it's probably one of the best jobs in Europe, quantatively and more important qualitatively. It is still government owned you know!!! :cool: Whether the new contracts will be anywhere near the old ones is anyones guess!!! :{