View Full Version : Working for Etihad

The Big Easy
7th Feb 2006, 12:48
Should I accept a job offer from Etihad, Yes or no?

7th Feb 2006, 13:04
TBE In what capacity?? Bog Cleaner ? Give us a clue and tell us your present situation then you might get some meaningful replies!

PS The Director thanks to some twit moderator.

Doug the Head
7th Feb 2006, 17:30
TBE In what capacity?? Bog Cleaner ? Give us a clue and tell us your present situation then you might get some meaningful replies!
PS The Director thanks to some twit moderator.
Well, this is a Professional Pilot website and this is posted under Terms and Endearments, so I donīt think he/she is looking for a job taking out the garbage... :hmm:

Sorry Big Easy, I donīt have any info about Etihad, but let me know if you find out anything...! :cool:

7th Feb 2006, 17:47
Sadly there are now so many Bog Cleaners loose on pprune pontificating about everything imaginable that it is becoming more and more difficult to find a Professional Pilot to have a discourse with!

The Big Easy
7th Feb 2006, 19:45
Must agree with 'Doug the Head". I posted this on the Professional Pilots network under terms and endearment. But for 'thegypsy', that would be a job offer for a position on the flightdeck (thats where the pilots sit)! All clear now?