View Full Version : easyJet rostering

3rd Feb 2006, 09:36
Are there any easyJet pilots (B737) who will show me what a typical monthly roster looks like, either here or PM? Which of easy's bases are B737 bases?

Thanks :}

3rd Feb 2006, 14:45
Trouble is that as soon as one is published, it will be out of date with changes and nothing like the one that you will fly.

Just to give you a flavour, I was on leave until the 12th of Jan but Still managed to fly 85 hours in the remainder of the month, mostly on 4 sector days

4th Feb 2006, 11:14
EZY rostering normally is quite easy to understand, same for B-737 and A-319:
5 on-2 off-5 on-4 off one block early one block late. Most days are 4 sector days, in between can be a STBY or contactable.
about 3 month RESERVE (no fixed pattern) most you fly full power in RESERVE:\
fit in 850 to 900 blockhours:{
thatīs it!

dawn raider
4th Feb 2006, 15:06
despite the usual 'look how bad my life is stories' the rostering is to a very high standard if you avoid LTN and LGW. regional bases are much easier going. few changes in reality and all very predictable. I would recommend it as a good place to work with the obvious reservations.

737's at LPL. EDI. GLA. LTN. NCL & BFS. (but the first three are converting to the bus)

all the rest are airbus.

I'm here a few years and have done about 1500 hours. I have worked harder in ALL of my previous flying jobs.

stay away from London bases and it's Okay.

good luck. - selection seems to be alot harder than people think.

4th Feb 2006, 16:02
dawn raider

if you are " a few years" with EZY and got "only" 1500 hours, you are obviously on one of the "regional bases"!
Good for you!:ok:

4th Feb 2006, 16:25

Does anyone know where a new entry F/O on the 737-700 would be based at present? Would this likely to be the same base as for the line training?



4th Feb 2006, 18:48
FO basing requirements vary by the day but at the minute I'd say LTN would be a high probability. Its true that the regions have less disruption than the london guys..because there's little point in crewing disrupting a roster that already has 100 hours on it. Regional rosters leave you just as knackered as London overall :\

5th Feb 2006, 01:47
Dawn Raider
What planet are you on?????? How many Earth 'years' have you been with the company??
Which regional base are you in that hasn't done within 20 hours of their max 900 'Earth' hours per Earth year. Unless you are on a 50% roster, which is a no hope if you a SFO. I suspect a troll?!

5th Feb 2006, 08:46
Dawn Raider
What planet are you on?????? How many Earth 'years' have you been with the company??
Which regional base are you in that hasn't done within 20 hours of their max 900 'Earth' hours per Earth year. Unless you are on a 50% roster, which is a no hope if you a SFO. I suspect a troll?!

A couple of clicks will tell you that he's a CPT in GLA. In the Scottish bases you do a greater number of short sectors, so your duty hours max out before your block hours.

A slightly less aggressive tone would be nice, Sir.

5th Feb 2006, 09:43
As an SFO in Scotland I probably only did about 700 hours last year. Lots of six sector days but no flights longer than 1:15.

9th Mar 2006, 12:23
Hi there,

Does anyone know where a new FO on the A319 should expect to be based? Also, if you are not on the TRSS but have the minimum number of hours on the airbus, which level would you enter on the pay scale?


FA777 :ok:

9th Mar 2006, 12:40

and join BALPA as soon as

9th Mar 2006, 12:44

I am already a member of BALPA, albeit as an unemployed pilot. Will have to change that now. :ok:

Do you have any idea of which pay scale I would enter on considering I'm not on the TRSS but will have min. hours on the a319?

