View Full Version : 'you cannot be serious?'

1st Feb 2006, 16:18
A friend of a friend of a friend......has been looking into a UK twin piston job recently. The owner of the company wants him to stump up 1500 pounds as a 'security deposit' in case he leaves within a year. He already has his IR and MEP so no additional training will be provided that he can take away. There is some photographic equipment to get to grips with but nothing that can't be practiced and perfected on the job. I understand a bond for a type rating but this just seems outrageous. In addition, as a first jobber, getting your hands on 1500 quid before your first day of work is not always easy.

Any comments?!

1st Feb 2006, 16:35
Yes, completely taking the mick

1st Feb 2006, 16:39
This whole business really amazes me.
Reminds me of the story about Elizabeth Taylor getting a million dollars for playing Cleopatra. Her quote was - "if someone is stupid enough to pay me a million dollars I'm not so stupid to say no"
I guess if people will pay, others will ask.
Sad state of affairs.

Mr Wonka
2nd Feb 2006, 09:53
Hello jaarrgh,

With no training cost to the employer then there should be no payment.

The owner of the company wants him to stump up 1500 pounds as a 'security deposit' in case he leaves within a year

Security deposit is a Poor reason indeed. The employer will know that this is a stepping stone before pilots move on, but to ask for £1500 is being unrealistic. It only leaves the employer with a bad reputation and all pilots should steer clear of these poor terms and conditions. Your right that £1500 is hard to come.

Yes I too have friends applying to air taxi companies and being told unreasonable terms, of paying for type ratings line training then poor pay etc.. I wonder if they offered better terms and conditions this would command more loyality from staff ?

The bottom line is if you dont like it, then dont take the job.

GL to all

Mr W

2nd Feb 2006, 17:44
Employers keep asking for things like this because they know people will keep paying it. So, the way to stop it is......( OK, everybody together now...)

2nd Feb 2006, 20:43
Hmm, that is just not very 'human rights' 'politically correct' - but sadly a reflection of this once proud industry - the bean counters rule sadly !
bring back the old days when pilots were respected for their skills !
Time to get my gardening gear out & reflect I think !!

take care folks -there are sharks out there - however, get the experiece where you can - it is the only way in the long run unless your a mega bucks

enjoy anyway - whatever

Say again s l o w l y
2nd Feb 2006, 22:46
Do you see a barge pole? Don't even touch it....

That is one of the most cynical rip off's I've ever seen. Would he get his £1500 back if they went bust? Doubt it somehow.

Was the job offerer wearing a stetson and spurs by any chance?

Loose rivets
5th Feb 2006, 15:49
Companies will take what they can get because of past experiences.

People have historically used the smaller companies as a stepping stone, with the same disregard. I once trained a whole string of pilots for a small operation with turbo-props. They came in one door, got their licence stamped, said thanks, and walked out of another door, sometimes never touched the airplane again. The boss protested–vigorously–that they gave him their word.

I was once asked for 16,000 quid for a type rating on a 727. (a lot of money in those days) It was a tad more than the cost in Dallas at that time. I finally said that I would pay it into escrow, in their solicitor's coffers--with the interest going to me.....but NOT into a shaky airline's empty barrel. They accepted.

5th Feb 2006, 22:31
Companies will take what they can get because of past experiences.
People have historically used the smaller companies as a stepping stone, with the same disregard. I once trained a whole string of pilots for a small operation with turbo-props. They came in one door, got their licence stamped, said thanks, and walked out of another door, sometimes never touched the airplane again. The boss protested–vigorously–that they gave him their word.
I can see the companies' point of view in such cases but the job under discussion here is different and there can be no justification whatsoever for money up front.
Come to think of it I can't think of any situation that would warrant such a payment or financing one's own type rating. I have no objection to a reducing bond but money up front? Never.