View Full Version : Aussie coming to USA

1st Feb 2006, 06:23
Hey all,

Just coming over to the USA in novermber december this year, not looking for work there as yet but if anyone can fill me in about good places to visit and if anyone knows of good places to go to perhaps network a bit for later on down the track.

Cheers in advance


1st Feb 2006, 08:20
Hello V,

For a fall visit, the southern US is warm :)

Be glad to pass along anything about Virginia, Florida or California (and generally the southern colonies :cool: ). I have direct knowledge of these fine places. I can gaurantee that you will have a great time here.

ps apologies in advance for the local beers. :{ :}

18th Feb 2006, 04:05
If you want aviation stuff, California probably has the most. Plus the weather is usually pretty good if you want to do some flying.

If you wind up in the near Washington DC make sure you go to the Air and Space museum. go to the Udvar Hazy facility out at Dulles Airport.

If you want to find out about jobs etc Air inc http://www.jet-jobs.com/

runs job fairs and has other info that will help you find out about the jobs situation, pay etc in the USA.

Best thing you could do is come at the end of July and go to the EAA flyin at Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The ultimate aviation experience.

18th Feb 2006, 04:15
Jezum "V" , .. the US is a big place . What in particular suits you ? Desert ? , Mountians?, Ocean?, Cold?, Hot?, Conservitive?, Liberal?, ..(Last 2 .. Lib , hang on the coasts, Con.. flat/midlands .) If you are just trying to figure it out, do a weekly car rental with unlimted milage and work it out. BTW takes at least 5 days non stop driving to get from one coast to the other.

Have fun :)

9th Mar 2006, 08:09
Now don't be fooled, the USA only has about 400000 sq.miles more land than Australia (not counting the great lakes).
So you can imagine what driving cross country would be like, similar to driving from Sydney to Perth, however there's no Route 66 in Australia! (not sure if that's a good thing or not).
Sounds like you are an aussie pilot hoping to come here to meet people who might help you get a job later on. The time of year you picked is the middle of winter here, it's also when airfares between the US and Australia are highest because northerners are heading down under for some sun. I would suggest making your trip in the summer time when companies are hiring pilots and airfares are cheaper.

I would suggest visiting one of the flight schools in Southern California and getting all the latest details on license conversion and TSA requirements for foreigners to train as pilots in the USA.

If you make it to Chicago pm me and I'll show you around.

9th Mar 2006, 10:51
Thanks guys,

It looks like i'll be hanging around for a while, i'm going to seattle, portland and chicago. Probably going to have a stint in vancouver aswell. Thanks for the advice guys and yes i would like to find work in the states eventually, but this trip is more of a holiday.

Weasil- i think that i will be in chicago around late december so i will pm you closer to the date.


10th Mar 2006, 05:32
So you are planning a trip to the US in winter to visit Seattle, Portland and Chicago (I assume you mean portland Oregon, not portland maine). Well I hope you own a good jacket. You picked some of the wettest, coldest parts of the country to visit that time of year.

10th Mar 2006, 05:50
yes i know i'll have to be well prepared for the chills, might be a nice change to the blistering sun and humidity from northern australia though, at least for a while.