View Full Version : EASY JET recruitment process

30th Jan 2006, 00:38
Dear all!

I got an invitation from EJ and and need informations about the 2 days recruitment process.
Can you give me more detailed informations about:

what kind of tech. questions? any book recommendations?
group exercise?
what kind of "ability test"?
interview questions?

2 nd day SIM737, what can i expect?

I reviewed here some topics but only found general inforamtions. maybe you can only give me some pprune links.

Thank you so much!

PS: applied with >1000h airline time JET, as a FO

:) :) :)

13th Feb 2006, 12:40
Hello Sky Rider2001,

I hope to be interviewed the coming months to and I d like to ask you if you could be kind enough to give me any feedback from your EJ recruitment experience .

All the very best to you.
Happy landings:ok:

SKIP 007

14th Feb 2006, 08:49
Hi both of you,
The process is very straightforward and very professional.
Firstly there is an introduction giving name, where you ar from and something that isn't on your CV. Try to be original. My group mainly repeated the example given by one of the EZ recruiters.

Then there is a technical exam. There were six different papers although I suspect that mose of the questions were the same, just in a different order.

These were fairly easy such as

Aerodrome elevation is 1500' and QNH is 1000. What is the pressure altitude.

What is the screen height on a wet runway.

etc, etc

They are all multiple choice.

Then there are two games to play. Build a set of tunnels to transport something through. Work together and don't be tempted to go off on your own.

The next was to rescure a village from a flood. Again work together. The solutions are not too important , its how you reach a solution that matters.

Then the interview.

As interviews go this was ok. It started with the HR person,asking usual interview questions about CRM, give examples of......

My advice is GIVE AN ANSWER. Don't say you don't have one or they will think you are inexperienced. Prepare well and think of examples of when SOPs haven't been followed, when you had to questions a Captain (or F/O) decision. When you did something badly. Be honest, everyone is human. What you learnt from it etc.etc

Then there were more tech questions from the pilot. Things like, how does a rearward C of G affect to trip fuel, etc etc

Most, if not all, of the questions I answered correctly and I studied
"Ace the Technical Pilot Interview" but I have heard that "Handling the Big Jets" is equally as good.

Relax and enjoy, it is a good day.

(PS Suit or no suit) Some did, some didn't. Most got through. It doesn't seem to matter. The pilot interviewer wore jeans. Your choice.


Direct entry was a little more tricky, doing procedural work.
TRSS was a simple SID, 45 degree steep turns both ways, review the previous SID and do it again, improving on first time. Very straightforward.

Good luck and see you online.

6th Mar 2006, 08:04
I am in your same situation as you were some time ago.
Can you give me some info about the recruitment process?
How did it go? Did you pass it?

Doug the Head
6th Mar 2006, 09:51
PS: applied with >1000h airline time JET, as a FO Stay where you are and wait till a real job (Virgin, BA, Cathay, Emirates, Monarch etc) comes along.