View Full Version : JALways info

14th Jan 2006, 03:36
Does anyone have any info on what a typical monthly schedule is like at JALways? How many hours? How many days on/off? I understand the 50 hour guarantee, but how much are they actually flying?


14th Jan 2006, 04:48
60 to 80 hours of flying and anywhere from 12 to 18 days on duty. I have friends there who are able to get as many as 14 days off in a row. They love it there but say you have to get used to the Japanese way of doing things.

14th Jan 2006, 09:25
Yes, our average lines are 60-80 hours, and our duty periods vary from 3 to 10 days, with an occassional period up to 14 days.

Last month I had 74 hours with 16 days off. It is a good place to work, if you don't mind living on the most isolated island chain in the world where a gallon of milk costs $8.36.

14th Jan 2006, 14:33
And you have a fat wallet to pay with,for the milk,right Snape?:ok: