View Full Version : tx SA hours to UK NPPL and Ground School

11th Jan 2006, 18:20
G'day folks, it's been ages since I've been in here having given up Prooning for ArRSe last year (Army Rumour Service)!

In a couple of weeks, I'm going to start continuing my ephemeral flying career on a Shadow microlight at Redhill. I already have 15 hrs in a 172 from South Africa so hope to pick up the "physical" flying basics fairly quickly and possiby even transfer some of the SA hours accross. I also want to get my PPL exams out of the way asap. I'll invest in the TeachMeToFLY series of CDs and I know the Trevor Thoms well so my question is really a daft one. viz - where do I actually DO the ground exams if I'm not at a flying school? OR - must I have a UK Student PPL first? If so, since I'm going for the Microlight option, ought I join a school before I do anything else? I'm not at all sure why this should be so confusing but it bally well is!

Probably just me!



11th Jan 2006, 19:06
Your soon to be microlight instructor will certainly know someone at Redhill or nearby who can teach and examine the exams.

On the other hand, he or she might try to get you to do the microlight tests. Don't! the PPl ones will cover Micros, but not vice versa.


11th Jan 2006, 19:15
Thanks, CG! So, if a QFI superivses the exams, is there any way to take them "privately"?

11th Jan 2006, 20:22
I think the person has to be a CAA Ground Examiner- an extra qualification.

I know a guy in west Wales whou could do the lot for you if you wanted to go west for a week or so. Other people offer bespoke ground training- Derek Davidson advertises in the magazines i seem to recall.