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10th Jan 2006, 21:35
Qantas boss frisked as suspect
January 11, 2006
Suspect ... Margaret Jackson was carrying aircraft schematics. Picture: Drew Fitzgibbon (File) QANTAS chairman Margaret Jackson was suspected of being a terrorist and frisked during a visit to the US last year.
The airport security guard who checked her was reluctant to believe that a woman could be the head of an airline.
Mrs Jackson said yesterday her briefcase was searched after she went through a security check at Los Angeles airport.
Among her documents were detailed plans of new aircraft, including cross-section diagrams showing seat layouts.
"The guy said 'Why have you got all of this?'," she told the Herald Sun.
"And I said, 'I'm the chairman of an airline. I'm the chairman of Qantas'. And this black guy, who was, like, eight foot tall, said, 'But you're a woman'."
Mrs Jackson revealed the incident yesterday in Beijing during a media conference to promote Qantas' new direct flights between Australia and Beijing. She raised it after a Chinese journalist complained that airport security at Australian airports was the most strict after the US.
Mrs Jackson, who was travelling with her husband, said her LA experience took about an hour.
After proving her identity, Mrs Jackson produced paper with her letterhead on it and wrote a note to the guard, whose name was Bill.
"And I wrote, 'Dear Bill, this is from the chairman of Qantas, who is a woman'."
Qantas will resume flights to Beijing after pulling out of the market in the late 1990s because of low bookings.
But tourism and business links with China are booming and more than two million Chinese are expected to visit Australia annually by 2025.
Qantas is operating three flights a week between Beijing and Sydney, but this is expected to increase to daily within two years.
Direct services from Melbourne will be considered later depending on demand.

10th Jan 2006, 23:11
ooooh Bicky!!! LOL!!

reeeeooooowwwwww.....'saucer of milk, table 2, please!'


11th Jan 2006, 00:35
her jobs ok but screw everyone else in qantas who does she think she is.

11th Jan 2006, 03:25
Now I like to see these people not get their way all the time, but doesn't it highlight how stupid and inflexible the system in the US is. Hopefully she will realise that this is a case of you get what you pay for.

11th Jan 2006, 06:58
What a touching little story to show the troops that she too is inconvenienced by supercilious red tape.

I'm glad she found the time to write a letter and put the poor lowly paid security guard in his place.

I wonder if the security guard can confirm wether she is indeed a woman when he frisked her?? They can be very hard to pick sometimes!!

Farmer 1
11th Jan 2006, 07:09
Qantas boss frisked as suspect
'But you're a woman'

I bet he says that to all the ladies.

11th Jan 2006, 09:11
No amount of frisking would ever find any integrity,heart,humility,soul,or intelligence in the body of one M.Jackson.
Come to think of it you could say the same of Dixon

11th Jan 2006, 09:20
Ah yes, our Chairman of the board. I have a story of my very own about her. However, I like my job and want to be a captain one day and so it won't be going public anytime soon! :{

Privately on the other hand...... :E (Only for those I know and trust!) :}

Hugh Jarse
11th Jan 2006, 09:35
Keg, you could have just said "Welcome to a small part of the daily (or several times daily) routine of your pilot group".:suspect: That shouldn't get you sacked:}

Not that we get frisked, but often pulled aside for explosive residue tests, bag searches, etc.

I guess it looks good from the punters' point of view, when they see fully uniformed staff getting done over by the security "staff". That's thorough screening, eh?:yuk: Woops, furball:yuk:

11th Jan 2006, 09:51
Because the average pilot couldn't hope to crash a plane without the help of a bomb. How would they do it? Must have somthing to do with being the one flying the plane :rolleyes:
Come on Keg we want to hear the story. ;) Please :ok:

11th Jan 2006, 13:20
Can hear the thwack of rubber gloves had she said to the guard, "ask the pilots, they'll vouch for me" and the drivers responded "Margaret Jackson? Never heard of 'er."

11th Jan 2006, 23:01
Karma often has a way of coming back and biting you just where it hurts.

Delighted old Miss Havisham got the 3rd degree , should put a dent in that hubris and insufferable conceit. :p

'familiar with miss h from another board job, where she basically got paid 100k per annum do put her fat :mad: on a seat.

from dickens:
Miss Havisham: A bitter old woman, whose life effectively stopped when she was abandoned on her wedding day. Half a century after this disappointment, Miss Havisham still wears a yellowing wedding gown, and has made it her life's purpose to raise Estella, whom she's adopted, as a cruel-hearted woman who'll break the hearts of men. Miss Havisham is rich too, and deceives Pip by implying that she's his benefactor. Near the end of the novel she realizes her cruelties are nearly unforgivable, although she dies not long after this realization.

13th Jan 2006, 10:56
Colleen Barrett is boss of Southwest in US! Aint ti the only airline making any $ in the states? Must be something about senior airline gals - here's Aunty Colleens pic and monthly article. Shes been with SW forever. The book on Southwest is bloody good reading if ya get a copy!


13th Jan 2006, 11:01
OK so SWA has 'Colleen's Corner'.

Suggestion for a new contest (possibly better suited to JB??!!)

'Margaret's M........ '

I'll start it with a clean one: 'Musings'.

Ronnie Honker
13th Jan 2006, 21:44
There's a very subtle underlying message Ms Jackson is trying to put out with this Press Release.
It's no longer "Ms" Jackson, it's "Mrs" Jackson.
Mrs Jackson, who was travelling with her husband

14th Jan 2006, 04:46
Jackson is HER maiden name.... how would they get away with that?

VH-Cheer Up
15th Jan 2006, 02:50
I don't think the guard's comment is as good as the one allegedly attributed to the guard who frisked Helen Clarke when leaving YSSY last year.

"But I'm the Prime Minister of New Zealand", the PM protested.

"No, you don't get me with that one", said the guard, "New Zealand's Prime Minister is a woman".